The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Wednesday 23 February 2011

In Him Must we Trust!

(Hebrews 13:5) “I will never leave thee.”

No promise is of private interpretation. Whatever God has said to any one saint, He has said to all. When He opens a well for one, it is that all may drink. When He offers bread all may eat, for whosoever to the Lord may come He will not turn one away. The tragedy of it all we know that many will not come. In which camp do you belong? The Camp where the rivers flow with milk and Honey and you can see an abundance of blessing just waiting to be enjoyed, or are you amongst the sceptics - that believe that this is it, one life and then the end, you will be wrong! There were sceptics amongst the seed of Abraham according to the flesh, those who through generations came from the seed of his lions, there were those who did not believe that the Promised Land was there for the taking and yet two of the spies had a different spirit. They saw a land that had bunches of grapes the size of a man and two men had to carry one bunch. Yet the other ten spies saw giants in the land, what is it you see? Is life a drag, is it a grind and does it seem as if things only get worse! If you have a different Spirit, if you have been born again then you will eventually see the promise even if it now seems a little cloudy. I will remind you in time past, olives were placed between two stones and pressure was then placed onto the olives with a grinding action and through that process, sweet nourishing olive came forth. Let us consider an olive straight from a tree, it is inedible, but with a little bit of work and through time they are delightful to the taste. Olive oil must be the king of oils and olives are enjoyed by many but not all! So is it for the mankind, not all enjoy the sweet promises afforded the child of God. It is only those who see God’s promises that may enjoy what is seen. There is a granary and it is full to the brim, there is a door to give out food, there may be a starving man, a faithful saint in desperate need for its supply, who is the occasion of it being opened, but all hungry saints may come and feed too. The impartiality of God’s love on display, there is a throne room full of grace, is it not also for all, yes it must be for all and we are instructed to approach it with boldness. Whether He gave the word to Abraham or to Moses, matters not, O believer; he has given it to us as one of the covenanted seed. As blessed as they were, we are even the more blessed all because of the finished work of Calvary, because our Saviour, the greatest of the great defeated the devil and all His allies in one final battle. The “Battle of Britain” lasted 114 days where Hitler and his German Luftwaffe came at the British with 2500 military airplanes, Germany however were defeated by the British. Our Saviour had all of hell, not just the air force, but as much as hell could muster was thrown at Him, on that cross and out of His glorious mouth came these sweet words that now ring true to our ears, “IT IS FINISHED” There is not a high blessing too lofty for us, nor a wide mercy too far-reaching for all who would come. Lift up your eyes to the north and to the south, to the east and to the west, for all this is available to the saint, He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing. When we are inclined to say, I can go on no longer let us remember, the olive! Let us remember Calvary and our Masters accomplishment there. Climb to Pisgah’s top, and view the utmost limit of the divine promise, for the land is all ours. There is not a brook of living water of which we may not drink. If the land flows with milk and honey, eat the honey and drink the milk, for both belong to the child of God. God has promised it and it is ours to be had! Be bold to believe, for He said, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” In this promise, God gives to his people everything. “I will never leave thee.” Then all of God’s attribute will we have the right to, not because of who we are or what we may have achieved, but because of what Christ accomplish in obedience to God His Father. Is he mighty? He will show himself strong on the behalf of them that trust Him. Is he love? Then with loving-kindness will He have mercy upon us, have we not seen that in our lives, I know I have time and time again I have witnessed the love of God in my life. Whatever attributes may compose the character of Deity, every one of them to its fullest extent shall be engaged on our side. To understand, there is nothing we can want, there is nothing we can ask for, there is nothing we can need in time or in eternity, there is nothing living, nothing dying, there is nothing in this world, nothing in the next world, there is nothing now, nothing at the resurrection-morning, nothing in heaven which is not contained in this text-”I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”

How sweet these words should and must ring true in our ears. To Him be glory now and forever more!

Signing off


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