The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Sunday 10 May 2015


To have been given a voice is a very special; to be able to articulate our thoughts is phenomenal. We speak and then others respond or act in accordance to what has just been voiced. Animals articulate with sounds and actions to be understood. That in itself is phenomenal and those in the know study differing species to further understand their characteristics. Some even spent their lifetimes dedicated to that plight with many unanswered questions and yet God spoke them into being, completely rounded in their own class of differing species, Wow! Adam was then created from the dust of the ground, wonderfully formed as a man, an intelligent being and from the outset with capabilities to converse with his God. It’s not as if he garbled a word or two like infants do, it was Adam who gave names to all the animals. God has it in His power to create what and when He chooses by simply speaking it into being; now that is beyond human comprehension. This is the God I serve, praise His name! Some choose to serve angels, make believe gods and the like, but why would one shoot so low when God has offered Himself to us all? Angels have been created, just like Adam was created. Why would we choose to serve an invention when the inventor has called us to serve Him? The answer is obvious; we have been blinded by sin. But for those of us who have now been set free from the power of sins deceitful trickery and been given eyes to see the wood from the trees, praise God! And that happened when we called on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us for our own sin. If that has not happened in your life then I can say with assurance on the backing of God’s Word that you are still blind and you cannot see.     

The power of words carries great substance in molding our characters. Hence the Word of God became flesh and dwelt amongst us. It was the spoken Word which created all we see, God spoke the entire universe into being, and it did not appear from an accidental bang! It was precise and very deliberate. God formed the universe with careful intent and when He had finished with creation, He sat back and concluded that it was “very good”. Do you know why the sea stops where it does? God’s voice has so ordered it. God spoke and it happened! He then created man is His own image, male and female He created them, with the ability to communicate in an audible fashion. God converses with us through the WORD, we have the bible. It is vital to study it to hear His voice or at the very least to sit under the ministry of those who study it. Now it would be difficult to speak as one who witnessed creation as I was not there at the time. But what I can say with assurance is what God has allowed men to pen about His involvement in creation. And for those who continue to make idiotic statements like, “the bible was written by men”, who should have penned the words found in the bible? Dogs or Angels! How would the scrolls through time have been validated? Moses was not yet conceived when, creation took place nevertheless God took him up on a mountain top and there they conversed. He got the information first hand; it wasn’t as if the broken telephone method was used! Someone heard someone say something somewhere… As for the New Testament most of the disciples witnessed personally what they have penned. They walked with Jesus and captured what they saw. Paul and John have seen heaven, have you? So on what authority do “some” make statements as if they are in the know? Satan questioned God’s Word, and so did Eve and look at what state the world is in. So let’s not be quick to blame God when in fact it was our great grandmother’s decision to disobey His Word that has caused such heartache throughout the world. Yes a man did write the book of Genesis and His name was Moses. Where did He get the information from? From God Himself! Sin has robbed some of the simple ability to logically make even the meekest of deductions. Nevertheless our God is greater than any obstacle, Jesus shed His blood to set us free, praise His name! Call upon the name of the Lord and you shall be set free.

We all have a voice and we all make certain assumptions, everyone looks to be heard. I know that what I have penned may be my opinion but of one thing I am sure that what I have declared is of the truth because I have used the source of truth to validate what has been said. It may only be part of the big picture, but it certainly will be enough to set someone on the right path if taken seriously. Look to Jesus and be set free…
Signing off


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