The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Thursday 30 August 2018


God has it in his power to speak obedience into to something that is dead, obviously His entire actuality revolves around this truth. God is in the business of bringing forth life. This is the introduction we are given about him, God “said” and it happened. This is such a powerful introduction into the Character of the creator and its design to grip our attention right off the bat. If we have ears to listen, we will understand that nothing exists without God’s permission. It’s when we start to deny God as the creator that we begin to spiral away from Him and into a hurt of pain. It is the greatest of all clues; honour God and HIS creation as it belongs to His curriculum vitae and no one else has the right to make any such claim, if a person lies it makes them a liar, in this case we have an influx of organisations and religions that oppose God as the true creator of the universe confirming that they are liars. God affirms that he cannot lie; “in which it is impossible for God to lie”. God cannot lie, it is outside of his character, sinners lie, those defected by the deceiver. God is perfect and there is no improvement to be made on perfection. “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Matthew 5:48

This brings us to the very first point in the “our Father” prayer; “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.” It is imperative to give him His due benevolence. What is God’s will for mankind? When we pray it’s normally about our will and our wants, we want our reward and God wants his, to be hallowed and honour as the creator, the one in perfect control. Why is it that we ask so many question? Is it not because we do not have the answers. Therefore it is prudent not to challenge the One who is perfect. Our journey is to teach us the will of God, this is our primary objective. In hindsight as atrocious as my behaviour has been over the years, I am starting to understand the beauty of it all. Not that sin could ever have any beauty attached to it, as it is an abomination before a holy God but the way in which God uses our own folly to bring us to our senses. The timespan for an individual to learn HIS lessons well is our lifetime here on earth. That is it! I pray that you have all already worked this out or at least in the process of understanding. 

What is the first thought on our minds in the morning, is it singing praises to God or is it overrun by the cares of this world? Only the Spirit within can truly answer that question. God knows but so do we. We cannot speak for others but we can certainly speak for ourselves.

The drift and the shift from the voice of God is predominant and the world is falling fast. Even so come quickly Lord Jesus, Amen and Amen! Even our consciences are being challenged from an external entity. The forces of darkness believe that their day is near and the feeding frenzy is close and yet there is much work to be done, the hour of Satan’s reign is just around the corner. Who will stand up and be counted. The Christian needs to put on the mind of Christ, all that really means is to think with his mind-set. We need to trust the Word of God, the Lord Jesus did; even to the point of death. Death will be required from some when that day finally arrives and I wonder if we are to be number amongst those privilege few. God knows! Just a reminder as it boldly presses to the forefront of my mind that “without faith it is impossible to please God”.

Trust and obey is our instruction…

Signing off


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