The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Wednesday 3 June 2015

The husks of life

Luke 15:17 “And when he came to himself, he said…”

When I consider the foolishness throughout my life it often leaves me feeling regret, but just maybe I have been viewing in the wrong light, a glow filled with tarnished shadows. How then should I view what has kept me from the will of God in my life? As a learning curb to keep me from the errors of my ways, foolishness teaching me to become wise! Just how many times do we have to make the same mistake to find the light at the end of the tunnel? When stripped to an easy explanation, I suppose until the wood is seen from the trees. If we can learn to put God first when we always looked to sin to selfishly satisfy out need at the time, then we must conclude the lesson has accomplished its goal.

Often the greatest lessons learnt throughout life repeatedly come at great expense. Discipline is never easily welcome on any level but when viewed correctly it has great benefit and if applied correctly is always encapsulated in love. Love never seeks its own and only ever seeks in the aid of others. Did you know that Solomon, David’s son was the wisest man to ever live? At least up until that time in history. What gave him his wisdom, well obviously it was a gift from God, nevertheless I am astonished by Solomon’s writings; he wrote most of the book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon.

I have often heard members of my family make statements like how wise could Solomon have been if he had 1000 women in his life? He had 300 wives and 700 concubines. On the surface we would all arrive at the same conclusion but when studied a little deeper it becomes apparent what was learnt from all these relationships. Experience taught him to arrive at a conclusive summation. In like manner our failure throughout our own lifetimes should have a similar result. “Once bitten twice shy” is something often coined to get a point across.

What then is my point about the mistake we have encountered over time? They must eventually arrive at a positive end and help us understand more about whom we actually are and assist us in searching out God’s graces the next time we find ourselves in a similar situation. Life teaches us lessons but God the Holy Spirit exposes our errors and leads us into truth, praise His name!

When we are dull of hearing as Christians it is the love of God that brings about a loving discipline to show us the error of our ways. At times the outcome may have dire consequences, like shattered femurs, HIV and even divorce. Although all of these things often expose our own foolishness they nevertheless help to bring about a positive change when understood. That is the God we serve! He is full of tenderness, patient endurance, and much more. His love will never tolerate our sin for God hates sin but often our sin leads us to true repentance. God takes folly and turns it into wisdom when it has finally run its course; now that is mind-blowing.

When we continue with the same pattern in our lives and it is filled with foolishness (anything that opposes the Word of God) we will always end up in the pig’s pen eating their husks. But it is often the husks of life that bring us to our senses.

Signing off


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