The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)
Monday, 1 November 2010
Foolishness of God and the Wisdom of Men
Sunday, 31 October 2010
“To be or not to be.”
“To be or not to be.”
“To be or not to be,” is a very open ended quote. It could mean to be kind or wrathful, generous or penny-pinching, to love or hate, to demand justice or to forgive, but as far as the existence of something or someone, it is or it isn’t. We either exist or we don’t! We have nothing to do with the choice of life, we do not have the right to choose whether we should be born or not. Life happens and we then exist. This is a principle we need to think through carefully. As a baby we find life through birth and then we subsist as we battle along endeavouring to make a mark in this brutal world of ours. Parents push and encourage us to achieve and be the best we can be at whatever we excel at. Our journey has begun, the thought of “to be or not to be” is no longer a factor as far as existence is concerned, we will have many choices to make along the way and sadly some have chosen to end their own lives by suicide.
Our journey of life has one eventual purpose only and that is to pass the test of life and we have been beguiled into chasing straw men as decoys of truth and purpose; education is important, but it will only benefit in this life as it often overlooks God and His purpose for mankind. When did a teacher ever point you to our creator outside of the subject, religious instruction? And even then it was more opinionated than biblical truth. I can honestly say, never can I recall a teacher even provoking me to consider the second death or the upcoming judgement (the White Throne Judgement). King Solomon tested life by personally experiencing all life had to offer, you can read all his findings in the book of Ecclesiastes, yet his final conclusion after all is said and done, READS “The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." Now where in this world with all its drives and passions were we ever taught this truth? Where are you kids being taught this truth, the accountability lies with you the parents? It is a blessing of God to be blessed with children, but with it comes a massive responsibility. Every person ever born will face the judgement seat of God. Yes not all will be judged for sin as the Lord Jesus has paid the price of sin for many, but they will sit before the Lord as their works will be judged. So either way, all and sundry will and must sit in judgement before an Almighty God. This is a fact and no one will be exempt of this truth, and I say again, not one will cunningly slip through the ranks and avoid judgement, all must stand before the Lord and be judged. That means you, me and your children. What a massive responsibility we as parents have. May God open our eyes to understand the importance of this? We must at every opportunity point them to Christ and the price He paid for sin, and more so, for their sin.
We form many habits and I am not sure they are all good practices. We often suppose something to be right and therefore act without giving it much thought. Let me explain my thinking. We celebrate Christmas, the birth of Christ, but nowhere is scripture are we told to remember His birth. So then where did we get it from? We do things because by traditions of men they have been handed down to us through generations, it did not come from God.
We are told however to remember Christ’s death, and we are also told to do this as often as we would remember Him; (1Corinthians 11:25) “in the same way also he took the cup, after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me." So we must not necessary remember His birth, BUT we must remember his death, because it is his sacrifice that has given us life (all those who believe). Do you see the subtleties through various decoys life throws at us? Unpack your life and see what it consists of and then ask yourself why and for what purpose do I do what I do? It will be a good exercise. May God the Holy Ghost expose all the straw men in our lives and equip us to find the resolve through grace to put off what needs to be shed and put on what will glorify our Maker.
Today is a day that a man many years ago found the resolve to oppose a system of total dominance which was full of straw men. On Oct. 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Palace church, he took on the whole Catholic Church with the Bible as his final authority and pinned his decree upon the “door of lies.” “To be or not to be”, he chose to be counted.
Today is Reformation Day, it is also Halloween, and it is also the day I was born. We never had a choice of coming into this world, but we do have a choice to be voices in a dying world, so what will we do?
Signing off
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Importance of Prayer
(Revelation 5:12) “Saying with a loud voice, worthy is the Lamb...”
Our day should always start with prayer as we have much thanksgiving to announce. We live by faith, but our sight implores us to cry out that our God is merciful, gracious and holy. The angels do not pray but they do constantly worship and praise God in adoration for the work of Calvary and cry out, “Holy holy is the lamb!” We will also one day no longer need to pray, but will forever cry out reminding all in the ages to come of the work of Calvary. How our blessed redeemer lost His life so that we could go free. To think that we may be found worthy enough to praise our God just like the angels do and cry out “worthy is the Lamb,” is mind propelling. The reward for all those who endure to the end is so great that Paul again tells us, “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”
If only we could take truth like this and tattoo it deep into our heart and minds so that when doubt and various trials rear their heads, just a quick drop of our cranium would remind us of our great hope. Jesus is coming again, He is coming to rule on the earth, He is coming to fetch his church, He will separate the goats from the sheep, He has defeated the enemy but will sentence Him to eternal damnation, and He comes with rewards and He will hand them out to all who remain faithful to Him.
Prayers help us to relieve our burdens, to excite our hope and it increases our faith. When the last thing you feel like doing is praying, that is when you need even the more to find the resolve by grace to cry out in prayer. Why? When there is resistance to your prayer life it means that something is either hindering your will to pray or there is war in the heavenlies where fallen angels opposing all those who belong to Jesus and try and cause interference between God and His children. Is he not the tempter, does he not go around like a roaring lion seeking to devour, are we not told that our warfare is not carnal but spiritual and if we could see into the spiritual realm we would be flabbergasted. There is a train of thought that tells us that Satan is already bound and the reason some Christians hold to this truth is the gospel would not have free access if he wasn’t already chained. I do not hold to that opinion, I believe the apostle teaching clearly tells us to be on guard and many times though their schooling which in fact was written after the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour. After his complete victory! We are told to put on the whole armour of God, and after having done all to stand, not to run but to stand. “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”
It is prayer that fuels us to find the will to stand and to follow righteousness over sin; we may not always fly the banner of victory above our heads, but we must understand the theory to equip us so that our banners may at times soar.
Let me use an illustration to demonstrate how I believe we need to battle on in prayer even if it feels like our pleas are bouncing off a concrete wall.
Daniel a man loved of God can teach us a valuable lesson, he prayed for 21 days before his pray was answered, not heard but answered. “But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.” So we see Daniel prayed and for 21 days there was war in the heavens and eventually God’s angels’ fought through the opposition’s lines to bring Daniel the revelation. So as his prayer went out, it was heard and God sent a messenger to convey His message to Daniel, along the way they encountered the enemy and a battle took place and eventually with Michael’s help they were able to advance and reach their final destination. There are many differing outlooks on spiritual war in and around us in the unseen worlds. I believe that it is as real as me typing on this keyboard. It is a dominion that is spiritual and therefore only spiritual beings live and abides there. They will and do influence our lives, but we have a King who has defeated our enemy, therefore we stand as victors all because of Him. We must never flippantly speak as ignoramuses and want to take on the devil face to face. Even Michael the arch angel did not take on the devil in his own strength but rebuked him in the name of Jesus; “yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.”
Never use bravado lingo to belittle the devil, if it wasn’t for our Saviour he would squash us like a bug.
Always remember why we are able to stand; praise the name of Jesus for he alone is worthy of all our praise and adoration. ALL HAIL KING JESUS!
Sin in our lives will be the other hindrance that will keep us from praying; but by pleading with our God in prayer even though you may have sin in your life, prayer will always expose it and help you confess it before your heavenly Father. And remember our heavenly Father is for us and not against us, once we have sincerely confessed our sin He is quick to forgive us. (Nehemiah 9:17) “...But you are a God ready to forgive, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and did not forsake them.”
So never say because I have sinned I cannot pray, that is a lie and trickery of the devil, because of your sin you now need even the more to pray.
May God Almighty, the maker of heaven and earth and all created beings both celestial and terrestrial help us find grace to cry out in prayer to Him?
Signing off
Friday, 29 October 2010
The Power of Sin
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Praising God
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Loosing when it is right
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
“Fruit of the poisonous tree”
Monday, 25 October 2010
Children or Not!
Sunday, 24 October 2010
God or Money?
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Finding Strength
(Luke 22:32) “But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers."
How often do we all imagine, in one way or another, what we could be doing for God’s kingdom here on earth. I know I would love to be like Peter and through my failures find strength to strengthen my brothers.
Satan goes around walking to and fro on the earth, we are told by Peter “like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.” Interestingly the Lord Jesus addresses Peter like this, “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat.” I can to some extent understand what that means and unfortunately it is not a one off occasion. It is not as if we are tested once only in a certain area. It is nothing like a driver’s license, we pass and the license is then ours for life, we are never tested again. Yet life and its high calling is not like that, daily we need to pick up our cross and follow Jesus. That means each and every single day we may be tested in the same area of our lives and when we do not find victory our burden becomes heavy and it should be light.
We have been commanded to walk in joy; it was unbelief and sin that kept the children of Israel out of the Promised Land. It is sin that keeps us from walking in joy. Listen carefully to what I am saying. Sure the trail of our faith does cause an atmosphere of pressure that at times seems to engulf us. But even if we don’t fall victim to it, we may still feel heavy from its test, but when we come through it victoriously, joy is its fruit. I have no doubt about that. It is only when we fail the test that we are downcast and carry the heavy burden that the Lord Himself has carried on our behalf. So we carry something that does not need to be carried.
I suppose that is how it will be until we put off our bodies of corrupting flesh.
So let us remember the basic fruit’s of repentance. “For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.”
Every day then we must make a conscious decision to examine our hearts before God remembering that He see everything, we can hide nothing from Him. Do not let Satan or his ministering demons of darkness get you to believe a lie. That is his way; remember the Garden of Eden and how he beguiled Eve. He still goes around roaring speaking lies into the minds of the weak, stand on the truth of God’s word and he we depart from you, until the next time. This is the way it is and this is the way God intended it to be. “Father may you give you children strength to stand, I pray.”
A bind eye we must not turn to this truth but rather look to the author and the finisher of our faith, even Jesus Christ our Lord for grace to overcome, and where we do fall let us repent and search out God’s forgiveness, for He will forgive us if we are sincere . Yes, even if it is asking for forgiveness every day for the same sin. The hope we all have, is that one day we may be victorious in whatever area we struggle, it may be more than just one area but the principle remains the same, acknowledge our sin, repent and stand on God’s word and then put our minds to overcoming and this must be done on a daily basis. (Matthew 6:34) "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” It must be done daily for this exact reason. It is hard enough just getting through one day at a time, if and when we try and take on more than one day at a time we are soon swallowed up by failure.
The very first fruit of repentance is carefulness; if I am weak in a particular area then I must avoid that place, I must!
Let me be personal; yesterday was a particular difficult day for me as all my furniture arrived with a delivery note from my wife that read Ashman (maiden name) instead of Arthur and I still haven’t received the summons. It is now the actual realisation of closing a chapter of my life and beginning a new one. Volatility is something of a character flaw that lives with me. In times pass I have said blow it and gone out on the town forgetting God mercy and my Saviour’s sacrifice and let rip. A friend informed me that all my old acquaintances were gathering to celebrate a birthday and asked me if I was coming? My frame of mind was racing with thoughts of a failed marriage, disappointment and anger wanting to raise its head. It was a perfect trap setup just to lure me. But by God’s grace I am able to say, life has taught me some profitable lessons; “fear God and keep His commandments for this is the soul duty of man.” If I had succumbed to the invitation the probability of me drinking and drugging were on the cards. My point! Be careful and do not venture into places you know you will potentially fall, that would not be the fruit of carefulness.
“But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers." I think when Peter denied the Lord three times it taught him his own volatility and this in turn helped him help others.
Our particular struggle and more so when we find victory in it I believe it will equip us to have compassion on others and then we will be capable of fortifying others.
May we all be resolved to lay our lives down for one another just as Christ laid down His life for us.
Signing off