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Friday 22 May 2015

So many "Voices"

(Luke 5:31-32) “I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance." 

Considering all the voices we face on a daily basis, which of those voices do we allow to mold our lives? Which voice is the clearest in our lives? We are constantly bombarded by information, which molds us into the individuals we are. They define us into our characters and mold us into what we think we should become. The voice of fashion cries “brand names only”, whilst our wallets cry “Mr Price”. We see our neighbor driving a fancy car and we hear a voice say, “Wouldn’t that be nice” and then we fall into the crowd of coveters. We gain weight and a voice cries “it’s time for a diet” and so life consistently keeps us occupied with trivia and takes our eyes off the real issue, which is, life after death!

There is an enemy who is so determined to send his troops out into the world with messages of confusion and it is rife within our world today. When last did you take time out, sit down, settle yourself and considered the deeper meaning of life? Thankfully I have been afforded the opportunity by the grace of God to do that most mornings, but I must tell you it was never a given, it has taken discipline but I wouldn’t change it for the world. “Alone time” is where I can hear the voice of God whisper into my ear. It is not as if I hear an audible voice bellow from heaven. With God’s Word, the Bible open in front of me, He (God the Holy Spirit) speaks to me through it just as if a voice has hollered from heaven. At times He is bold and then a gentle whisper. Either way these are sweet times and I love them so, but how many declarations in today’s world instruct others to do the same? Why would they, Hollywood instructs us about the here and now and keeps us from thinking about lies which keeps us from the truth. Take the new movie Exodus, what a lot of bunkum! It was so inaccurate it will certainly leave the novice with a false evaluation on who God actually is.       

God on the other hand has continuously declared the same message, heaven or hell for eternity. Find forgiveness for your sin or pay the price for it.  It’s His way through Christ or destruction for perpetuity. There is no other option even though other voices cry out with additional possibilities, they are liars!

“So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.” (1John 4:16) – Reject the Lord Jesus’ sacrifice for your sin and you reject the love of God for your life, simple! However God has always been motivated by a love that is perfect. Consider what perfection teaches us, it means exactly what it says; to be perfect means there can be nothing added to something or someone to improve it or him. God is perfect! His love is perfect! Therefore if God has a perfect character, this means nothing could be added to Him to improve whatever He chooses to do and with that said: His love drove Him to crucify His only begotten Son on a cruel Roman cross so that sinners like you and me could go free; escaping the prominent judgment looming in the not too distant future. There will come a day where God will judge the living and the dead! All this simply means those who find His forgiveness for their sin in and through the spilt blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, understanding that it was God in the flesh that paid the penalty for sin and more specifically my sin and yours. If and when we find ourselves on our knees seeking out His forgiveness for our own sins, whatever they may be! There is no sin too great that God will not forgive, so long as you sincerely seek out His forgiveness, admitting that we understand that our actions through life have offended God and deserved His punishment. God hates sin this is why He destroyed the world with water in the days of Noah, because sin ruled men’s hearts. Sin dictates and rules the lives of so many; we must see it for what it is. If we do not recognize ourselves as sinners we will never seek out God’s forgiveness. No differently to a sick person who understands their need for medical assistance and this is why the Lord Jesus coined this phrase; “And Jesus answered them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance."(Luke 5:31-32) 

Only when this genuineness is realized will the penny drop and then our eyes will be opened to the magnitude of God’s love in our lives. This is when the phrase that so many coin, being “born again” is understood in its rightful context. Without that action in our lives we will continue to clutch at straws and cling to so many differing voices seeking out their guidance, but they will only ever amount in leading the rebellious to “death” and the “perfect judgment” which is just over the vista leaving them all being cast into outer darkness. A treacherous thought but I can assure you on the authority of God’s Word that this will happen, I lie not!

His love is perfect! But so is His wrath! There will be no wiggle room for the one who rejects the gospel of Jesus Christ, reject God’s provision on His terms and you will certainly face the consequences of that for all eternity. Nothing we do within our own capabilities outside of God’s provision in and through the Lord Jesus Christ will save us from certain destruction. Every other voice is a lie and leads us down the wrong road, repent, turn to Jesus, confess your sins to Him and you shall be saved from the wrath to come. And this I declare on record for all the ages to come and I stand by my witness.

Signing off


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