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Monday, 6 February 2017

Christianity scrutinized!

Christianity seems to be under the pump of late, however this is nothing new, the chosen of God have and will always find themselves under the cosh of the enemy and his followers. God’s covenant with mankind began with Abram, who later became Abraham a common occurrence once God had singled out men to follow and serve Him. Jacob became Israel, Simon Bar-Jonah became Peter and Saul became Paul; an illustration of a radical change to their lives. Similarly the sinner repents and believes that they need to be saved from themselves and they then cry upon the Lord Jesus Christ asking for forgiveness believing that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and that God the Father rose Him from the dead. Once this event takes place in an individual’s life they are then “born again”, miraculously God intervenes opening their eyes to His truth. We were once blind by now the Christian shouts “I can see!”

Last night that “hot potato” topic raised its head again on national television; homosexuality in the church. The answer on this topic is as clear as day, however this does not mean that in lieu of that sin other then get a pass. Sin is sin and every breach of God’s law shall stand before the judge. Sadly the victimised mentality of some feel that they should get a license, it will and can never happen. God hates sin, but has such an abundance of love to His creation that He has given us an out and that is not to excuse away our sin but for us to rather own it, confess it and seek out His forgiveness in the finished work of the cross.

Homosexuals are as guilty as liars are and visa versa. Both camps have breached God’s law and will have to give an account to Him and then face His judgement where the second death will be the fate of some. The only way we will ever escape that dreaded day is if we find salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. We must start with Him and then seek out God’s grace (His unmerited favour) to work it all out.

I also heard in the same package someone speaking on behalf of the “Word of God” with baloney coming out of his mouth. He said that if the Christian says that the Word of God is the final authority, which it is! Then the Christian must apply themselves to all of God’s Word and not only that which suits. I concur! However where scripture is misquoted then I do not concur. He said that the Bible says we must only eat certain foods and most don’t. The Law of Moses does specify this, however the Lord Jesus has fulfilled the Law and therefore this no longer applies as it once did, the Christian is now under the Lord Jesus’ yoke, the perfect sacrifice for the sinner. We stand because of His work and not our own merit. This is why I have learnt to love this song with such appreciation, “Jesus in my Place” by the Summit Kids; the gospel message in four words.

The Lord Jesus had such compassion on me that He was willing to die for me and take my sin upon Himself, Wow! Which now does not imply that I am free to continue in my sin as I once did, all this proves is that I view His sacrifice with very little value attached to it, when in fact it cost Him His life.

The homosexual does not get a pass, nor the liar or the adulterer, nor the envious and all those who take the Lord Jesus’ sacrifice lightly; we will all have to give an account.

Coming back to the law of God; if we walk in the Spirit we are not under the yoke of the law, what we eat has nothing to do with the Christian faith, just so long as we eat giving thanks to our God and Father for his provision. The end of it is this; “Food will not commend us to God. We are no worse off if we do not eat, and no better off if we do.” (1Corinthians 8:8)

My conclusion is this, sin is sin and we must all own our sin whatever that may be, regardless of our own weaknesses, it must never be explained away as a free pass to continue that grace may abound. If and when we fall into sin, it is the Christians responsibility to ask for forgiveness. But as far as trying to tailor the Bible to suit our own sin that will never be accepted by God, and when we try and condone our sinful actions all we prove is that we are still under the curse of sin. This applies to liars, the homosexuals and all the other categories mentioned in the Bible, but what a person eats is most certainly not one of them.   

Signing off


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