The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

"Regulars not Seculars"

“God’s children need to be regulars and not seculars”. The lessons of life are obviously driving this truth home and to say that our bad choices do not teach us many valuable lessons in my opinion would not be sound council. It is often the hard knocks of life that eventually lead us to the still waters of God’s abundant grace. I am no novice when it comes to bad choices along my Christian Journey. I am not alone! We have recorded accounts of others that have also lived to regret their choices but through it all have come out on the other side victoriously with their God having the final say in their lives and glorifying His name. If God be for us who can be against us? This does not suggest that there won’t be blows from the enemy, you can count on that! Our God has phenomenal resolve; in fact it is perfect. Every aspect of God’s character is unadulterated. HE IS PERFECT! As children of God we can depend upon Him in every area of our lives, especially in the areas we struggle the most.

The Apostle Paul suffered intense bodily harm for the sake of the gospel; he never suffered as a result of his own folly, or so it would seem when we examine the accounts of his life through scripture. Sure, prior to salvation we are all very foolish and he was no different. God took drastic measures to bring his misguided zeal to an abrupt halt. He was struck from his horse on the way to Damascus and then blinded for days. But after coming to an understanding of the call of God upon his life there seemed to be no slip-up, God knows! Sadly not many of us can claim to have lived like Paul. What is a man to do? Christianity is all about a pursuit of holiness becoming part of our daily lives.

“Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked.” (Proverbs 25:26) – This was Paul’s testimony; “But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.” (1Corinthians 9:27) – This is the streak we should all strive for! But sadly there are not many Pauls, God knows! 

For us who propagate the glorious gospel message and then find ourselves back where we once were, in the “Slough of Despond” or “the Pigs Pen”, with comments from the onlookers  like; “you see a leopard cannot change its spots” which at times can bring great reproach to our intent with God’s gospel message. This should not be our charge, but what if we have erred in this area of our lives? I know I have!

Do we now curl up into a ball and suffocate? Nay! We take the errors of our ways very seriously, confess our sin before God and ask Him to renew a right spirit in us and once restoration takes place we then get on with the task at hand, which is to be deliberate with the gospel.

What if we seem to make the same mistake over and over? We must continue to confess our sin before our God; we must never yield to it as those who have been defeated, as those without an everlasting hope. There will come a time in a true believer's life when God will give us the victory, once the lesson is learnt we will then be able to move on not having to repent of the same sin over and over again; The Apostle Paul teaches us this priceless truth, pay attention; “For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death. (2Corinthians 7:10) –This verse does not highlight repentance per say, but the intent to find victory for our mistakes is the driving force behind this instruction. It prepares us for true repentance which when it has run its course will result with a true harmony as we sing the victor’s song, “Jesus in my place”. To remain secular is unacceptable; we must become patrons of God’s grace in every area of our lives. We must not excuse our sin as the norm. We must deal with this reality every day until we move from this life into the next.
Paul was very deliberate with the call God had placed on his life in spite of the fierce persecution he faced. Are we? Am I?

It is an obvious deduction that if a Christian’s sin is exposed it will silence him. The enemy’s objective is to silence the gospel. Why? Because even he knows that it is the power of God unto salvation. God has chosen the gospel as a means whereby some have and will continue to be saved. It is through the foolishness of preaching where this miracle develops. Words are uttered and then ears receive what has been declared and then the light-switch to the true meaning of life comes on. It is obvious that not all will respond favourably to this life changing message. The more accurate we are with the gospel message the better the results will be. The power does not resonate with the preacher but with God the Holy Spirit. He has been commissioned to save sinners from certain destruction. This however does not give us licence to water down a seeker friendly gospel as this will only invite confusion. We must never stoop to a secular level to win the lost. The Apostle Paul was extremely accurate with his deliberation and we too must learn to be exact with the gospel message. The pursuit of holiness for our lives must become our mission. God sent His son to save sinners and therefore sin in a person’s life must be the focal point. Sin must not be swept under the carpet, God sent his Son to save sinners and not the self-righteous. When sin is overlooked it causes more damage than good.

Having established this truth, what about our failures along the way? Sadly they do count against what we have to say but I would suggest only for a season. How so? God has a phenomenal capacity to forgive even those who have blundered terribly. He has it in His power to restore that which the cankerworm has destroyed. God alone has the power to forgive or condemn. Obviously we have a responsibility to seek forgiveness from those whom we have offended. This is obvious from scripture but ultimately when we sin we offend God! David is quick to teach us this lesson when he erred with Bathsheba;For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment.” (Psalms 51:3-4)    

Can I back what I have suggested from scripture? Let us look at some examples…

Samson was a Nazarite from birth and at times the Spirit of God moved upon him mightily proving that God was with him. And yet he made many blunders throughout his lifetime but he eventually came to his senses and God’s abundant grace is evident in his death; “And Samson said, "Let me die with the Philistines." Then he bowed with all his strength and the house fell upon the lords and upon all the people who were in it. So the dead whom he killed at his death were more than those whom he had killed during his life.” (Judges 16:30) – The writer of Hebrews commends him for his faith and commitment to his God. Many might have suggested that he never made it if it weren’t for the penning of his name in the book of Hebrews; “And what more shall I say? For time would fail me to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets—“ (Hebrews 11:32)  - And then there was King David, “a man after God’s own heart”, and in order to hide his turpitude, he fell into a spiral of sin but when he came to his senses God mercifully produced an offspring from his repentance that is a direct descendant of the Lord Jesus, Solomon was born to Bathsheba; “and Jesse the father of David the king. And David was the father of Solomon by the wife of Uriah.(Matthew 1:6)

Do not wallow in self-pity, pray that God would expose every area in our lives that needs rectifying and then through prayer and repentance let us seek his abundant grace to find victory, which in turn will end up bringing glory to Him and Him alone.

Signing off



Saturday, 4 July 2015

Money and the love of it...

(1Timothy 6:6-10) “Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.”

Addiction is a very power surge in a person’s life that drives them to make unwise decisions. But there are many subtle cravings that drive our characters and one of these addictions is the will to become rich. I have been privy to this craving along life’s journey but until we understand the teaching from God’s Word on the subject we will continue with this error in our lives. The Lord Jesus taught on the subject and so does the Apostle Paul. We must be motivated by finding God’s will for our lives and thankfully He is patient with His subjects and teaches us this valuable lesson. The text is very explicit, so let us break it down.

From the outset the overarching drive for all must be to find contentment with what we have in Christ. As soon as we move into the sphere of greed in any form we have taken the wrong turn and our lives will be filled with strife.

We are born with nothing and therefore we will also leave with nothing. Material wealth will only ever feed our realities on earth. Our flesh is driven by the passions of sin and therefore when we nurture it to the point of obsession we are caught up into a spiral of suffering. The text is very clear on this; “But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.” We pretend that if we become rich we will help those in need when in fact we become even more self-centred. If we can learn to be driven by the will to find contentment with godliness in our lives we shall find certainty in the fact that God will supply all our necessities and we will be able to understand the difference been our needs and wants. God first, and the will to appropriate His righteousness as our first point of call will become the overarching factor to our lives. When this has been realised and becomes part of our daily makeups only then will it be well with our souls.

Christianity is a call upon our lives that is the worst trade in this world; it is filled with sacrifice and self-denial but the best calling in the world for it has eternal benefits; whereas the will to be rich drives a person to set goals and hopes for this life with no thought for eternity. It is a narrow minded approach and it will certainly be short lived.

The Lord Jesus suffered tremendous pain on behalf of the sins of mankind; now imagine if he took the easy out, where would that leave us? Doomed for destruction! But He was driven by a far deeper reality and that was to fulfil the will of His Father which resulted in eternal reward. He is now seated at the right hand of the Father awaiting the judgement of mankind, where every knee will bow to Him and confess Him as Lord. For those who have rejected his council will be driven to their knees with a rod of iron. How I long for the day when my Saviour will be exalted and recognized by all.

All a man needs for this world is enough to carry him through it unto the end, no more is actually needed. “But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.” Get the point as it is very explicit. I know our minds will now begin to gallop as it yearns to exploit any wiggle room, but there is none. The sooner we can be settled in this area of our lives the happier we will be.

Faith is the catalyst which must drive our hope which is an eternal hope. “You will know a tree by its fruit”. This is a reference to distinguish between true and false Christianity. We often only make reference to the obvious sinful behaviour witnessed in our lives, like drunkenness, fornication and the like but hankering after money is often given a pass. If that be true we have erred and repentance is required.

All of God’s council is for the believer’s benefit and we must welcome all that is taught. 

My prayer for all who claim God’s free gift of salvation is that we take what is taught seriously in our lives as it will be profitable when applied.

God my Father please help us see the wood from the trees in the more subtle areas of our lives so that your name would be glorified when we face the onslaught of the enemy, to the ever wise God, may His name be glorified now and forever more, Amen and Amen!

Signing off



Tuesday, 30 June 2015


The brilliance of God, He is the Almighty! My prayer this morning was for wisdom and yet if we are to understand the truth as it exists we need to co-exist with the reality of it (truth) in its entirety. Let the Holy Spirit lead us in some meaningful thought. Some have asked “how certain are you that there is life after death?” The atheist reaches into the depths of his unbelief as he endeavours to gainsay his conscience, as it annoys away at his intellect. “Can a leopard change its spots”? God has created all from the same substance; we all come from the seed of Adam, the first man. The Gentile bleeds no differently to the Jew. The same substance runs through our veins. We can relate to another realm, dreams are a part of our reality and they live only when we sleep. Visions have happened for some but not for many; however the sceptic may have just cause to doubt its authenticity because they are not privy to them. My friends, we have all had dreams that were so vivid that they almost scared us to the point of reality and then our eyes opened and the dream dissolved into a distant memory which is soon forgotten, until our next sleep.

I want us to contemplate this topic, dreams (“a sequence of images that appear involuntarily to the mind of somebody who is sleeping, often a mixture of real and imaginary characters, places, and events”). We have all been created with the capacity to dream and if you have never had a dream ignore what I have to say, if not, I pray that it will heighten a concept that you have kept at bay, the topic is life after death! You may ask, “What does the one have to do with the other”? It is just another clue that helps cement the reality of life after death. All of life’s indications point us towards Christ, even our dreams often teach us that we need saving. It is an awareness that teaches us about another realm, the life of that which is unseen. There are many sects and cults in today’s world that believe that angels exist but not that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. Why? The answer is always the same; we all come from the same substance. Our conscience drives us to question what happens when we die and we all have somewhere along life’s journey asked ourselves that question. It is part of our makeup.

Let’s explore a scenario; if a student had a question that needed answering what would they need to do in order to find the answer? They would need to ask someone with the answer to the question, and unless the question was asked they would remain in the dark. God has promised that if you ask the right question you shall find the correct solution; "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8) – The truth be told, unless you ask with sincerity you will never come to the realisation of what is true. It will take a miracle to understand, it needs God’s intervention to heighten your understanding, but we need to be searching out the answer for that to happen.   
God has chosen to reveal Himself to a world encapsulated with both the seen and the unseen worlds. The carnal and spiritual realm exists for all. We live in the reality of the natural but often think about the existence of that which is unseen to the naked eye; the spiritual world is part of our makeup. We have all been cut from the same cloth. We have been blessed or cursed depending upon how we view it by the minds of brilliant men throughout history. Did you know that regardless of how brilliant a person may appear, if that individual concludes that there is no God, all it proves is that they are UNINFORMED AND HAVE BEEN DECEIVED! Before I become a condemning voice in a world on a path of destruction, I am reminded that I too was amongst that number prior to salvation. Therefore while a person breathes, regardless of their current understanding, there is determined hope through our prayers that God may reveal Himself to them. Be bold with your witness; be deliberate for that is the will of God for our lives.

The world is latching onto a lie that seems to be making headway at a rapid pace, which is; “good things happen to good people”! It is deceit like a compass that has lost its magnetic power; it points you north when in fact you are travelling south and you are none the wiser until it’s too late to turn around, death will have the final say, and then the judgement!

Ask yourself the question, why am I blogging? I do not get paid for it. It takes effort and requires time. Some of my reasoning is selfishness; it feeds my hope as it allows me to examine my own heart. But that is not the only reason, my prayer is for someone to read something penned, have their lives changed and in turn end up in God’s army as one of His soldiers. Only God has it in His power to save us from certain condemnation and yet He has chosen the Word, through the foolishness of preaching to save some.

In a very small capacity that is why I blog, I am hopeful that God would be gracious and use something I have penned in order that someone may live in Him. Society will make every effort to keep us from finding Him. This is why I speak out against the systems of this world.

Signing off


Sunday, 28 June 2015


Extremes often mold our characters when they shouldn’t if our energies are misplaced. Sin and the hold it once had on our lives is an extreme that drives us from God. It is the pinnacle of self-destruction personified and prior to our relationship with Christ it certainly ruled our lives.

Fellowship is one of God’s great gifts to the struggling pilgrim and without it we would stand alone. I spent last night with a great friend but sadly circumstances have somehow had a way of separating what was once an unbreakable friendship. Not that our friendship is a thing of the past, but we certainly do not spend time together around God’s word like we once did. Fellowship is different to friendship; friendship is when two people support one another through the throws of life and use any means possible to further that relationship whereas fellowship is a tool used around the Lord Jesus Christ. It carries far greater substance than friendship. We must make every effort to cherish these types of companionships. It edifies us around God’s Word revealing His character; the only character worth pursuing if we are to understand the meaning of life. It feeds our faith which in turn drives our hope.

Fellowship always drives us to find the answers of life in and through the Word of God. It is God salve to give us sight especially when life seems difficult. It is God’s way of succoring us and helping us in our time of need.

Sin is what keeps a man from God, unless it eventually brings us to our senses and results with us falling to our knees and calling out for forgiveness. King David learnt this valuable lesson the hard way, God took His son from him, however the debauchery that once left him speechless is what God used to bring him to his senses. It is no different for every one of us. We must understand that the extremities of sin are an enemy of God and revenge needs to be taken against what once kept us from our communion with Him through Christ.

Consider the brilliance of God; here was a man drawn away by his own lust to the detriment of those closest to Him and yet God chose to use Solomon, David’s son, which was the result of gross sin to be a part of the genealogy of Christ. Fascinating!  Along life’s journey we make many bad choices in life and we then bear the brunt of those decisions. However God is not bound by them, and He often shows his brilliance through a man’s foolish actions. It is only God who has it in His ability to accomplish such genius.

Let us consider the story I have referred to…

King David had everything at his fingertips and yet He was drawn away by his own sin. He saw a woman bathing from his rooftop while those closest to him were at war fighting for his kingdom. David saw a beautiful naked woman causing him to enquire after her, which in turn resulted in an unlawful sexual union leaving the woman with child. To cover up his sin he had one of his friends, a great warrior with amazing scruples when it came to the loyalty of those he went into battle with, and instead of confessing his transgression David had the man killed. And we learn from scripture that David was a man after God’s own heart; how can that be? We need to explore a little deeper if we are to learn from his blunder and then apply the same principles to our slip-ups. I speak for those who have already understood the call of God upon their lives. At this time in David’s life he had learnt to walk by faith and call upon his God for assistance when the need arose. He had killed lions, bears and even the giant Goliath in the name and power of his God. And yet He now blundered terribly, on the surface of it, it was a travesty; no differently to the caricatures of my life, with so many bad choices along the way. However the story does not end here, praise the name of Jesus now and forever more, God’s brilliance comes to the rescue. Sin had separated David from fellowship with God, but once his error had been visualized it brought about a change of heart with repentance soon to follow. If we willfully continue in sin that grace may abound we haven’t understood a thing about the call of God on our lives. But when we realize our sin as an action against Gods love in our lives it will bring about change. God in His brilliance is the only wise God who can turn those situations around exposing His brilliance and in turn enable the Apostle Paul to make a statement like this to bring glory to the only wise God; but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. (1Corinthians 1:25-26) – The point is this; only God has the aptitude to use a man’s folly into bringing glory to His name. Repentance is the catalyst used to accomplish this.

Signing off



Saturday, 27 June 2015

Repentance is a hard pill to swallow

Repentance is a hard pill to swallow, especially when we believe that we are good enough and will be able to stand before a Holy God expecting His acceptance on our own virtue; the self-righteous looking to be justified and have their sin excused on the evidences of their own merit; “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:23-24) – Salvation cannot be earned, it is a gift. But when a gift is given it is up to the individual to graciously accept the gift or refuse it. And then once we have it, what will we do with HIM?  Will we store the talent that accompanies salvation in a cupboard showing very little interest or will we cherish it by placing our new found reality on our prized mantelpiece for all to see? The degree of our appreciation will become evident.  

Let us now consider some deeper thoughts on our characters; every one of our lives has been filled with sinful behaviour; let me remind you that just a single breech of God’s law leaves us as offenders, tainted and unworthy to enter His world. An example that may be helpful, can oil and water actually mix? You can put them into the same bowl but they will always separate. Sin and Righteousness has the same result if put into the same sphere unless a binding agent helps them unite, they will always be detached. Jesus is that binding agent!  Why, what qualifies him but disqualifies us? It is easy to give an accurate answer to this question, but will it be believed? Only by some! He lived a sinless life! He never breached God’s law thus making him worthy to come face to face with Jehovah, the great “I AM”, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The bible is clear on our condition and has ruled everyone under the curse of sin; its spell needs to be broken. It is a simple phenomenon to understand but without God’s intervention it will continue to elude the gainsayer.

I have the HIV virus; it did at one time totally control my body and in 2001 almost brought me to the point of death. I needed some assistance, hence anti-retrievals did the required job and today I still breathe the air from this world. Once death finally kicks in we all move into another reality, the sphere of the spiritual realm where there are a different set of requirements which will determine our final destination. To enter the city that is filled with happiness, a land that is encapsulated with delight. Aces and pain a forgotten memory. A place of total utopia with all its inhabitants having the same word role off their tongues, Shangri-La! However we will never reach that place on our own merits and the sooner we come to this realization the better it will be for us even down here on earth. It allows us to view our life with the eyes of faith, the only remedy for true hope. If we deny God provision it is no different to slapping someone in the face for their act of kindness. If we deny the Lord Jesus’ sacrifice but look to our own morality to find vindicated we will be found wanting. God dwells in unapproachable light, all that teaches us is that He is a consuming fire and if we want to come into His presence we need a fire-proof jacket, which is Jesus Christ. Jesus died and bore the brunt of God’s judgment in my place; He died for my sin so that I could find forgiveness in Him. This truth applies to all of creation, to every person that has ever breathed oxygen. In other words we must be covered by His sacrifice if we are to find God’s validation. I hope that it is now clear to understand and that all understand that if we approach God on our own terms, finding justification by what we do, we will never cut the mustard. Does a fireman move into a blazing inferno without a fireproof jacket?  Jesus alone can vouch for our acceptance into heaven and the way for this to happen is to realise our sin and ask The Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us for all of our transgressions. It is the only true way to find justification that will be considered by the only true living God.

The sooner we learn total dependency on God’s provision the happier we shall be. Independence is one of our greatest enemies. Here is the point the Apostle Paul presses home when he speaks about boasting in his infirmities. What is the author’s intention with statement? Let’s examine it in context and then unpack the lesson so that we may all gain from what he has to say about suffering with benefits. The reimbursements of suffering, really! This is the climax of his intended thrust and it is up to us to make it our own and be strengthened in our faith, or we could turn a blind eye to the medication in front of us and ignore the instruction. We have the choice; And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." (Joshua 24:15) 
What then does suffering have to do with repentance is my question? Well it’s all actually intertwined and when we see the beauty of those two facets to our lives latent in harmony I believe we will be content and have peace with God regardless of our predicament. This then is the lesson! Without repentance we will never understand the need for suffering and vice-versa. Suffering and repentance share the same closest and yet at times they act out a little differently to what we would like. However they are part of God’s arsenal in combatting sin. But for us to learn the value of this warning we must not see suffering from our own stupidity as God’s intervention as suffering for the sake of the gospel; “But let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a meddler. Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name. For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? And "If the righteous is scarcely saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?" (1Peter 4:15-18) - Take note that when we suffer in ministry, whatever that may entail, we must make every effort to work with the talent God has given us and apply ourselves to it. Peter puts it like this; “For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God's will, than for doing evil. For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit…” (1Peter 3:17-18) - Christ suffered for us to bring us to Him and it will never be by any other means.

The world teaches an “eye for an eye” mentality but in Christ we are commanded to turn the other cheek. We often find justification in what we do; society has taught us that this is our democratic right, really! It is impossible to avoid this type of breach in our lives; we are challenged by it on a daily basis. “We have rights you know”! Carnality will always have a valid point, nevertheless if eyed through the judgments of the Spirit of God and when we find grace to walk in the Spirit we will not succumb to our old sinful patterns, hence repentance is needed at the conception of our salvation and every other day after it. The way we think about things need to change. This is where we see true Christianity differentiate itself from the Pseudo-Christian camps of the world; whereby allowances are claimed by leading authorities to breach the Word of God. To be told that everything we have been taught needs the action of repentance is a hard pill to swallow, but a pill that has to be swallowed if we are to reap Gods intended rewards.

Signing off


Wednesday, 24 June 2015

A deeper reflection

It is fascinating once we see something about ourselves even if what we see is rather horrific. I know this is a statement that covers the majority of society but many would take offence to such a comment, therefore let me dissect this reality as my actuality and if the glass slipper fits put it on for the powers that anthropomorphizes the encounter will of a certainty bring with it freedom in Christ. I am now beginning for the first time in my life to understand just an inkling of what John the Baptist meant when he called for repentance; “In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."” (Matthew 3:1-2) There is a wealth of information we can draw out of this statement and there would be no immediate end to our adventure exploring the depths of the author’s intention and why such a statement was preached.

There are two points I wish to explore, “repent” and the “kingdom of heaven at hand”. Firstly what does “repent” actually mean and how does that concern me? Secondly, why state in the same sentence “for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”?

Last night as I layed awake in bed with my mind galloping toward the realisation of a truth that has now become my own. I am very thankful for the work of God the Holy Spirit in my life.

I had a question that needed answering, “what defines a man”? Surely it is a man’s character which defines him. What defined the Lord Jesus? It was his ability to accomplish everything His Father asked him to accomplish and he did it as a man, wow! I will concede that he had seen heaven as he was sent from heaven. I will not claim any authority in understanding the convolutions on that in its entirety, but what I will say is the scripture teaches us that he laid down his heavenly authority and became a man, God became a man and he took on a flesh and blood body and entered this world through the womb of a woman. Mary, a virgin, found God’s favour, conceived, and then gave birth to the child Jesus. He grew like every other child and was subject to his earthly parent’s authority. Let the reality of that sink in for a minute. The only true and living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob humbling Himself to the level of mortality for the sake of mankind, WOW! Jesus lived and died no differently to our journeys. Except for one vital truth: he lived a life without sin attached to it, praise his name! That is what feeds us hope in him and obviously because God raised him from the dead. We too shall be raised in newness of life, what a hope the Christian has that one day we shall be like our glorious Saviour.

What now defines us as men or women for that matter? The Apostle John nails it; “By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?” (1 John 3:16-17)

What does the word “repent” mean? Simply put it means to reconsider. Why does John the Baptist tell us to reconsider and what must we reconsider? He tells us to reconsider because the kingdom of God is at hand, there is a time coming and it is just around the corner when God will reveal Himself. Our eyes shall see another dimension; we will all become privy to this element. Therefore we are to reconsider everything life had to teach us and to look deep within ourselves against His reflection. And where do we see His reflection? The Bible reveals everything we need to know about him. Study it and you will soon see the flaws in your life and then we will have it in our power to repent as we ought to.

Signing off


Sunday, 21 June 2015

The looking glass

As I gaze through the looking glass of time I see a man who was once popular amongst his peers but now full of sorrow, with regret eating away at what bantam hope he has left. A bloke who once gloated in his conquering quests, a man once full of pride on reflection on the backburner of his life; a fella now stripped naked and ashamed as those around him have much to say about his current quandary. Although he once had ogles to say about his God, his foolish actions had now silenced him. Be that as it may, his deepest regret was how he had disappointed his God and brought Him into disrepute. A chap who had once truly experienced the joy of his salvation, and yet in the recesses of his soul was nevertheless still somehow able to latch onto the little hope that remained. “What now” is the pressing question?

The obvious answer was there is nowhere else to go besides the only true living and loving God. “Jesus in my place” is the lesson that is a hard pill for him to swallow but nevertheless the only truth that lives. The lures that once helped him forget were no longer an option. Wine, woman and song a thing of the past as that type of lifestyle is full of cankerous worms and by experience has taught him the emptiness of that existence and all it could ever accomplish was to leave a man gasping for breath. “All is vanity” outside of fulfilling the will of God in a person’s life that is now an obvious deduction; Jesus the only man of repute is the only alternative. Bless His glorious name now and forever more, Amen!

“Amazing grace how sweet that sound that saved a wretch like me”.

In consideration of who God actually is and with His capacity to operate outside the realms of time; in other words to have the ability to time-travel and knowing what He knows and then to still be willing to send His Son to die in my place gives me great insight into a part of His character that is unquestionably full of compassion. “Why”! The simplest riposte I can muster is that GOD IS LOVE! His persona is Love and it must drive Him to be compassionate, wow!

“Amazing Grace how sweet that sound that saved a wretch like me”.

It would be an improbable accomplishment to arrive at this conclusion without the eyes of faith; God’s goodness personified in the heart of a wretched sinner like me. It leaves my thoughts so full that it feels as if my brain is about to explode. Thank you Father God for remembering me…

Signing off




Saturday, 20 June 2015

Jesus in my place

An open letter to my Redeemer

It would be amiss not to begin my correspondence with thanks-giving. Thank you Lord Jesus for laying your life down and rescuing me from such destruction; I would love to believe that I have not taken your sacrifice as a small feat, in fact you had the entire world, both the known world and the unseen realm where Satan and his renegades live causing havoc up against you and even those closest to you at times didn’t really understand what was going on; most of the time in fact! You had come to live and then died for sin.

As I look back over time I have been haphazard with my application and the call on my life. We are taught very clear from scripture that you will know a tree by its fruits. A man often says one thing whilst doing another as hypocrisy plays its part. Thank you Father God for reminding me of the price paid for my salvation.  It cost the Lord Jesus having to leave the portals of heaven. He bled and died for me! Why do I at times so haphazardly draw away and find myself sitting in the pigs pen of unbelief, forgive me! Old patterns of habits unfortunately still play their part and when broken down it is nothing more than the sin of unbelief. How I long for the day when I will be like Him with every one of my considerations.

In spite of so many grappling with their old natures in one form or another, the thought of your liberation is almost a fairytale to my intellect but I know it to be true. There is such beauty in your cruel sacrifice; it has freed me from certain destruction and eternal damnation. It has given the Christian true hope. To find myself amongst that number gives me such an overwhelming awareness of absolute bliss that I am almost left speechless. But I will not be silent! I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever and I will shout from the mountaintops when it comes to your love my heavenly Father. Jesus Christ my Lord has rescued me by laying down His life upon that cruel Roman hill, Golgotha is its name. “Jesus in my place”! Can you hear the cry O sluggard, Jesus has died for you, what will you do with His sacrifice?

Let’s consider a man’s discipline, my self-restraint. To be fair there is a small amount of resolve that plays its part in my life, mornings are the best times for me; while everyone still sleeps I am able to have fellowship with my God. This is a deliberate action and over time I have made my own. Thank you my God for your grace in this area of my life. But what of times when I have had it in my power to do something deliberate, to bless someone else at my expense, there are countless times where selfishness has had the victory. The Lord Jesus was never like that; "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head." (Luke 9:58) - He always thought of others first. Or what of the time where He felt the need to fast and pray for 40 days prior to His encounter with the devil. I have fasted only once and that was for 3 days, a long shot off the target. I am filled with so much self and I confess my weakness.

No going back to my state prior to salvation, the daunting reality of it all is I didn’t know that I needed saving. I went about my daily business none the wiser, save that niggling thought, “there must be more”. I did nothing to deserve rescue and yet I have found it in you, wow! Lost to my sin and then salvage; the love of God who can fathom it; YOU took pity on a people inapt to their sin, no differently to a headless chicken running aimlessly waiting for death to have the final say. Bereavement the final puncture in a man’s life! But you alone conquered death and it has now lost its sting, praise God!

Lord Jesus you are my hero, there is no one who can compare with you and I mean NO ONE! Bless your name now and forever more, Amen and Amen! The world can have their super heroes for I have mine, He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords; I am His and He is mine; nothing else is needed to sustain a man. Sure food and clothing is required through life but He will always make a way when there seems to be no way through the trial of life, I have lived long enough to understand this truth and there are many recorded accounts of this reality both in the recorded documentation of scripture and through the testimony of others who have lived beyond that Era. I can vouch for that.

I must confess that I hate the weakness of my flesh but in the same breathe I love how you have fashioned feebleness to highlight our need to depend on your grace and not on our own achievement the way religion teaches a man to behave as it looks for him to find justification in what he does instead of what you have done. Salvation is a gift of God, it is all of God! We have no claim to boast regardless of our obedience. Nevertheless we must all learn to find obedience in our God and we must learn to trust you through the throws of life. How the vortex of that struggle continuously nags away at my inner core having to be told this truth over and over again. I depend upon your justification. It is God who justifies and not our own deceiving intellects. This is a lesson we must all wrestle with to make our own; “Jesus in my place”!  

I do admit that the traps along life’s journey are very real. They often bring a man to his knees, why am I so slow to understand? Forgive me Lord Jesus my love. The doubts of unemployment have pressed hard on me and the niggling thought of food, shelter and raiment is very real and I cannot pretend that this doesn’t concern me. In South Africa and under the current condition as a white man nearing almost half a century leaves me with an anxiety that I detest.  If only I could learn to channel every drive I possess into your loving arms. How I long to rest in them, to lay my head upon your chest and feel the comfort of your heart beat as it brings about that peace which you alone impart to those who draw nigh unto you. To feel a sense of absolute safety even amidst the inundation of the storms of life as the waves of time bash away at my hope. But nay my God, my hope is in you and the harder the wind beats upon my cheeks the more it drives me to cling onto you. You are the greatest of Shepherds and I love you for your tender mercies, forgive me for the times when I seem to lose sight of my hope in you, I ask for your forgiveness for the stints in my life where I lack faith and I am quick to run to the “old man” for release which always without exception brings regret.

Change my heart my God and make it ever new so that I may be like you, this is my longing desire. Continue to ignite my hope in your finished work and continue to remind me that those who endure to the end shall be saved and ultimately become like you, wow! This is the Christians hope and it is only ever attainable by our faith in you. We must all learn to depend upon your finished work in spite of the trickery of our minds and the lies we are told by those outside.

Help these words now begin to mold me like never before is my prayer, so that I may be about your business and not my selfish wants which always disappoint; “The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” (1Corinthians 15:56-58)  

Kiss me my Lord with your mouth for your love is far better than the comfort of wine. Do not look upon my blemishes of life for they have left terrible scars; they often remind me of my folly and cause me to take my eyes off your beauty. The distractions of life often call my name, forgive me my love! How graciously you deal with me, I still have so much to learn whilst you patiently succor me in my need. I have a long way to travel, draw nigh unto to me for the journey remains a treacherous one but I know with absolute assurance that you shall sustain me through it all. You are the anchor to my soul. Please extinguish all the flames of my unbelief as the trials of life press in. I know that they have been designed for my benefit and they are there to teach me to trust you my gracious heavenly Father. Dependency upon you my Lord is the lesson, with independence needing to make a rapid exit.

Lord when I gaze into your eyes, my love is stirred to new heights as you settle my nerves and your concern gives me a calming peace that relaxes my soul. As I glean through your Word, the Bible, I realize that Moses allowed men through the law to divorce their wives because of the hardness of their hearts and yet I have given you countless opportunities for neglect but you stick closer than a brother in spite of my conduct. Thank you my love. My ending prayer is please equip me to leave all the rot of unbelief behind and help me cleave with absolute resolve onto your finished work in every area of my life so that just like Samson I may end well bringing you the glory you alone so richly deserve.


Signing off


Sunday, 14 June 2015

The Truth Commission

Finding forgiveness is not always the easiest task and sometimes a can of worms needs to be opened before that can be accomplished. I recall during the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, as a press photographer whilst sitting in on some of those hearings, with camera in hand and waiting to capture an emotion on film that would tell the story. It was in those trials that I experienced what true forgiveness really entailed; even though I was awe struck by the severity of some of the violent crimes that when brought to light, with the horrific tortures and deaths of the innocent covered up and kept from the public’s eye. All the commission was looking for in most cases was honesty from the concerned offender. Most offenders operated under the government’s instruction. The National Party used some severe tactics to keep equality at bay. After Nelson Mandela had come into Power and for the sake of peace and reconciliation in South Africa a committee was formed, the Truth Commission sprung to life and in my opinion it helped free many from their resentment. In some cases it achieved its objective and as Christians there is much to learn from this sanctioned action. Why form a coalition that undertook to free war criminal from their diabolical actions in the Apartheid Era that ruled South Africa for decades?  

Observe some vital principles; it takes the powers that be to condemn or convict the offending parties, they have it in their power to pass judgement. Their intent was for those who crossed the line in “humanity” to own up to their crimes and to be honest about their involvement in them. Only then would a pardon be considered. Some received absolution whilst others didn’t. The question that needs answering, did they achieve their objective? The little I was privileged enough to witness has taught me the power of true forgiveness. I saw a mother who had lost her child and had sat through the entire questioning process as the truth about her son became evident. The gore revolved around his death mentioned and yet I saw a broken woman somehow find it in her heart to forgive her sons murderer. The embrace of mother and murderer highlighted with tears was gargantuan in light of so much hate that surrounds our world. We so often quickly react with such negativity for the smallest offense and here was a murderer who asked for forgiveness. As they stood eyeballing each other with the mother gazed locked on her son’s killer; she said, “I forgive you”. That action shattered him, the tears that filled his eyes revealed sorry, regret and humiliation. He was truly sorry for his actions and she now had the power to condemn or forgive and she chose the latter. Wow! I condone you “mother” and thank you for your action that is fresh in my memory twenty years later.

Do you see a similar picture as God chose to forgive us for our crimes? “Jesus in my place” must be our reality with a true understanding of what this means. God is God and He has it in His power to condemn or to forgive those who oppose His order. Sin is the offense and even if we have only ever sinned once in our lives, which is impossible we would still be guilty of a crime and subject to the punishment of that law, God’s law! The penalty, eternal death for all eternity with hell as our final destination; now some think that is a preposterous thought but God has so ordered it and as He is the final authority on the matter so the opposing opinions have very little bearing on the matter. He alone has it in His power to forgive or to Condemn and the sooner we realize this the sooner we can deal with whatever needs to be dealt with. If that man had walked into that hearing arrogant and conceited do you think he would have found forgiveness? Why then would it be any different with our attitude towards God? The sooner we find forgiveness for our sins. Just as the charged person stood before the Truth Commission and confessed his crimes, we too will have to confess our sins before the Almighty God and no cover-up story will be allowed. Honesty must be the order of the day if we are to have any chance of finding forgiveness.

God has made a way of escape for the sinner; “Jesus in my Place”. He has taken the punishment for my sin and has paid my debt in full. But what action did I need to take for this to happen? I needed to confess my sin acknowledging my fault and sin against God’s precepts. I was obligated to truly own them and then I needed to cry for forgiveness from the One who has it in His power to forgive, seeking out His forgiveness and only then will the light switch be flipped and illuminate the grandiose mercy I have been offered. Praise the name of Jesus! In the sunlight of what has been penned maybe these verses will now take on new meaning; "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.” (John 3:16-18)

Signing off



Friday, 12 June 2015

The Bible - A locked door or an open window?

I believe that the majority of people in existence pursue a life filled with blessings and yet how many strive to be blessed from God as their ultimate achievement? Health, wealth and prosperity high on the list of all and yet as we begin to test the formulas life has to offer we see that they lack substance. There are holes in the procedures to life that just don’t add up. Work, play and then more work with the looming inevitable outcome that knocks for all, DEATH! And then I am reminded that while we breathe there is hope for all to find God in their lives. There is something in a man that constantly propels him to look for more but I have lived long enough to understand we are never satisfied, until we come face to face with our creator.

Pay attention! Life is filled with empty promises that will never truly gratify; sure we can look back on our past and recall the “good times”, reflecting on what we say were great memories or so called great experiences. But if I really strip it down I am left wanting, let’s me illustrate my point. I remember when I was in the prime of my life, 22 years old on a yacht, “Sea Jay” in the middle of the Mediterranean Ocean with all its trimmings. It wasn’t enough! I needed more! Or much later on in life when I had a million rand in the bank, it wasn’t enough I needed more!

It is only when we come face to face with our God that the pennies will drop into place and life will begin to make sense. You will then have an eternal purpose that will energize you with tremendous hope with faith as your catalyst to drive you to your ultimate goal, which is an existence with God for today and into eternity. The only means by which we can achieve this is through repentance; we must all learn this valuable lesson and we must call upon the name of the Lord and ask Him to forgive us for our sins, if not nothing about our lives will change and the procession of clutching at the next so called opportunity to find satisfaction will continue as we look to quench our unquenchable desires. Sadly not everyone while come to this realization and yet the offer has gone out to all. Have you understood or is the hope of winning the “Lotto of life” still the only hope you have?

Let’s face it we are all driven to find blessings for our lives and here is the lesson that I have learnt from life with all its trimmings. True blessing, the blessing that is filled with substance and brings true fulfillment is this; “Blessed is everyone who fears the LORD, who walks in his ways!” (Psalms 128:1) – Having considered all, the sole purpose for all is to fear God and to keep His commandments and yet I have also learnt that this is an impossible task. So what now? Mankind is doomed, who has lived a life without sin? Mandela, Ghandi, the Dali Lama or mother Teresa? They all have been subject to some form of sin somewhere along their journey, that is a given. But there was one who never succumbed to any form of sin in His life and because of that I will take note of what He has to say…

Let us reason together, if you need advice on a repair, who would one consult? Obviously someone in the know, someone qualified for that repair. I wouldn’t take my ripped trousers to a motor vehicle mechanic but rather to a tailor. In like manner why would I seek out the advice of those who have all been privy to sin if I had an opportunity to learn from the one that concurred sin? Who would be more qualified on the subject? The one with the doctorate! The one who passed the test! No other man has ever concurred sin in their lifetime here on earth, except Jesus Christ the man and what does he say about the blessings of life? What do we need to do to be satisfied? “There is much to do about life” from many differing voices but the only true master on the subject was the one who has concurred sin, the Lord Jesus Christ, praise his name! For the sake of clarity let me repeat my question, from whom will you receive your instructions? I have made my choice it is now up to you to make yours.

“God wrote a book” and in it is the keys to eternal life and peace on earth. It is here that we find the miracle of life and its starts with an encounter with Gods own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. In the Bible we are afforded opportunities to come face to face with our God. That in itself is a miracle, once our eyes have been open to spiritual things; Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. This man came to Jesus by night and said to him, "Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him." Jesus answered him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:1-3)
Therefore without our spiritual eyes receiving sight we will remain in the dark to spiritual things. Nevertheless for us to unlock the realm of what is spiritual we need to search out that which is spiritual; “God wrote a book”, we have the Bible at our fingertips and it is here that we will find the answer to life, if you are a sceptic don’t take my word for it; read, read and then read some more and watch the miracle of understanding unfold before your own eyes. As John Piper suggests the Bible can be view as a window filled with opportunities or it could remain a locked door that you will never look to enter, my prayer for you is that the Bible becomes your window of hope from here on in.      

Signing off


Monday, 8 June 2015

Opposites attract

“Opposites attract” is a song that Paula Abdul sang a long time ago. It had a catchy tune and was a hit back in the eighties. When considering some of the lyrics, it causes me to wonder and explore the depths of what in our lives attracts or repels? What is the trigger one could ask? I am so thankful to my heavenly Father, the only true living God who has it in his power to change the hearts of sinful men in and through His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ our beloved Saviour. Without the perfect work of Calvary opposites would most certainly not have found an attraction for one another, sin had taken care of that! But God who was rich in mercy made a way for our escape; “Jesus in my place”!

Our characters were so conflicted prior to salvation as we had our eyes so focused on ourselves that God never featured in our daily lives as He ort to have. Satan over time has learnt to soften even the hearts of sinners in disguise of what now will become a world consolidation, known as the “One World Order”. A pretense to unite civilians across the globe in to one big family; a lure no different to a bird trap filled with delicacies and then the tug on the rope. Lies and empty promises to those trapped in their sin. God on the other hand has taught and is teaching His children to trust His Word and to learn from it as an instructor who brings stability and peace when applied correctly. God the Holy Spirit has been tasked to bring about this change in a believers life, praise His name. All praise belongs to our ever wise God.

As Christians we need to be asking ourselves this question as we examine our own hearts and NOT the hearts of others. Do we love righteousness and hate evil? There must be evident fruit to our lives that proves this to others or we will be living in a false sense of security. Can a man profess to be Christian and continue to live as he once did? Obviously not! What is Satan’s decisive objective? To get a man to curse God so that he may die! But let us not be fooled into thinking that if we acknowledge God as the only true God but have no fruit to our lives that it will be well with our souls. If so, we have been hood-winked by the enemy. Our lives must begin to show fruits of the Spirit, which are; “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, and the law is powerless against such a lifestyle. Now for those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” or at the very least must be in the throes of achieving that desired result. Acceptance for sin in our lives, that which crucified Christ to a cruel Roman cross will simply not cut it! If you find yourselves living with that type of mentality then you are still enslaved to the bondage of sin and surely you know that friendship with the world is to be an enemy of God. Opposite in this instance certainly does not attract. This is then the instruction, “come out from among them and be ye separate”!

Sin is the enemy of God whom He has defeated once and for all Christ accomplishments and it is the nemesis for any true believer and with hypocrisy playing its part in my life over time I will acknowledge the damage it has caused but I will not condone my behaviour in it. God who is rich in mercy is gracious and lures us to Himself in love, but let us never make allowances for our sin as the norm. We must strive against it and find God’s grace to overcome. We must hate even the hint of anything evil as it has done far too much damage to our lives already.    

Let us learn from our late brother’s encouragement…

“Ye that love the Lord hate evil.”
- Psa_97:10
Thou hast good reason to “hate evil,” for only consider what harm it has already wrought thee. Oh, what a world of mischief sin has brought into thy heart! Sin blinded thee so that thou couldst not see the beauty of the Saviour; it made thee deaf so that thou couldst not hear the Redeemer’s tender invitations. Sin turned thy feet into the way of death, and poured poison into the very fountain of thy being; it tainted thy heart, and made it “deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.” Oh, what a creature thou wast when evil had done its utmost with thee, before divine grace interposed! Thou wast an heir of wrath even as others; thou didst “run with the multitude to do evil.” Such were all of us; but Paul reminds us, “but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.” We have good reason, indeed, for hating evil when we look back and trace its deadly workings. Such mischief did evil do us, that our souls would have been lost had not omnipotent love interfered to redeem us. Even now it is an active enemy, ever watching to do us hurt, and to drag us to perdition. Therefore “hate evil,” O Christians, unless you desire trouble. If you would strew your path with thorns, and plant nettles in your death-pillow, then neglect to “hate evil:” but if you would live a happy life, and die a peaceful death, then walk in all the ways of holiness, hating evil, even unto the end. If you truly love your Saviour, and would honour him, then “hate evil.” We know of no cure for the love of evil in a Christian like abundant intercourse with the Lord Jesus. Dwell much with him, and it is impossible for you to be at peace with sin.” (Charles Spurgeon)

“Order my footsteps by thy Word,
And make my heart sincere;
Let sin have no dominion, Lord,
But keep my conscience clear.”

Signing off



Friday, 5 June 2015

Growing in wisdom

Ephesians 1:17 “… that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him …”

How much of what we own or store in our lives do we actually need and how much of what we suppose is of benefit actually works against our predestined call upon our lives? A catastrophic shift in our understanding needs to happen if we are to see clearly. When we examine the life of Christ we see that “faith toward God” His Father was first and foremost in every one of his deliberations. In fact when he could no longer rely on his hope in Him we see an anxious emotion materialize for the first time ever in our Saviour’s life and that sentiment has been recorded in the gospels to drive a point home that we need to pay careful attention to; our dependency on our God must become paramount in every area of our lives if we are to show the fruits of wisdom to others who are still blinded by their sin and seek God’s truth for their lives.  

Life in general has been designed for society to take their eyes from the only true God and to redirect them onto themselves and others who are seen in order to feed their drives and passions. Everything we are involved with screams independence! Wisdom flies another banner and it reads, “Dependency in our God”! Faith demands our undivided attention at all times. This is the lesson that needs to captivate our lives; Faith in our Saviour and in His finished work on the cross then helps us to understand what is of importance and what we should disregard as trickery from our adversary the devil. It helps drive us into a right relationship with our heavenly Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Things like a fancy house and stylish clothes or the latest car is no longer high on our agendas; in fact we see them for what they are, which is nothing more than basic necessity to sustain our bodies for survival. If we take it any further than that we have been fooled into believing a lie and there is much for us still to learn as the wisdom of the call of God in our lives still eludes us.

Independence drives people for more whilst dependency upon our God cries my God shall provide whatever I need. The shift in what I want and what I actually need will then become apparent. It builds us up in our faith towards God. Did you know that the first building block in a believers life is; “Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God.” (Hebrews 6:1) – I suppose all who claim to be Christian understand their need for God in their lives. Therefore the challenge I put out there is it is time to start living in faith towards God and not as a people who hedge their bets with one foot in the world and the other in heaven. We must learn to live as those who have made this truth our reality; “"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. "The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness! "No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”(Matthew 6:19-24)

Is anxiety a sin? I surmise that fear if allowed to take root in our lives could eventually become so consuming that it would eventually result in unbelief.

Coming back to my earlier point about Christ’s dependency upon his Heavenly Father, it was so secure that when the time came for him to pay for our sins it left a void in him that caused him to cry out in angst; “And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?" which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"(Mark 15:34) - This had never happened before and while God judged him on our behalf, for our sin, yes for my sin! Who can actually uncover the depths of this episode in our Saviours life with any authority? All I will say is what the text allows and that is that he paid for sinners, He took the penalty of others. I hope we understand the depths of God’s love and the measures He has taken to secure our salvation. It is mind blowing! And when I hear people say ridiculous things like “if God is love, why…?” all it really confirms is their lack of understanding whilst highlighting their foolishness. Our God is love personified and He has proved it, not that He needed to but He has, Christ felt His own Fathers judgement for my sin and it caused Him to feel the pain of separation so that we would never have to. Wow! Praise the Lord Jesus’ name now and forever more, Amen and Amen!

Let me leave you with this beautiful encouragement, Paul the Apostle was a man who suffered tremendously for the sake of the gospel but I beseech you to allow these honeyed words to wash over your soul;For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.” (2Corinthians 4:6-10)

Signing off




Wednesday, 3 June 2015

The husks of life

Luke 15:17 “And when he came to himself, he said…”

When I consider the foolishness throughout my life it often leaves me feeling regret, but just maybe I have been viewing in the wrong light, a glow filled with tarnished shadows. How then should I view what has kept me from the will of God in my life? As a learning curb to keep me from the errors of my ways, foolishness teaching me to become wise! Just how many times do we have to make the same mistake to find the light at the end of the tunnel? When stripped to an easy explanation, I suppose until the wood is seen from the trees. If we can learn to put God first when we always looked to sin to selfishly satisfy out need at the time, then we must conclude the lesson has accomplished its goal.

Often the greatest lessons learnt throughout life repeatedly come at great expense. Discipline is never easily welcome on any level but when viewed correctly it has great benefit and if applied correctly is always encapsulated in love. Love never seeks its own and only ever seeks in the aid of others. Did you know that Solomon, David’s son was the wisest man to ever live? At least up until that time in history. What gave him his wisdom, well obviously it was a gift from God, nevertheless I am astonished by Solomon’s writings; he wrote most of the book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon.

I have often heard members of my family make statements like how wise could Solomon have been if he had 1000 women in his life? He had 300 wives and 700 concubines. On the surface we would all arrive at the same conclusion but when studied a little deeper it becomes apparent what was learnt from all these relationships. Experience taught him to arrive at a conclusive summation. In like manner our failure throughout our own lifetimes should have a similar result. “Once bitten twice shy” is something often coined to get a point across.

What then is my point about the mistake we have encountered over time? They must eventually arrive at a positive end and help us understand more about whom we actually are and assist us in searching out God’s graces the next time we find ourselves in a similar situation. Life teaches us lessons but God the Holy Spirit exposes our errors and leads us into truth, praise His name!

When we are dull of hearing as Christians it is the love of God that brings about a loving discipline to show us the error of our ways. At times the outcome may have dire consequences, like shattered femurs, HIV and even divorce. Although all of these things often expose our own foolishness they nevertheless help to bring about a positive change when understood. That is the God we serve! He is full of tenderness, patient endurance, and much more. His love will never tolerate our sin for God hates sin but often our sin leads us to true repentance. God takes folly and turns it into wisdom when it has finally run its course; now that is mind-blowing.

When we continue with the same pattern in our lives and it is filled with foolishness (anything that opposes the Word of God) we will always end up in the pig’s pen eating their husks. But it is often the husks of life that bring us to our senses.

Signing off


Tuesday, 2 June 2015

No Pain no gain...

“No pain no gain” is a phrase I have heard more than once throughout my lifetime and it has played an integral part in molding my character. At times when applied correctly it has worked out advantageously. Who liked to study while at school, not many I would suggest but without the hours put into preparation for the exams the results end up speaking for themselves and exposes those who made very little effort; “no pain no gain”! The same applies on the sports field or throughout military training, “no pain no gain”! It is when we are driven to uncomfortableness that we learn so much about ourselves. I know that all will be able to relate to this type of pressure in some form or another. Life is sure to try us in these areas; even though this is the reality for a fallen world due to the thorns and thistle of life, it unquestionably if viewed correctly molds us into more rounded individuals. Now obviously if we work with clay we end up with pottery. Like for like! Our flesh has been thwarted by sin and it is irreparable. We need a new beginning with greater material to work with; hence the Spirit of God intervened. Praise His name!  

Sure we have learnt to do patch work; a doctor gives a man a new heart or a psychiatrist brings out a deep rooted hindrance to enable someone to face a deep fear. But it will only ever amount to patch work which will need to be readdressed in the not too distant future and if you read the Bible from cover to cover you will soon learn the value of this lesson, that it is impossible for mankind to become Godlike in character without the work of God the Holy Spirit in our lives. We need a new beginning, a spiritual beginning and only then can we begin to portray the fruits of our great Saviour, Like for like! The Old Testament teachings with all its sacrifices are very clear on this. Our own inadequacies should leave us understanding this one truth, that we will never achieve this by what we strive to do, we need help and God has sent that help, Firstly in the form of the Lord Jesus Christ where he lived as a man and conquered sin, the only man to ever achieve this and then the Holy Spirit to do the work in a repentant sinners life transforming him from a sinner into a saint. This is done by the Spirit and not through the work of our own achievements in the flesh. Our own efforts will only ever drive us deeper into sin. How so? As an alcoholic we may learn to stop drinking but we will then be sure to boast about the change in our lives. It won’t be boasting per say but we will certainly remind people how long we haven’t touched a drink for. A pat on our own backs whilst others then do the same. This is why the Lord Jesus was so direct with Nicodemus; “Jesus answered him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God." Nicodemus said to him, "How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?" Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.”(John 3:3-5) – Like for like, we need a spirit to enter the spiritual realm and we need God’s Spirit to give us access into His domain. How do we receive His Spirit? Through repentance in the Lord Jesus Christ, there is nothing complicated about it and if anyone gives you some other means whereby you can be saved they are nothing but liars!

For those who now have been born again, there is a new saga we need to deal with, our very own flesh, which is the enemy of God. This must be realised for us to make the correct progression by the Spirit. We need to die daily so that we become more Christ like in our natures and this is a painful process! “No pain no gain”! 
In order for us to necessitate desired results in the areas we strive in there must be pain associated with it. We must learn to arm our minds with this reality; “Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God.” (1Peter 4:1-2) 

I could look to specific examples in my life but is that needed? The only true example that stands head and shoulders above the rest is the Lord Jesus’ accomplishments whilst on earth. He conquered sin, Satan and death. Now that is worth exploring, he faced such immense pressure that he coined this phase, “foxes have holes and birds have nests but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head”. Wow! If that doesn’t give us great insight to how he felt at times I am not sure we have understood anything at all.   

Our God is a brilliant God and every action is carefully weighed to achieve an unambiguous result. Without constant pressure in his life he could not claim to understand the pressures we face because of the weakness of our flesh due to our inherited sinful natures. As a man the Lord Jesus has claimed the highest accolade achievable and that is the title of High priest after the order of Melchizedek. When we study we get glimpses of what he faced to achieve this. The pressures he faced were immense but he was driven by love for a people lost to sin; all of us oblivious to our hate for God and so blinded by it that we crucified the Lord Jesus.  Nevertheless the Lord Jesus marched onward in the hope of completing the task which His Father, the great “I AM” had asked him to accomplish. The Lord Jesus needed to  bridge the gap that Adam had shattered due to his sin, which we, by birth have all inherited, we are all sinful beings – we were never taught to lie, that came naturally, which in itself proves that we are sinners. Christ needed to re-establish a fresh relationship with God on our behalf and the only way to achieve this was to conquer the immense pressure he faced. He ticked every box ever faced, praise his name!

We have been blessed by the Superior, why? Because He is love!  “It is beyond dispute that the inferior is blessed by the superior.” (Hebrews 7:7) – However this must become our representativeness if we are to be benefactors of God’s grace in our lives. Needless to say that salvation is a free gift from God; “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience-- among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ--by grace you have been saved-- and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:1-9)  
Any achievement we receive in the flesh will leave us boasting, but if we understand that our new journey in the Spirit is a gift from God we will understand that our dependency is upon Him and not ourselves.

Signing off
