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Wednesday 11 January 2017

God is Sovereign

(Ephesians 1:9)  “… Making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ

It would be good for mankind to understand that God is Sovereign. For when we apply that correctly within the bounds of our own worlds, the peace of God begins to shadow our lives. We must find it in our minds to believe that whatever God has resolved to do, will come to pass; do you believe this? This is the question that we often wrestle with when we are unhappy with certain outcomes that do not go according to plan, especially with the issues of life that leave us deflated instead of exalted. This is an undeniable fact that the angles in heaven have already reconciled. They have witness the Sovereignty of God and it has been settled in their minds.  God has His plan for mankind and the universe, which shall come to pass. Just because we cannot reconcile most of what He has planned in a perverse and wicked generation does not mean that He isn’t in complete control. All this proves is that we do not completely govern our destinies.

We question so many unappealing things we witness; the sex trade, drugs, poverty, same sex marriages, hatred, and the well-being of our planet and yet as hard as we try to make a difference all we prove is that we are not in control. For if we were our world would be far healthier that it actually is. What about diseases and how we continually strive to find remedies and then what about death? For how long have mankind looked to short-circuit or even escape death. The Egyptians and the Pharaohs mummified their bodies in the hope of being resurrected. Once we understand our desperate state it will aid us in crying out to someone sovereign to rescue us and help us understand so many of the unanswered question we fight with. This is why faith is imperative in a believer’s life; it proves God’s sovereignty, regardless of the doubters around us. We have seen the light, our eyes have been open to the fact the Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. It all begins with that realisation! Once that truth has been triggered the rest will follow; call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved, once you have been saved you will begin to see the brilliance of God and how His sovereignty reins over all things, even when we see negativity within our life-cycles, we are able to see beyond the veil of uncertainty, knowing that it will all work our favourably for the Christian. Our God is in control and He always will be, HE IS SOVEREIGN!

We only have to read the Bible to understand the Sovereignty of God at play. As a rule books are good, we have all heard the phrase; “the pen is mightier than the sword”, but the Bible is better, it helps and gives us insight into the Sovereignty of God and it reveals His attributes, which we need in order to develop our relationship with Him. 

With this understanding, the next questioned we need to ask ourselves is how does our will fit into the overarching Sovereignty of God and this is where we get a glimmer of the brilliance of God if we would dare to seek it out. I suppose the hardest issue of all, is to reconcile “free will” within the bounds of what God has afforded us within the choices we are capable of making. There is much to consider, but in order to simplify it, let us remain on point. It is obvious that we are permitted to make our own choices but only within the limits of our lot in life. Let me explain. Throughout our lives we make certain decision, in fact it is an untiring manifestation of our brain working overtime, we are constantly making decisions. I punch the key board and my mind seeks out certain words to finish the sentence. I then need coffee, do I maker it or not? I am constantly making decisions, but my world is limited. I cannot gain command of the HIV virus that lives and looks to destroy my immune system, it has its objective and I am incapable of overcoming it without medicine or God’s intervention over it. God could command it to flee from me and it would! We have limitations and He has none! However, seeking out the kingdom of God and His righteousness will be what brings about peace in our lives. Chaos can often lead us to the calm. Doubt the Sovereignty of God and you will never understand the essence of what I have penned.

The world is in a place of denial, many believe in evolution (a pattern formed by a series of movements to the exclusion of a Sovereign God) and this mind-set will be a key factor in bringing about the destruction of this world as we know it. God will not share His glory with another and why would He? He alone is Sovereign and the rest of the echoes throughout the ages which contradict that truth have all been lies. Deceit tripped up Eve in the beginning and deceit will be the demise of mankind at the end of this world as we know it.

Signing off


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