The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Wednesday 25 June 2014

The lessons of life

A question often asked, “What is life all about?” The answer stares the Christian smack between the eyeballs with God’s will the over-arching theme behind it all. Come what may, He shall be exalted and His will shall come to pass!

When we consider the vastness of that objective we will soon be lost trying to unstitch it all. However when we break it down on a personal level, we can all then find the answer to life. It is now no longer so involved; we needn’t make head or tail of all the filth we witness throughout our lifetime; rape, child molesting, murder, armed robbery and the like. I am comfortable to leave all that apparent negativity in the hands of my God as I know He is in perfect control. What is it then that I need to do? I must simply work out the will of God for my life!

The Apostle Paul teachers that we must learn to present our bodies as a living sacrifice and work out; through testing, the acceptable, good and perfect will of God. I needn’t worry about what Joe Soap is doing; I will have to give an account to God for my life and not the life of another. Do I believe He is in perfect control, does He own the cattle on a thousand hilltops and is He a rewarded of those who diligently seek Him? Without question He will look out for all who resolve to give Him the Honour He deserves. Our God is good!

Many like me may feel we have made a hash of it up until now, what is a man to do? The past has run its course and there is nothing we can do about that. Nevertheless we can latch onto the time we have left and make the most of it! We can by the grace of God search Him out to make straight our crooked paths. When I consider the goodness of Jesus I am gob smacked and yet forever thankful! What a merciful God I serve! “While we have breath we have hope!” God help us to latch on to Him with all our might as we diligently search out His will for our lives.

Where then do I start? His righteousness must be the first thought I clasp onto in the morning and then as the day progresses when I find myself doing something that pleases Him I must cleave to it as I search out His grace to make it part of my character. We must rid ourselves of trying to conform to this world but rather look to renew our minds with God’s wine; forget the messages of Hollywood as they are nothing but lies! We must make every effort to conform our minds to the will of God which will help us understand what our Heavenly Father finds proper, pleasing and perfect! Our body is for the Lord as well as the Lord for our body! We must learn to glorify God with our bodies! The deceitfulness of sin looks to trick us into believing that we will lose out if we do not conform to this world, it is a LIE! God blesses those who seek Him out! "Come to me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest. Place my yoke on you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest for your souls, because my yoke is pleasant, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30) – When we learn that sin is our burden and we acknowledge that we want no part of it our God will step in and lighten our load, He will reward us for our obedience! We will find rest for our souls, we will cry out with confidence, “it is well with my soul!”

Signing off



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