The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Wednesday 5 September 2018


Position! We all have one regardless of the topic and even claiming to be neutral is a position that we cannot claim exemption on. Even if allowance is made for exemptions, that in itself is a position. Even the neutral spot on a car's gearbox has its position, it doesn’t propel the car, but it has its purpose, to keep the car idling.

Why do I highlight the point? When simplified, it’s all about the “Position” on where we will land on the other side of this life. We all have souls and they will be ushered into eternity, a spiritual life without end. Whether we concur or not is irrelevant, for God has so ordained it, period! We are His creation and we do not have the power to reverse the process. Try as we might, it will result in futility!

So many take their stance with this mind-set, “that we are masters of our own destiny!”, and yes that is a “position” which will have its result. Did you know when they crucified the Lord Jesus Christ on the Hill of Golgotha that there were two criminals positioned either side of him facing the same sentence, death by crucifixion. Both guilty of sin. They had transgressed the law, they had taken a “position” to do something that caught them out and found them wanting. They chose to steal something that did not belong to them, caught, and then charged. However, whilst facing imminent death next to my glorious Saviour, they both took a different “position” on what they needed from the Lord Jesus. The one was all about this life, “stealing”, to keep him alive, whilst the other realised his error and was now looking to invest into eternity, seeking out forgiveness for his sins. Praise God he found it; “And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.”” (Luke 23:43)

What is your position when it comes to your life before a holy God, how do you stack up? What is your stance? Is it all about the here and now? Or are you looking to invest into your future? Is your priority to find favour from the only true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? If so, then the only way this can ever be accomplished is in and through the Lord Jesus’ forgiveness and it cannot be earned in any other way. All you simply need to do is acknowledge that you have offended God, by not putting Him first in your life and then to admit your sin asking the Spirit of God to expose it for what it actually is, to help your mind understand the gravity of it and finally to ask the Lord Jesus to forgive you.

Having read this you will now take up a position on the instruction, how will you respond? Where does your treasure lie? Are you like the man on the left or the right of the Lord Jesus? Remember to give this some careful consideration, your eternity depends upon it.

Signing off


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