The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Grasping a truth!

Theoretically at times it may be easier to grasp a truth than apply it. Some may even dare to say that if a truth has not been applied then the theory is useless. Can a man survive without water? Obviously Not! Our bodies know that to be true and instinctively drive us towards liquid when needed. We drink without resolutely thinking about it, but there is obviously a command within the recesses of our brains which triggers an instruction, which in turn strikes us into action. Some of our engagements are obviously triggered instinctively. When we face danger, we respond in one of two ways, fight or flight” this is also an inherent reaction.

However it’s not these types of responses I refer too, or is it? The human race is naturally made up of flesh and blood, Adam; the first man was originally created from dust. There is a difference between accepting a truth and actually believing it and then there is even a greater step which takes us further, the stride that brings about real change, exercising that which will generate conversion. Where this gets cloudy in a persons mind, we understand that we can generate change in our lives, eat less and we lose weight, train harder and we get stronger. However that is like for like; let me explain, if you pour oil into water will in mix? In like manner the spirit and the flesh cannot operate under the same directions; the spirit kingdom remains the spirit jurisdiction whilst the flesh remains in its realm. We see the world and all that is in it, but God has kept the spirit realm from our natural understanding. If we logically think it through it is rather easy to accept. Where so many make the mistake is once God opens their eyes to the spiritual realm they revert back to naturally trying to apply reason to a completely different predicament. Birds of a feather cannot flock together; they have different flying patterns with different strengths and migration patterns. It’s the way of the world!

Salvation, redemption, regeneration cannot come from a persons intent, it may start with a thought of a person trying to find forgiveness for their sin but that miracle must be inspired by God for real change to be witnessed. If not a wolf may look like a sheep for a time if dressed correctly, but as the heat of the day begins to take its toll upon that individual they will begin to peal back those heavy coats of wool revealing their glimmering pelt of wolf-like hair. They will eventually throw in the towel and cry “no more”! As for the true Christian that God has revived, regardless of the amount of times a person may found themselves on their backs and in the dust, they will be given a resolve to stand and clout the dust from their knees and press on. It is God who is working in them and He will see them through the pressures of this life. It cannot be falsified! For a time a liar may get away with their defamations, but the truth will eventually be revealed. Some may be so skilled in their deceptions that only the judgement of God will expose them for who they truly are, but they will eventually be exposed. That is a truth I am persuaded of.

When I consider my life and the mistakes I have made, many have written me off as a lost cause, but I known in whom I have believed. My God will bring about the changes in my life to see me through this life and into the next. In order for us to find victory in the areas that we may struggle in, regardless of what that may be, Christ, who is the “Light of the world” needs to be elevated above the struggle. We need to give Him pre-eminence in that particular area. We should all understand by now that sin and darkness share the same space and that light is a reflection of righteousness. If one enters a dark place how does the darkness flee? You introduce light into that space. In order to get the most out of light it needs to be raised, right? You cannot put it under the table and expect to get the most from it. In like manner we need to start giving the Lord Jesus the pre-eminence in those hard to reach areas of our lives that seem to linger. We must elevate Christ above our selfish wants that keep us in bondage. We must elevate Him above the darkness, it’s as simple as that, if not we will continue to tussle in certain areas of our lives.

I have chosen not to specify our particular struggles, each will know their own, the formula is simple; place Christ above the burden, do not bury His finished work under your mattress. He has conquered all, praise His name and the Christian now wears His emblem on their chests, we must begin to truly believe in His victory, especially in those the regions of doubt. God help our unbelief I pray! Father God I bless the name of Jesus Christ your beloved Son and my treasured Saviour now and forever more, Amen and Amen! I cannot find adjectives that will triumph my gratitude, but you know my heart. I recall what the Lord Jesus asked Peter; Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?" His response was what I believe would be no different for the Christian; He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." He said to him, "Feed my lambs." Let us find the resolve and the grace to get on with God’s biding. Please help us Father God, is my prayer.

It is God who is building His Church, it is up to the Christian to seek out His righteousness as our incentive, this must becomes our daily goal, when we arrive I am convinced we will see the invisible building blocks magically appear in our lives. Miracle after marvel and our lives will be filled with wonder. Amazement that will be extremely personal! God blessing us as He has blessed others in times passed, reaching across the divide revealing His glory and it will be extremely personal, praise God now and for ever more, Amen and Amen!

Signing off


Wednesday, 15 March 2017

(Our Father) He who is "I AM"!

(Matthew 6:9)  “Pray then like this: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.”

How often have you heard people make absurd statements like these, “if God is in control, why does he allow such evil to exist?” or “If this is the God that you serve then I want nothing to do with him.” And yet the Lord Jesus Himself taught us to pray; "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.” We must begin here if we are to progress into a deeper relationship with our God, the Christians heavenly Father, praise His name now and forever more, Amen! There is only one true God and his creation can either accept His rule or reject it for now, however like any well written production or novel “all” their scenes will eventually play themselves out, everything will be revealed and we will see the intentions of God's plans as they are. There is a time coming when are will be revealed. 

Did you know? God is so brilliant that even those who oppose His rule is part of His script, they too are interwoven into the brilliance of God’s production as they expose the evil that exists, helping us understand our need and enabling the sinner to cry out to Jesus for help. Who has ever enjoyed a suspense thriller without the villain playing their part? All will be in accordance with His will and there will come a day where second guessing the Bible’s teachings will have passed, of this I am persuaded! There will come a day for us all where we will be ushered in to the spiritual realm and we will reap what we have sown here on earth. The Christian will inherit Christ and all that accompanies Him. The unbeliever will inherit eternal damnation. The lie of getting there by our own efforts, “I am a good person” mentality will keep us out of heaven if we are not sanctified by the blood of the Lamb; it’s as simple as that! We must wear His colours openly, we must fly the flag that declares that we are sinners who have cried out to Jesus.

It would appear that it could be easy to loose our way concerning prayer by conjuring up repetition, with “ME” as the focal point, when in fact it is obvious that God must be central and the pivot of all desire. Firstly, we must acknowledge that He is in heaven, way above us in position and stature. We are puny in comparison, maybe this is one of the reasons why he created the ant. Mankind towers above the ant, we have authority and power over the ant or the bug, and we can squash it just like that. God towers above us and He could do the same in an instant and yet he allows us to find salvation in and through His beloved Son the Lord Jesus Christ. Not only is He far above us in the chain of the order of life, He is KING, HE is CREATOR, we are the created. There is nothing in our lives that must displace that truth, “GOD FIRST”!

Sadly this is normally not the case; even the Christian falls privy to the pitfalls of their wants. We often get the lines jumbled, thank you Father God for your grace and patience with us; thank you Lord Jesus for your constant collaborations as our High Priest, who makes this possible. Without our Saviour role in this bridge between mankind and God, our prayer would be ignored because of our sinfulness. It is important to understand the Jewish customs and the law in accordance with the high priest and his sin offering on behalf of the people to appreciate what Christ has actually achieved as our HIGH PRIEST! Our words are only ever heard and accepted when we approach the throne of God under His cover; praise His name now and forever more, Amen!

However now that we have the cover of Christ, those who are true Christians must not “get lost in translation”; our selfish needs and often our wants must not become our focus, God must always have that position, our Heavenly Father requires that commitment. At times it is so easy to lose our way as the pressure of life begins to squeeze… These are the times when we are being tested to see where we actually stand. The trial of our faith must be tested…

Examine your prayer and what you pray about, does it start the way the Lord Jesus taught us to pray, and I don’t mean a congregation rattling off “Our Father” in parrot like fashion with their minds far from the meaning of the prayer. We are to pray in our closets, without any attention drawn to us. This is where we must start, it’s how we must honour God (acknowledge Him as our King) and “hallow His name”; to show that we understand that He alone is Holy, everything He is and does is right, whether we can understand it or not. He is in control and we are not, and yet at times our feeble attempts to institute change may play its part in transformation, Nelson Mandela changed so much. However even that change could not of come without God allowing it. We need Him, He does not need us. And yet it was His will to create us in His image, Adam was created in God’s image. I suppose, when God looked down on Him, he would have seen a “mini me” in some form or another. It is obvious that He would not have looked at a giraffe and seen his own resemblance but when he looked at Adam He was satisfied. We know that He was pleases with His creation; “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.” (Genesis 1:31)

Prior to the flood which wiped out the world, save 8 souls, at that time in history the worshiping of God’s name was just about extinct. Noah was consecrating God’s name but as for the rest of the known world, this was their state of mind; “The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” (Genesis 6:5) – It is only the righteous who have a voice to stay the hand of the Lord, praise the name of Jesus! The righteous will not be judge with the world and those who do not “hallow the name of God” will eventually understand their fate in the Lake of Fire! The picture that the Apostle Paul painted for us in chapter one of the book of Romans has gained momentum, mankind is on a slippery slope.

A man once ask the man Jesus a question; “"Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.”” (Matthew 22:36-38) 

The creator demands acknowledgement of His existence and should be love as such, Satan looks to beguile the masses by denouncing His existence and this is where deception is at its strongest; people looking to save the planet, God’s creation at the exclusion of remunerating homage to the creator. I trust you have seen what God has shown me, it will be clear to some and not to others, the circle of life plays out, but God will have the final say, praise His name now and forever more, Amen and Amen!

Signing off


Monday, 6 March 2017


“Truth” is a five letter word that is very seldom disclosed correctly or at least only ever given in half-measures. Just enough is only ever disclosed to keep the onslaught at bay and this is what lies within the recesses of our hearts. We all seem to be tarred with this brush. In fact, sin has had such an effect on us all that many would not agree with my assumption; truth evading even those who claim to be totally truthful. They run a television program in the USA which is called, “The Moment of Truth” and did you know, even though half a million dollars could be won by those invited to that show, they only need to be totally transparent; interestingly enough no won has ever won the main prize; what does that then prove? Our inherent natures will always chose a lie if that works out better for us, just so long as we can get away with it. Even though these individuals have been connected to a Polygraph somewhere deep within their souls the lie is worth more than the money and yet all the contestants who remain in the game still take a stab at getting away with their inventions. The acting that follows, the look of total disbelief could win many of them Oscars. No one feels good caught in a blatant lie, however shielding the truth with a smokescreen (admitting just enough to stay out of hot water) lies within the cracks of our personalities.

I have in times past affirmed the quote that “the pen is mighty than the sword”; its confession that will either keep us in or out of heaven. However confession to the Lord Jesus Christ must be the order of the day, it cannot be to one of His representatives. God see all, therefore total disclosure is required. This will and can only ever be achieved if we are serious about our sin before a Holy God. The sooner we understand that as good as a Lie detector may be, God can never be tricked by His creation. HE SEES ALL! The Lord Jesus said this whilst on earth; “Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”” (John 14:6) – I know I often beat this drum, but it is imperative to realise that half truths will never set us free. Every other religion outside of accurate Christianity will keep those ensnared by it trapped in a lie.

Even those who apparently fly the Christian flag are lying about certain truths concerning the truth about true Christianity. “The Vatican releases an extremely disturbing video in which Pope Francis declared that all of the major world religions are "seeking God or meeting God in different ways" and that ultimately "we are all children of God".” (MICHAEL SNYDER) – If and when I compare what he says against that of the Bibles teaching it is obvious that he is a liar. It is imperative that we all seek out God’s truth for ourselves, for our eternities depend upon it. No one wants to obviously oppose a person with such authority as their first point of call, but if what he teaches will keep us out of heaven we must! Therefore I am willing to go on the record, regardless of the consequences for I know that my Saviour has my back. It is imperative for the Christian to make a stand on the truth of God’s Word as it may just free some from their entrapment.

Who will you believe Pope Francis or the Lord Jesus Christ, I have made my choice!

Any religion that propagates any other way to get to the Father and to find favour from Him is in contradiction to the Lord Jesus’ teachings and those who are taken by it will be in danger of the Lake of Fire.

The Lord Jesus died for sinner and nobody else, therefore He alone is the One who can save us from our sin. I know where I stand on this truth; I have made up mind, have you?

Signing off


Sunday, 5 March 2017

Looking a little deeper

(Matthew 1:21) She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins."

Irony is often linked to humour but no easily seen by the typical brain; one normally has to look a little deeper to understand satire. One needs to tap deeper into those crevices to unlock that understanding. How the mechanics actually works within ones brain I cannot say, God knows! Let’s take the life of the Lord Jesus or a facet of it, He proclaimed that His kingdom had come; it was a time in history where God the Father had ushered in his role on earth as the baby, boy and then the man Jesus, this happened about two thousand years ago. We know that the Word became flesh (Jesus was born of a virgin and live as a male up until the age of 33 and then he was crucified). History has that recorded, but its John that takes us a little deeper – “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14) - John pens these words and speaks as a witness, verifying a truth that he had witnessed and had now come to understand; the person whom he himself had handled was in fact the Word of God and that his mission was to live amongst the population of that time. The place, Nazareth and its surrounding provinces; his mission, to give sight to the blind and to breathe live into some, equipping them to become the forefathers of the Christian faith with the majority of those individuals being Jews, and yet as a nation the ones who rejected Jesus as their Messiah, which is still in play today.    

The very same Jesus entered this world like all of us, through the womb of a woman; he grew up with simple comforts and learnt the trade of his earthly father, carpentry. He subjected himself to the care of his parents and all that that entailed. As a baby he would have suckled to develop and I have no doubt that his mother loved him dearly. He found himself under their counsel and he reverenced his parents. He lived a life of sinlessness, the only person to ever achieve this, making him the perfect sacrifice for our sin. He was never tainted by the ruin of sin; he was perfect in applying the same rule on earth as he had applied in heaven. He revered his Father in heaven and his life was all about his heavenly Fathers will. He had a job to do and he did it perfectly. Its not that he never had to deal with puberty as a teenager, but rather that his life in accordance with Gods commandments was perfect and without breech. This however did not keep him from the lures of temptation and their entrapment's; at times they were fierce but he overcame all of them, praise God, Amen!  This is a shared view by all Christians throughout the ages, he was badly treated and falsely accused of breaching God’s commandments by those who supposedly where the spokesmen for God. The Jewish rulers of that time threw out accusations against him; “The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, 'Look at him! A glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!'” (Luke 7:34) - But they where in breech, they were the liars and not HIM!

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob then stamped His approval on the man Jesus by raising him from the dead. We must look and ponder upon that facet of the resurrection, although Jesus was in fact God, he was now reduced to a man with the capability of death, hence they crucified him and he died on a cruel Roman cross. The proof of his achievement in bridging the gap which sin had destroyed was now repaired and confirmed by the Father. It’s the resurrection that proves that He was the One whom God had chosen to save the world, or rather the believers of the world.

Not all of mankind is loved, but only those who believe in Jesus’ merit to save them from eternal damnation. This is an obvious conclusion; “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.” (John 3:36) 

With this understood it is here where irony has its part to play; although the Lord Jesus Christ is the King of kings. The Apostle Paul has this instruction for the Christian; “I charge you in the presence of God, who gives life to all things, and of Christ Jesus, who in his testimony before Pontius Pilate made the good confession, to keep the commandment unstained and free from reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which he will display at the proper time--he who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see. To him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen.” (1Timothy 6:13-16) – When kingdoms inaugurate their kings into power they crowned him with a crown of gold, but the Lord Jesus was crowned with a crown of thorns. His throne was not a throne of nobility but rather a cruel rugged cross. He was elevated with death and not the reign of power. The King of kings died so that we (the Christian) could escape the wrath of God. He sacrificed his life for ours. In fact this truth was taken so far that an inscription was placed above his head on that cross, which read; “…This is the King of the Jews."

Who are those loved by God? It is only those who believe in the finished work of the cross and all it stands for. Those who reject it are not loved by God by remain in their condemnation, which is this, they will stand before God on Judgement Day and ultimately be cast into the Lake of Fire, which was originally prepared for Satan and his followers. Therefore all those who reject the love of God with suffer the same fate as Satan; “and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. From his presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done. And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done. Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:10-15)  

Signing off


Sunday, 26 February 2017

The Tongue

The greater the struggle the sweeter the victory is a thought I have often had, which I have already affirmed by scripture. The Lord Jesus introduced love for what it is and should be and it cost him his life. Let’s face it; we should all understand that if a perceived truth isn’t validated by scripture it will bring about decay. Deception may elude an individual’s perceptions for a while but eventually at the end of its course it will bring forth death. Sadly, we are all governed by our carnality, which is an entrapment to sin, and therefore our intention is about the here and now, our nearsightedness steering so many of our perceived perceptions into believing falsifiers. Just like any great mystery, all will be revealed in due season; truth will stand tall!

One of the first encounters recorded for us pertaining to the relationship between man and woman, Adam and Eve were influence by deception, which in turn introduce death into the equation. Prior to sin entering in, death was unheard of. It was a rather simple encounter, words were exchanged. Satan got Eve talking. In fact there was also a tree of life in the garden and yet there seemed to be no interest for its fruit until Eve sinned and they both became aware of death and only then did God command cherubim’s (angels) to guard it as the new forbidden fruit.   

There is much we can learn from that encounter, however, I wish to focus on the immense power of communication. No wonder James is so bold when he gives us insight into the power of our tongues; you have heard the quote “the pen is mightier than the sword”! I would have to concur on so many levels. The Apostle has this to say concerning the tongues destructiveness. It often tries to be syrupy and then it lashes out with malice and ferocity, the questions he asks are these; From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water? Can a fig tree, my brothers, bear olives, or a grapevine produce figs? Neither can a salt pond yield fresh water.” (James 3:10-13) – Our tongue proves that our lives are filled with duplicity. For it can at times trigger both fresh and bitter waters, proving that we have been tainted by sin. James even goes as far as this to establish the rigorousness that our tongues yield; “For we all stumble in many ways. And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body.(James 3:2) – A very interesting conclusion. The key for the Christian is to train their tongues and then they will be able to tether their bodies. Test what he says against the Lord Jesus’ example and it then becomes very clear what we must strive for and find grace to reign in our tongues.

Thank you Father God for the clarity in which you’re “Word” so often speaks to me, Amen and Amen!

Signing off


Wednesday, 15 February 2017


Indeed the Lord shall rescue you from all persecutions when it is all about the will of the Father. No differently to the way He raised his Son from the dead. But we must not miss the overarching intent that drove the Lord Jesus Christ, which was this; He has overcome and cushioned the vicious blows from the devil and his followers who still continue to carry malicious intent with an objective to destroy Christians, kill and separate them from God for eternity; Satan failed along time ago and he will fail with us also, so long as our gaze remains fixed upon our Saviours finished work. Jesus overcame Satan with all his deceitful lures! Regardless of the ferocity of the storm, Jesus has overcome and the Christian can hang his hat on that and on nothing else.

It is easy to get “lost in translation” with the world and all its pressures, which often brings us down. The struggles of life can be rather overwhelming at times. However, when we find yourself dazed, stop and seek out the still sweat voice of God. Lend an ear to His whisper and before long a settling peace will be our reward. Not that the struggle will miraculously disappear; but we will be persuaded of this, that God is on your side and the gates of hell shall not prevail, Hallelujah! It’s at times like these that we will soon be reminded of verses like these; "Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:25-34)

Life often leaves a bitten taste in ones mouth, whilst at times there is much enjoyment while eating strawberries until that day arrives when you unswervingly pop a rotten one into your mouth and all the bliss that has gone before is soon forgotten as you hastily spit out the unwelcomed flavour that now haunts your pallet. The longer we live the more we realise that life isn’t always going to be a bed of roses. That is why it is imperative to focus upon our hope, heaven with all its glory will one day be ours. Even so come quickly Lord Jesus! That day will be filled with such bliss that the Bible depicts it like this; “But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him" (1Corinthians 2:9) – Once we get to heaven the struggles of this life will soon be forgotten and our race will be run, but until then we need to be constantly reminded of the hope we have in Christ and what a HOPE that is! Even though the pressure of the constant surge of the barraging waves relentlessly continue to pound away at our worlds we have this expectation, that One day we will see our Saviour face to face and then we will be rewarded with a body like His, wow! Death and decay will be removed and eternity will begin. How I long for that day! But until that day arrives for the Christian let us remember to press towards the mark of the high calling of God, for it will be worth it all!

Signing off


Monday, 6 February 2017

Christianity scrutinized!

Christianity seems to be under the pump of late, however this is nothing new, the chosen of God have and will always find themselves under the cosh of the enemy and his followers. God’s covenant with mankind began with Abram, who later became Abraham a common occurrence once God had singled out men to follow and serve Him. Jacob became Israel, Simon Bar-Jonah became Peter and Saul became Paul; an illustration of a radical change to their lives. Similarly the sinner repents and believes that they need to be saved from themselves and they then cry upon the Lord Jesus Christ asking for forgiveness believing that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and that God the Father rose Him from the dead. Once this event takes place in an individual’s life they are then “born again”, miraculously God intervenes opening their eyes to His truth. We were once blind by now the Christian shouts “I can see!”

Last night that “hot potato” topic raised its head again on national television; homosexuality in the church. The answer on this topic is as clear as day, however this does not mean that in lieu of that sin other then get a pass. Sin is sin and every breach of God’s law shall stand before the judge. Sadly the victimised mentality of some feel that they should get a license, it will and can never happen. God hates sin, but has such an abundance of love to His creation that He has given us an out and that is not to excuse away our sin but for us to rather own it, confess it and seek out His forgiveness in the finished work of the cross.

Homosexuals are as guilty as liars are and visa versa. Both camps have breached God’s law and will have to give an account to Him and then face His judgement where the second death will be the fate of some. The only way we will ever escape that dreaded day is if we find salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. We must start with Him and then seek out God’s grace (His unmerited favour) to work it all out.

I also heard in the same package someone speaking on behalf of the “Word of God” with baloney coming out of his mouth. He said that if the Christian says that the Word of God is the final authority, which it is! Then the Christian must apply themselves to all of God’s Word and not only that which suits. I concur! However where scripture is misquoted then I do not concur. He said that the Bible says we must only eat certain foods and most don’t. The Law of Moses does specify this, however the Lord Jesus has fulfilled the Law and therefore this no longer applies as it once did, the Christian is now under the Lord Jesus’ yoke, the perfect sacrifice for the sinner. We stand because of His work and not our own merit. This is why I have learnt to love this song with such appreciation, “Jesus in my Place” by the Summit Kids; the gospel message in four words.

The Lord Jesus had such compassion on me that He was willing to die for me and take my sin upon Himself, Wow! Which now does not imply that I am free to continue in my sin as I once did, all this proves is that I view His sacrifice with very little value attached to it, when in fact it cost Him His life.

The homosexual does not get a pass, nor the liar or the adulterer, nor the envious and all those who take the Lord Jesus’ sacrifice lightly; we will all have to give an account.

Coming back to the law of God; if we walk in the Spirit we are not under the yoke of the law, what we eat has nothing to do with the Christian faith, just so long as we eat giving thanks to our God and Father for his provision. The end of it is this; “Food will not commend us to God. We are no worse off if we do not eat, and no better off if we do.” (1Corinthians 8:8)

My conclusion is this, sin is sin and we must all own our sin whatever that may be, regardless of our own weaknesses, it must never be explained away as a free pass to continue that grace may abound. If and when we fall into sin, it is the Christians responsibility to ask for forgiveness. But as far as trying to tailor the Bible to suit our own sin that will never be accepted by God, and when we try and condone our sinful actions all we prove is that we are still under the curse of sin. This applies to liars, the homosexuals and all the other categories mentioned in the Bible, but what a person eats is most certainly not one of them.   

Signing off


Wednesday, 1 February 2017


When people dispute the authenticity of the bible and its authors it is a guaranteed sign that they are still trapped in their sins, regardless of their claims in understanding the “bigger picture”- this life and then eternity! One could most certainly claim spirituality even when they are still blind to the truth of it all. A self confessed Satanist is a spiritual person, they serve Satan and I am sure witness many miraculous things that could only even be spiritually inspired. We also have the more expected genres of spiritualism, such as yoga and the different forms of meditations and then there is traditional religion, a form of Godliness and yet very far from it. There will be many other claims of spiritualism interwoven throughout those sub-headings and yet they all have their place in the trickery of deceit which will eventually be exposed for what it is. Deceit is normally only ever realised when it is far too late to do anything about it. However is you have breath you still have life and repentance can be found in and through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Deceit often leaves you feeling good about something; lets use an example that will ruffle feathers; saving the donkey or the rhino may leave you self-satisfied but if you do not acknowledge God as the creator of all things whilst undergoing such plights, you have missed it all and are under the lure of entrapment and live under the spell of deception, with Satan as the magician trapping you into believing his lie. You have been blinded into worshiping the creature rather than the One who created it all, the Triune God, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul, who once was Saul, a Jewish murderer of Christians, pens these words so that there will be no mistake on the matter; “For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.” (Romans 1:19-20)   

There are so many fabricated myths about creation and religion that it very disturbing at times. Fluctuating voices rumbles across the globe, with magicians on every corner trying to keep society from uncovering the truth; there is only one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! The Christians God!

What I have come to love about the Bible is endless; I suppose I price it like a mathematician values his formulas which unravel so many truths, as the words penned in the Bible jump out at me with such ease and it delights my soul when I find enlightenment. With the pages of the Bible coming to life as the Holy Spirit shows me some insight into God’s plan and His character. But it wasn’t always this way. There was a time when I would try and read the bible, which was a laborious task. A time in my life where I was still blind to its truth; it is as simple as that! If you have tried to read the bible and find it boring or a difficult task, it just may be that you are still blind to so many of its hidden treasures and the first place to start would be to examine your position in Christ. Forget your upbringing, or your religion, if you are not driven to the Bible and its contents something is amiss. This is the kind of intent we should all be driven by, look at Paul's introduction to the church at Galatia; “Paul, an apostle--not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead – (And then he includes all those that are with him); and all the brothers who are with me, To the churches of Galatia:” (Galatians 1:1-2)

New birth and receiving sight to see God as He is, is rather miraculous and wonderful. If what I say eludes your comprehension then you have not seen the truth and once again I say if you have breath you still have hope, cry out to the Lord Jesus and ask Him to forgive you for your sins. If you say you have no sin then what I urge you to do will not help you, it’s only a sick person who seeks out a doctor. Only those who where once blind and cry out, I was blind but now I can see! Those are the people who understand! What will you do with the greatest physician of all time, the Lord Jesus Christ, will you cry out to Him or will you let Him pass you by?

Signing off


Thursday, 19 January 2017

Obedience is better than sacrifice

(Hebrews 5:8) “Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered.”

Obedience is better than sacrifice; it’s only when we find tractability to the call of God in our lives that we will truly benefit.

Not to say that sacrifice does not have its place in God’s economy, it obviously does, but obedience out shines sacrifice. When we look to unearth any truth from God’s Word we must always land upon the Lord Jesus Christ, He is the pivot of all things; He is the Rock, the Christians Rock! Sacrifice was introduce into the Torah (the five books of Moses) and in fact, later we learn that sacrifice was a teacher which ultimately leads us to Christ, the law teaches us that we are rotten to the core and that we need a Saviour. It reveals how far we have fallen when we mirror ourselves against the Lord Jesus Christ. My comparison does not look at a Sovereign God per say, but rather it guises at Christ the man. He kept the law in its entirety, he walked a perfect sinless life, and we haven’t! Nevertheless as he hung upon the cross charged for an offence he never committed, these were some of his dying words; And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34) – Even in the final stages of his painful death his thoughts were about forgiveness and mercy; you can look as far as you like through the pages of history and you will not find another like him, God in the flesh, God became a man and lived amongst mankind and paid the price for their sin, WOW!

We on the other hand look to find justification by sacrifice rather than through obedience, it is a natural tendency with society with mankind looking to establish “good works”, which in fact in God’s economy is dead. It is so far removed from His righteousness that those types of works are classified as “filthy rags”; bandages used in binding diseased leapers. God has made a way for us to find His favour and that is in and through His beloved Son the Lord Jesus Christ; He is the only “way” we will find God and build a relationship with Him; He is the only “truth” and anyone who tells you that there is another way to heaven, is A LIAR! And although we may feel that we live, we shall all taste death as we know it but to avoid the second death and to find “life” we must be born again; simply put, we must turn to Christ by owning our own sin and repenting of our unbelief whilst asking the Lord Jesus to open our eyes to His truth and when that happens, that is the greatest gift of all. You cannot fake belief!

We must stop trying to earn our own salvation and turn to Christ as we seek out His forgiveness by placing Him first in our lives. The Christian faces a danger which is this; we sometimes fall into one of the fleshes traps and think we can manage our account with God by keeping the law, His law! That is an impossible request because we are sinners by nature. We stray from this truth; we are saved by grace through faith which is a gift from God. It’s not the keeping of the law which saves us, but once we have been saved by the finished work of the cross we can revert back to our own abilities as we look for self justification in doing what is right in accordance with the law. In other words salvation begins with the Spirit (Christ) and it must end with Him as our head. We must never lose our dependence upon the Lord Jesus Christ. The unbeliever does not believe this and trusts that if they are good enough they will gain entry into heaven, they are wrong! Here are two impossible verses and a hard to swallow, but impossible to overlook until we have been regenerated by the Spirit of God; “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)   

We need to asks ourselves why and then find the reasons for this truth so that we may benefit from our findings. Once again we could dig deep and unearth the truth behind this as we study the Greek words originally penned on this topic, and there is much to-do on it.  However the point I look to unearth when writing this blog is to find an answer to a thought that the Holy Spirit has placed upon my mind. If what I pen leaves you wanting more, remember to look deeper into the scriptures, confirming the answers with your own study. The thoughts I am given are not contrived, but positioned into my mind and this normally happens when I stir in the mornings. I then look for confirmation in unpacking that though with God leading and the Bible as my guide. There is nothing cultish about it, it is just a guy looking for answers concerning his well-being and if I can help others along the way, then I am content…    

Although Christianity is a collective religion, it most certainly stems from an individuals encounter with Christ. It is imperative that we all realise that regardless of the predicaments we find ourselves in, we must all come to a place of obedience. Some areas in our lives remain alive and well even through we know that they should have died a long time ago. If we do not embrace this truth we will not grow in grace and truth the way we should. The real test is this, will we remain true to our heavenly Father without the frills of this world engulfing our ecospheres? What about our health and the times when we never seem to get through the gnawing results of fatigue due to some ailment holding us back, which we can never seem to put our finger on. Whatever our circumstances they have been tailor made to teach us to learn obedience to our heavenly Father. We may find some discipline when it comes to sacrifice as we learn to apply certain remedies to our walks which turns out to be helps. But as good as some of those disciplines may be, they will never keep us from the ultimate test, facing death as a Christian or when a believer is required to bury their child. This world as we know it has its purpose and when we strip it down it is a vessel that through suffering teaches us to cry out to God seeking out His grace and this will only truly happen when we are in need. Without necessity we have no reason to call out, we are self-sufficient and endeavour to prove that we can handle life by ourselves. 

Many things are beyond our control, it is those things that drive us in understanding our need for a Saviour, and it’s those very things that teach us obedience. There is an undisputable truth which when overlooked robs us of our peace. As a man, if the Lord Jesus had to learn obedience through suffering, what chance do we have in shirking that reality? It is obvious, the higher the calling, the greater the suffering. It is our suffering which glorifies our great God, in spite of the hardships people witness if and when they witness the obedience of the saints it’s these actions that silences the gainsayer.

Suffering is the enemy of the flesh, but a brother of the Spirit. Let me leave you with this encouragement “Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered.” This life is only preparation for the live to come, let us never loose sight of that truth. Some will be resurrected to eternal life whilst other will spend eternity in hell. This is a truth that cannot be overlooked if we are honest with the information gleaned from the Bible.

Signing off


Wednesday, 11 January 2017

God is Sovereign

(Ephesians 1:9)  “… Making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ

It would be good for mankind to understand that God is Sovereign. For when we apply that correctly within the bounds of our own worlds, the peace of God begins to shadow our lives. We must find it in our minds to believe that whatever God has resolved to do, will come to pass; do you believe this? This is the question that we often wrestle with when we are unhappy with certain outcomes that do not go according to plan, especially with the issues of life that leave us deflated instead of exalted. This is an undeniable fact that the angles in heaven have already reconciled. They have witness the Sovereignty of God and it has been settled in their minds.  God has His plan for mankind and the universe, which shall come to pass. Just because we cannot reconcile most of what He has planned in a perverse and wicked generation does not mean that He isn’t in complete control. All this proves is that we do not completely govern our destinies.

We question so many unappealing things we witness; the sex trade, drugs, poverty, same sex marriages, hatred, and the well-being of our planet and yet as hard as we try to make a difference all we prove is that we are not in control. For if we were our world would be far healthier that it actually is. What about diseases and how we continually strive to find remedies and then what about death? For how long have mankind looked to short-circuit or even escape death. The Egyptians and the Pharaohs mummified their bodies in the hope of being resurrected. Once we understand our desperate state it will aid us in crying out to someone sovereign to rescue us and help us understand so many of the unanswered question we fight with. This is why faith is imperative in a believer’s life; it proves God’s sovereignty, regardless of the doubters around us. We have seen the light, our eyes have been open to the fact the Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. It all begins with that realisation! Once that truth has been triggered the rest will follow; call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved, once you have been saved you will begin to see the brilliance of God and how His sovereignty reins over all things, even when we see negativity within our life-cycles, we are able to see beyond the veil of uncertainty, knowing that it will all work our favourably for the Christian. Our God is in control and He always will be, HE IS SOVEREIGN!

We only have to read the Bible to understand the Sovereignty of God at play. As a rule books are good, we have all heard the phrase; “the pen is mightier than the sword”, but the Bible is better, it helps and gives us insight into the Sovereignty of God and it reveals His attributes, which we need in order to develop our relationship with Him. 

With this understanding, the next questioned we need to ask ourselves is how does our will fit into the overarching Sovereignty of God and this is where we get a glimmer of the brilliance of God if we would dare to seek it out. I suppose the hardest issue of all, is to reconcile “free will” within the bounds of what God has afforded us within the choices we are capable of making. There is much to consider, but in order to simplify it, let us remain on point. It is obvious that we are permitted to make our own choices but only within the limits of our lot in life. Let me explain. Throughout our lives we make certain decision, in fact it is an untiring manifestation of our brain working overtime, we are constantly making decisions. I punch the key board and my mind seeks out certain words to finish the sentence. I then need coffee, do I maker it or not? I am constantly making decisions, but my world is limited. I cannot gain command of the HIV virus that lives and looks to destroy my immune system, it has its objective and I am incapable of overcoming it without medicine or God’s intervention over it. God could command it to flee from me and it would! We have limitations and He has none! However, seeking out the kingdom of God and His righteousness will be what brings about peace in our lives. Chaos can often lead us to the calm. Doubt the Sovereignty of God and you will never understand the essence of what I have penned.

The world is in a place of denial, many believe in evolution (a pattern formed by a series of movements to the exclusion of a Sovereign God) and this mind-set will be a key factor in bringing about the destruction of this world as we know it. God will not share His glory with another and why would He? He alone is Sovereign and the rest of the echoes throughout the ages which contradict that truth have all been lies. Deceit tripped up Eve in the beginning and deceit will be the demise of mankind at the end of this world as we know it.

Signing off


Sunday, 25 December 2016


We are well aware of certain truths in our lives when it comes to sin and our weakness concerning things we should or shouldn’t do. And on a day like today, we may take many things for granted; many have be conditioned to expect gifts from certain individuals, kids demand their presents, whilst others may petition for Christmas trees with their decorations and sadly some may even deal the Father Christmas card as the highlight of the day. We have all been tainted with the brush of the festive season in one form or another and it may just be time to trim our sails in this area of our lives.

The world celebrates the birth of Christ, now whether today is the actual day he was born or not is irrelevant; the truth of the matter is that God sent His son, born through the womb of a virgin. It was a miraculous conception with no intervention from mankind; God so willed it and it happened! The truth according to scripture and there are not many who dispute this fact. The majority of the world’s population accept the birth of Christ. The historians concede that the birth of Christ is a fact, however not many treasure it the way they should, God laid down His life and took on a flesh and blood body and went through all the same growth phases we have and others will still go through as they grow up into men.

There are some traits that God will never relinquish and one of them is that He will not share his glory with a liar. Neither will he ever accept those who challenge His Sovereignty. With this said, did you know that our God is a jealous God and He will not share His glory with another? “(for you shall worship no other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God)” Exodus 34:14 - Satan knows this and therefore will always position himself to distract and shift our attention from our focus around our God and Father’s will for our life, that’s just the way it is. This is why we should never place our wants above the instructions found in the Bible. It is hard enough trying to understand what has been penned at times whilst we find a way in making those teachings our own. But never overlook the enemy’s objective. From the beginning Satan has always challenged God and His Word and is still looking to get mankind to do the same thing, all it takes is a twist on what is actually true, which in turn distorts and ends up achieving an objective that robs the individual of the blessings of God.

Today is a day that is easily recognized as such a ploy if we would only be truthful with ourselves. It should be all about Christ and His birth, but examine the shift; it is about us and what we will get from others and this is drummed into us from an early age. We have been conditioned; many even teach their children that Santa is real. What chance does your child have to sand upon truth if you cannot even give them that truth?

When I examine the account of the birth of Jesus we see the “wise men” (will we be wise?) bringing gifts to the new born king, from them to Him and not from them to each other. It was all about Christ and His birth. Can you see the twist that has crept into society? Take it even further; bring in a new character that will entice the self in oneself and who better than Father Christmas the man who brings gifts, not to the king, but to the people. We are conditioned by default to make life all about ourselves, it just the way it is, and even when we give to others what I find drives us is the way that makes us feel and the way others perceive us. I may be wrong; you make up your own minds; as for me and my family we will not be drawn into the hype of Christmas as it is a day that has been so distorted with a smear Campaign of falsities that I have had enough to last me ten lifetimes.

My stance may seem harsh, but it has been examined, I have considered it in depth and have arrived here. There were some great kings in the time of the kings, but most of them where extremely evil. Nevertheless even some of the good kings refused to break down the altars in the high places and with this God was not pleased. Read it for yourself in the book of Kings.

Regardless of where you stand on Christmas, there are more pressing issues and therefore let me leave you with this glorious invitation; “For "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."” (Romans 10:13)

Signing off
