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Wednesday 15 March 2017

(Our Father) He who is "I AM"!

(Matthew 6:9)  “Pray then like this: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.”

How often have you heard people make absurd statements like these, “if God is in control, why does he allow such evil to exist?” or “If this is the God that you serve then I want nothing to do with him.” And yet the Lord Jesus Himself taught us to pray; "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.” We must begin here if we are to progress into a deeper relationship with our God, the Christians heavenly Father, praise His name now and forever more, Amen! There is only one true God and his creation can either accept His rule or reject it for now, however like any well written production or novel “all” their scenes will eventually play themselves out, everything will be revealed and we will see the intentions of God's plans as they are. There is a time coming when are will be revealed. 

Did you know? God is so brilliant that even those who oppose His rule is part of His script, they too are interwoven into the brilliance of God’s production as they expose the evil that exists, helping us understand our need and enabling the sinner to cry out to Jesus for help. Who has ever enjoyed a suspense thriller without the villain playing their part? All will be in accordance with His will and there will come a day where second guessing the Bible’s teachings will have passed, of this I am persuaded! There will come a day for us all where we will be ushered in to the spiritual realm and we will reap what we have sown here on earth. The Christian will inherit Christ and all that accompanies Him. The unbeliever will inherit eternal damnation. The lie of getting there by our own efforts, “I am a good person” mentality will keep us out of heaven if we are not sanctified by the blood of the Lamb; it’s as simple as that! We must wear His colours openly, we must fly the flag that declares that we are sinners who have cried out to Jesus.

It would appear that it could be easy to loose our way concerning prayer by conjuring up repetition, with “ME” as the focal point, when in fact it is obvious that God must be central and the pivot of all desire. Firstly, we must acknowledge that He is in heaven, way above us in position and stature. We are puny in comparison, maybe this is one of the reasons why he created the ant. Mankind towers above the ant, we have authority and power over the ant or the bug, and we can squash it just like that. God towers above us and He could do the same in an instant and yet he allows us to find salvation in and through His beloved Son the Lord Jesus Christ. Not only is He far above us in the chain of the order of life, He is KING, HE is CREATOR, we are the created. There is nothing in our lives that must displace that truth, “GOD FIRST”!

Sadly this is normally not the case; even the Christian falls privy to the pitfalls of their wants. We often get the lines jumbled, thank you Father God for your grace and patience with us; thank you Lord Jesus for your constant collaborations as our High Priest, who makes this possible. Without our Saviour role in this bridge between mankind and God, our prayer would be ignored because of our sinfulness. It is important to understand the Jewish customs and the law in accordance with the high priest and his sin offering on behalf of the people to appreciate what Christ has actually achieved as our HIGH PRIEST! Our words are only ever heard and accepted when we approach the throne of God under His cover; praise His name now and forever more, Amen!

However now that we have the cover of Christ, those who are true Christians must not “get lost in translation”; our selfish needs and often our wants must not become our focus, God must always have that position, our Heavenly Father requires that commitment. At times it is so easy to lose our way as the pressure of life begins to squeeze… These are the times when we are being tested to see where we actually stand. The trial of our faith must be tested…

Examine your prayer and what you pray about, does it start the way the Lord Jesus taught us to pray, and I don’t mean a congregation rattling off “Our Father” in parrot like fashion with their minds far from the meaning of the prayer. We are to pray in our closets, without any attention drawn to us. This is where we must start, it’s how we must honour God (acknowledge Him as our King) and “hallow His name”; to show that we understand that He alone is Holy, everything He is and does is right, whether we can understand it or not. He is in control and we are not, and yet at times our feeble attempts to institute change may play its part in transformation, Nelson Mandela changed so much. However even that change could not of come without God allowing it. We need Him, He does not need us. And yet it was His will to create us in His image, Adam was created in God’s image. I suppose, when God looked down on Him, he would have seen a “mini me” in some form or another. It is obvious that He would not have looked at a giraffe and seen his own resemblance but when he looked at Adam He was satisfied. We know that He was pleases with His creation; “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.” (Genesis 1:31)

Prior to the flood which wiped out the world, save 8 souls, at that time in history the worshiping of God’s name was just about extinct. Noah was consecrating God’s name but as for the rest of the known world, this was their state of mind; “The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” (Genesis 6:5) – It is only the righteous who have a voice to stay the hand of the Lord, praise the name of Jesus! The righteous will not be judge with the world and those who do not “hallow the name of God” will eventually understand their fate in the Lake of Fire! The picture that the Apostle Paul painted for us in chapter one of the book of Romans has gained momentum, mankind is on a slippery slope.

A man once ask the man Jesus a question; “"Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.”” (Matthew 22:36-38) 

The creator demands acknowledgement of His existence and should be love as such, Satan looks to beguile the masses by denouncing His existence and this is where deception is at its strongest; people looking to save the planet, God’s creation at the exclusion of remunerating homage to the creator. I trust you have seen what God has shown me, it will be clear to some and not to others, the circle of life plays out, but God will have the final say, praise His name now and forever more, Amen and Amen!

Signing off


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