(Hebrews 12:2) “Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter
of our faith …”
Looking to Jesus the author and the
finisher of our faith is the instruction, for we have not been instructed to
look to men or organisations, or even Christian communities, which can at times
be our mistake. Why the instruction? Well I suppose there are many differing
factors we should consider, so here goes; Men a fallible, even when they may
think that they are exempt. There is something in us all that loves to value
our opinions and views above those around us and it can be at times fuelled by
pride and arrogance. There is not one amongst us who hasn’t originated from
fallen flesh. Our minds have been tainted by sin, through our own thoughts and
not the views of another. It’s all what our eyes and ears have been exposed to
along life’s journey. Our God given senses are rather phenomenal but can be
twisted and misused, exploring forbidden pleasures that are sinful and an
abomination before a holy God.
SIN is the cause of it all; therefore
we have been instructed to look to the ONE who has no sin, our great Saviour
the LORD JESUS CHRIST! For He is the founder of our faith, the One who knew no
sin and the One who died for sinners like you and I. Not only did He live a
life that was sin free through the trial of it all, but He learnt obedience
through suffering; perfecting the path to righteousness and the conduits we as
Christians have been instructed to follow. Following men could set us up for a
fall, we could be caught up by one of their “hobby horses” believing it to be
gospel and the outcome of that journey could bring with it great despair with
lots of repair work needed to mend certain truths. Thankfully our God is long-
suffering and He is patient with us all. Christianity is a marathon and not a
sprint. Our eyes need to be fixed on Christ; He is the start, finish and
everything in-between.
Men and women who fly the Christian
flag are not without the blemishes of sin and therefore at times have chinks in
their minds eye when it comes to their “pastimes”. The Lord Jesus had one
“hobby horse” and that was to do the will of His Father and nothing else,
regardless of the cost to His flesh, praise His name. Without His singleness of
eye we would all be heading for a Christ-less eternity and the Lake of Fire. He
has given us a hope that will eventually be achieved, heaven with all its
The Apostle Paul had this to say; He
commanded those whom he taught to follow his example, but only as much as he
himself followed Christ.
The Lord Jesus is not only the
“founder” but the “perfecter” of our faith and no one else can claim that
position. He alone walked that road, and this was one of His summations
concerning His journey; “Foxes have holes and birds have nests but the Son of
man has nowhere to lay his head”. He has been given the right to free us up to
serve God and there is no one else who can complete that miracle. It is the
sole purpose of mankind to have their gaze fixed upon the finished work of the
cross. The rest of our lives are filled with so much clutter that we will lose
sight of this at times when we shift our gaze. Satan’s objective is for that to
happen and so he lures us with all kinds of counterfeit traps; fear, doubt, sin
and hopelessness are just some of the fuel use to feed the fire. It’s the Word
of God that rights our wrongs, and our great Saviour is that Word. Hence the
“Looking to
Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith …” The Lord is faithful and His tribute
which has been penned for all who would dare to seriously explore between the
covers of the Bible will understand. He will not turn one away who is thoughtful
with that endeavour, of this I am convinced.
established our necessity to follow Christ and His example under the direction
of His Spirit’s guidance we are also instructed to observe like minded
individuals and to learn from them so long as they are truly grounded upon the
Rock, the Lord Jesus Christ; “Remember your leaders, those who
spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and
imitate their faith. Jesus
Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Do not be led away
by diverse and strange teachings, for it is good for the heart to be
strengthened by grace, not by foods, which have not benefited those devoted to
them.” (Hebrews 13:7-9)
Many of our loved ones have crossed over the
river Jordan and into the Promised Land where we will once against meet up with
them, if we hold onto the finished work of the cross with all we have, looking
unto Jesus the founder and the finisher of our faith. Have nothing to do with
the waves of uncertainty they will only ever fuel doubt which in turn will lead
to unbelief.
Signing off