The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Monday 23 June 2014

A cake not turned...

(Hosea 7:8)  “Ephraim, he hath mixed himself among the people; Ephraim is a cake not turned.”

Be still! Listen! Now clear the mechanism and ponder the miracle of sanctification. How great is my God? No man can fathom the height, depth and infinite mercy of such an awesome God. And yet if we cry out to God the Holy Spirit He graciously gives us these majestic glimpses of God our Saviour. Visual memories fueling us for the day ahead, come what may, our God reigns! The question that needs answering, does He reign within our hearts in all areas of our lives?

Has divine grace infiltrated every nook and cranny of our being? Or are we like Ephraim a cake unturned? Only baked on one side! Many areas of our lives are off-limits to the working of the Spirit; how we, how I, need God to show me the blemishes that taint and remain. The more we see Him, the deeper our understanding and the more ongoing sanctification is required. Partial obedience is exactly that, everything else untouched by divine grace is nothing more than rebellion! Our God is a jealous God and He will not share us with the enemy!

Let us call on our soul charging it to search us out! How we need sanctification of spirit, soul and body. Do I accommodate any thoughts beyond the bounds of grace; do I allow them to take root becoming intentions? Our glorious Saviour was guiltless and our intent by the grace of God must be to follow suite! We need to arrive at His example, or at the very least strife for obedience to rule our lives. Obedience to God is my prayer!

I acknowledge that there is much work to do, nevertheless my God is able to save from the outermost to the uttermost! My trust rest with Him! Grace needs to go through the very core of my being. Sanctification is my prayer and my aim on this cold and sprightly morning. I needn’t worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself. Today is the day of salvation, my cry is for rebellion to remain far from me my God; give me the resolve to find grace to obey. Make me more and more like my great Saviour, even Jesus Christ my Lord!

How I long to put off this body of death, just a little longer and the trump of God may sound! But until then teach all your children these valuable lessons. A cake unturned is only half the job required! Has religion become the order of the day, has my heart become callous in a particular area as the intense heat of pride robs me of so many wondrous attributes of my Saviour. Try me, test me but above all reveal the rot so that grace may be administered to heal even the smallest of blemishes. Turning my unsanctified nature into the fire of your love, alleviating the charred scars of disobedience to cool off as they find alignment to your will; how I long to hear those words “enter into my rest”, Jesus Lord of my life, thank you for the intersession you afford me, I will be forever grateful!

I long for the days of double-mindedness to dissipate into the distance no longer to be considered. Even a memory of the past is affording that folly to much honour, be gone once and for all! I know in whom I have believed; with God all things are possible! This then is my prayer, burn not only the one side of my life but all sides that oppose your will…

The Love of God who can comprehend it, who can know it in its extensiveness? But this I know that God sent His beloved Son, even Jesus Christ the Lord, my Lord to pay the price for my sin! Thank you merciful Father God!

“The best private devotion is made up, half of searching the scriptures in which God speaks to us, and the other half of prayer and praise, in which we speak to God” (Charles Spurgeon)

Signing off


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