The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Monday 5 September 2016

The struggle of the mind

I have most certainly notice how we may believe something to be true but not favour the reality of that truth unfolding in our lives. I say that “God knows best” and that He is in control of all things which is obviously an indisputable fact. But as soon as my life pans out in what seems to be apparently an adverse outcome I get my hackles up. I may have cultured the concealment of it rather well, but I know my heart on the matter. The question of “why” begins to dominant my thoughts all over again. I then begin to play my works out against my rewards. O wretched man that I am who will deliver me from this body of death? I need to be freed from myself and the wars within. The consolation I find whilst reasoning it all out, is that I am not alone on this score, as I look around I see others fighting similar battles; the war within continually rages.

Struggling and suffering of all kinds is part of God’s design to help us understand the hope which we have in Him, that one day we will be like our great Saviour. We will not only be with God, in his presence, but we will be LIKE HIM. No more struggles with the flesh, no more pity parties and so on. In my experience the clearer we begin to see this reality as our actuality the tighter the screw on the trials of life will tighten. The whole of creation was created to bring Glory to God and reveal His character. Sin has interfered with that process, or so it would seem, where in fact even sin will be used to the glory of God as it drives people to Him in and through repentance because of its destructive power. Even creation has been effected by sin. Look at a rose, filled with aphids, or a dessert without vegetation, its all because of the effect of one mans sin and His rebellion against God. However even in the chaos of it all, God is in perfect control and this is what I find at times hard to comprehend.

When life is running smoothly and all of its challenges are systematically slotting into place without to much resistance, life is bearable and manageable. But when it seems to capitulate towards hardship beyond the norm, this is when our faith is severely tested and if we faithfully come out on the other side without doubt dominating, God is glorified and His name is lifted up.

The sole purpose of God’s creation is to bring glory to Him. If this is an obvious fact why do I still struggle with the “no” answers to my prayers? Why is there this constant war that always looks for a reason why something hasn’t panned out the way I had hoped? Is my selfish ambition looking to dominate or not? Introspection is something every Christian is summonsed to do. We must judge ourselves so that we shall not be condemned with the world. It is important for the Christians survival, but when that gets thwarted out of perspective, it then can become unhealthy. Where do we draw the line? This is my struggle, back and forth with these thoughts, over and over again. Always looking for some formula to apply that may stick and have a positive outcome to my current predicament.

The answer is obvious even if my mind looks to overlook it at times and find something deeper which is nothing more than humanism rearing its head. The answer is God first and His righteousness and then the rest will follow according to His good pleasure. With unpredictable tests alone the way which will examination our faith. There will be times where we will nose-dive but the times that we find the grace to thrust through it all, they will be sweet and will strengthen us beyond understanding. We need to regularly trim our sails when it comes to the trials of life and the reasons for them, if not we will soon find ourselves groping in the dark and asking the question “WHY?” over and over again.

When I say God is in control, hoping that I may find a favourable outcome concerning a deal that I am hoping for and it doesn’t pan out as expected, this is when my battle begins. Exonerate me Father as I try to force your hand. At the very core of my heart I am hoping that you will intervene and act favourably and when it doesn’t happen I am disappointed, forgive me! But I would also be lying if I didn’t say that release is often a comforting emotion which releases tension.

Help me to rest in you is my prayer and I also pray for all those who face similar struggles, all honour and glory belongs to our God and to our King, praise the name of Jesus Christ the Lord now and forever more, Amen!

There is a day coming when the whole of creation longingly awaits its change, where sin will no longer be consequential, and what I find amazing is that day will only ever arrive when the saints are changed into the likeness of Christ. The universe in its entirety, the seen and the unseen worlds of this universe waits for our (the Christians) transformation before it will receive it conversion, Wow! We serve an awesome God who is filled with unmeasurable mercies and we await an inheritance that we have no actual idea of.

Our current sufferings are a light affliction in comparisons to what will one day be ours in Christ. Christian focus on the hope that is set before us and we will get through another day and each and every other day that then follows. But we must remember to continually “trim our sails” with the WORD of GOD.  

Signing off


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