The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Monday 8 June 2015

Opposites attract

“Opposites attract” is a song that Paula Abdul sang a long time ago. It had a catchy tune and was a hit back in the eighties. When considering some of the lyrics, it causes me to wonder and explore the depths of what in our lives attracts or repels? What is the trigger one could ask? I am so thankful to my heavenly Father, the only true living God who has it in his power to change the hearts of sinful men in and through His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ our beloved Saviour. Without the perfect work of Calvary opposites would most certainly not have found an attraction for one another, sin had taken care of that! But God who was rich in mercy made a way for our escape; “Jesus in my place”!

Our characters were so conflicted prior to salvation as we had our eyes so focused on ourselves that God never featured in our daily lives as He ort to have. Satan over time has learnt to soften even the hearts of sinners in disguise of what now will become a world consolidation, known as the “One World Order”. A pretense to unite civilians across the globe in to one big family; a lure no different to a bird trap filled with delicacies and then the tug on the rope. Lies and empty promises to those trapped in their sin. God on the other hand has taught and is teaching His children to trust His Word and to learn from it as an instructor who brings stability and peace when applied correctly. God the Holy Spirit has been tasked to bring about this change in a believers life, praise His name. All praise belongs to our ever wise God.

As Christians we need to be asking ourselves this question as we examine our own hearts and NOT the hearts of others. Do we love righteousness and hate evil? There must be evident fruit to our lives that proves this to others or we will be living in a false sense of security. Can a man profess to be Christian and continue to live as he once did? Obviously not! What is Satan’s decisive objective? To get a man to curse God so that he may die! But let us not be fooled into thinking that if we acknowledge God as the only true God but have no fruit to our lives that it will be well with our souls. If so, we have been hood-winked by the enemy. Our lives must begin to show fruits of the Spirit, which are; “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, and the law is powerless against such a lifestyle. Now for those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” or at the very least must be in the throes of achieving that desired result. Acceptance for sin in our lives, that which crucified Christ to a cruel Roman cross will simply not cut it! If you find yourselves living with that type of mentality then you are still enslaved to the bondage of sin and surely you know that friendship with the world is to be an enemy of God. Opposite in this instance certainly does not attract. This is then the instruction, “come out from among them and be ye separate”!

Sin is the enemy of God whom He has defeated once and for all Christ accomplishments and it is the nemesis for any true believer and with hypocrisy playing its part in my life over time I will acknowledge the damage it has caused but I will not condone my behaviour in it. God who is rich in mercy is gracious and lures us to Himself in love, but let us never make allowances for our sin as the norm. We must strive against it and find God’s grace to overcome. We must hate even the hint of anything evil as it has done far too much damage to our lives already.    

Let us learn from our late brother’s encouragement…

“Ye that love the Lord hate evil.”
- Psa_97:10
Thou hast good reason to “hate evil,” for only consider what harm it has already wrought thee. Oh, what a world of mischief sin has brought into thy heart! Sin blinded thee so that thou couldst not see the beauty of the Saviour; it made thee deaf so that thou couldst not hear the Redeemer’s tender invitations. Sin turned thy feet into the way of death, and poured poison into the very fountain of thy being; it tainted thy heart, and made it “deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.” Oh, what a creature thou wast when evil had done its utmost with thee, before divine grace interposed! Thou wast an heir of wrath even as others; thou didst “run with the multitude to do evil.” Such were all of us; but Paul reminds us, “but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.” We have good reason, indeed, for hating evil when we look back and trace its deadly workings. Such mischief did evil do us, that our souls would have been lost had not omnipotent love interfered to redeem us. Even now it is an active enemy, ever watching to do us hurt, and to drag us to perdition. Therefore “hate evil,” O Christians, unless you desire trouble. If you would strew your path with thorns, and plant nettles in your death-pillow, then neglect to “hate evil:” but if you would live a happy life, and die a peaceful death, then walk in all the ways of holiness, hating evil, even unto the end. If you truly love your Saviour, and would honour him, then “hate evil.” We know of no cure for the love of evil in a Christian like abundant intercourse with the Lord Jesus. Dwell much with him, and it is impossible for you to be at peace with sin.” (Charles Spurgeon)

“Order my footsteps by thy Word,
And make my heart sincere;
Let sin have no dominion, Lord,
But keep my conscience clear.”

Signing off



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