(1Peter 1:6-7) “In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if
necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith--more
precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire--may be found to
result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”
you believe?” Is a question I find myself asking over and over again! I wrestle
with this reality as the doubts of hardships press home, they squeeze as if
there is no tomorrow. What do I believe? I positively believe that heaven is as
real as hell! I absolutely believe that God so loved the world that He gave His
“only” begotten Son to die for the sins of the world and on a personal note,
for my sin! I am convinced that there is no other being seen or unseen with
more authority than God Almighty! The entire universe is subject to His
authority! There is much more I could add to this list… however I have lived
enough to understand that nothing precious comes easily!
Lord Jesus is the pearl of great price! He died so that we might live! And yet
as we live we to must now learn to die! It is through the hardships of life
that we learn this lesson! Worldly comforts work against us; they are of no
benefit when sharing in Christ’s sufferings! In fact they weaken our faith!
Nevertheless, who welcomes hardships? These hardships have been orchestrated to
conform us into His image and without them there will never been any change in
our characters. How volatile are we, or rather am I? And yet, as hard as it is
at times and when all has been considered, I wouldn't want it any other way. I
know better than to want to shirk this call upon my life! Although I only
understand in part, I know enough to realise that it is working together for my
trappings of sin cries out, “why put up with it, you needn’t!” It is just
another lie!
is our test and we will be tried with fire, and those who overcome will appear on
the other side refined having tasted in part what it meant for Jesus Christ our
Lord to die on that cruel roman cross. There is no avoidance of this reality! Unfortunately
most want the best of both worlds, forgiveness of sin with the hope of
glorified bodies for eternity as well as the comforts of this world! We will
never find peace pursuing both! Joshua had this to say; “choose this day whom you will
serve”. It is impossible to serve two masters! As we will be more committed
to the one over the other! Disloyalty will be our lot in life!
Words roll off our tongue with great ease, but
the reality of those words are proven by our actions! Words do not convince,
actions do! It is by our actions that we understand where our commitment lies.
It is not a rocket science degree we need to understand where our treasure
I am not making light of the “trial of life”,
that is why it is a test, it is trying! But “hope” if it burns brightly enough will
be the oil needed to fuel our lamps.
Did you know there is a day coming when even the apparent
Christian will turn on his brother to save his life? If we do not at the very
least acknowledge that we need to be trained up in the ways of righteousness
how will we ever handle the possibility of death for our faith? If it is the
comforts of this world that drives us, we have much to be concerned about.
Testing proves our genuineness in our commitment to God,
without it we are like a clanging symbol without any melody; hard on the ears!
us say that we realised that we were overweight and we determined to lose 5
pounds. Half the battle would be conquered, we have so willed it! The dieting
will not be easy but our objective, the hope of attaining that end will fuel us
to stay the course. We may even fail on the first couple of attempts but if the
goal is so tantalizing we should eventually arrive.
to my original question; “do you believe?” Testing proves where our treasure lies?
It helps us realise our own reality. May we all search out God’s grace to
endure the trial of life!