The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Friday, 29 May 2015


Why and what makes repentance so important for both the sinner and the saint?

This is a topic that isn’t easily understood when in fact it should be, we have many skewed perceptions concerning the importance of repentance before a Holy God. I believe our very first priority has to be honesty, which in itself isn’t easy to confront. Prior to salvation we are so tainted with the sin and the blindness of its lies leaves us believing we are something we are not. We like to think of ourselves as “nice” people and with hearts full of decency. It is so far from the truth that when realized it cuts to the core as God the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin, without this reality in our understanding we will remain dead in our trespasses and our sins. Sadly many use these types of quotes, “he’s a good person”. Really! “As it is written: "None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one."” (Romans 3:10-12)   

If we view our sins as acceptable there will be no need for the work of a physician, the great physician, Jesus Christ our Lord came to save sinners and not the self-righteous. This is imperative for us to understand if we are to find His forgives for our SINS. Look to Jesus and live is the cry from the bottom of my heart. Have you learned what this means? Today will be a day filled with opportunities to look to Him and to find life. In times past we were drawn away by the lusts of our own selfish wants, will today be any different? I know we have been instructed to look to our King and to live in Him.

Have we understood the magnitude of wherever we find ourselves that our complete solution is found in the Lord Jesus Christ and no other? Has the penny dropped? Sin will always look to distract us from this our only true eternal objective, to find Christ is to find life! It is obvious for all who have been saved at our conversion, but have we really understood that this is only the beginning of what should be a marvelous journey.

Some may say I have problems, then look to Jesus and find His solution; joblessness may be driving you to the precipice of having to beg bread, then look to Jesus for sustenance. We are of more importance to our heavenly Father than the birds of the fields, rest in this assurance that He cares for you. You may be in bondage to a certain sin that will not let up, look to Jesus for He has overcome sin and all its trappings. Death may be looming as old age or sickness knocks at the door, look to Jesus He alone has the power to raise you from the dead. Look, look! Lock and load your gaze upon the only Saviour of this world, The Lord Jesus Christ is the only far-reaching solution for this life and eternity which is just around the next corner for us all. There are many cliché’s that we often hear people quoting when we are amongst Christians, but we must make them our own if it is to be well with our souls.

Praise God for His refreshing inspiration I received this morning as I lay awake pondering my first thought, to simply look to Jesus and to live! Wow, what great opportunities are in store for me to find my Saviour grace to get me through today. The trial of life is there to hone us into His image and not to mold us with our own selfish wants that are filled with lies and deceit and will only ever lead to death. Have we learnt this valuable lesson?


Signing off


Wednesday, 27 May 2015


(2Corinthians 5:18) “All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation;”

Reconciliation is such a pleasant word on my ear, it carries such a strong connotation and with its application in our lives it brings sweet release when there was only ever hate and anxiety molding certain relationships. One can easily fill in the blanks when it comes to the broken relationships that still exist in our lives. As Christians we should not be privy to any unattended break down in any of our interactions, especially amongst other brothers and sisters in Christ. This is so serious that John rebukes those who were claiming to be Christians; If anyone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.” (1John 4:20-21) - We must always look to God’s Word for positive encouragement and when we are rebuked by it as it will always work out for our benefit when it is applied correctly to our lives, that is a given!

If we have an issue against our brother we must take it to him with the intent of finding reconciliation. Who then is our brother or our sister or even our mothers? This seems like a question that belongs on a chappies (cheap bubblegum sold in South Africa) wrapper. Superficially I would agree but it goes far deeper than that. We understandably have our immediate families linked to our genealogies and we often proudly display some memorabilia concerning our heritage. Take Louis Botha, the first Prime minister of South Africa, even though I have not actually the proof required to be totally persuaded, nevertheless I have been told from a rather reliable source that I come from the line of his genealogy, on my mother’s side; there is nevertheless a part of me that looks to hold onto that and when the opportunity arises I am quick to mention it. I even have a photograph of myself posing next to his statue outside parliament in Cape Town. We like to have an affiliation with those who are or were famous and yet when it comes to the greatest of all men, the Lord Jesus Christ so many hold back with their association to Him. Some claim to be Christians but never inform others of their conversion. This is a travesty and it needs to be rectified; if the shoe fits remember to wear it; we must be quick to share our hope with others and present the gospel to those who are lost and on their way to an eternity of hate and utter darkness. And yes! Even if we are despised for it, for the gospel message is the power of God unto salvation. The Gospel is a sweet message for those who respond to it. We have an obligation to others; this is part of our responsibility as Christians and it must become part of our daily dress; “Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. (Ephesians 6:14-15) – Regardless of the pain it may cause to yourself or others it may just free someone from their sin and an eternal catastrophic outcome. The Gospel is sweet on the ear that receives it, IT IS THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION! It must be shared at every opportunity, let us therefore be sensitive with intent to present it at each opening.

Getting back to the question posed earlier, who then is our mother, bother or sister? But before we answer that let us set the scene…

When the Lord Jesus walked as a man here on earth and it must have been a typical day for him as he shared his gospel, presenting himself as the only solution to the world lost to their sin; nevertheless many doubted and some even accused him of having an unclean spirit. It is no different today, voluminous amounts of society will reject the true gospel message but there are some still to receive it and how beautiful it will be if received through your voice. I can only imagine the crowd as they gather to see his miracles; it must have been a jammed-packed affair. Then those summoned by his family came to him and “said your mother and brothers are outside”, I find his retort remarkable and it would be good for us to sit up and take note; “And a crowd was sitting around him, and they said to him, "Your mother and your brothers are outside, seeking you." And he answered them, "Who are my mother and my brothers?" – Obviously his kin was outside looking and expecting to find his favour. But this was his response; For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother (Mark 3:35)

The author’s intent in this statement is to get us to shift in the way we think about our families. We have a new family after salvation, the penny must drop for each of us because we will spend eternity together, not just seventy years, and therefore we must make every effort to repair broken relationships. People are watching our conduct as Christians. Reconciliation brings an amazing amount of peace to our souls, praise God now and forever more, Amen and Amen!

Signing off



Friday, 22 May 2015

So many "Voices"

(Luke 5:31-32) “I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance." 

Considering all the voices we face on a daily basis, which of those voices do we allow to mold our lives? Which voice is the clearest in our lives? We are constantly bombarded by information, which molds us into the individuals we are. They define us into our characters and mold us into what we think we should become. The voice of fashion cries “brand names only”, whilst our wallets cry “Mr Price”. We see our neighbor driving a fancy car and we hear a voice say, “Wouldn’t that be nice” and then we fall into the crowd of coveters. We gain weight and a voice cries “it’s time for a diet” and so life consistently keeps us occupied with trivia and takes our eyes off the real issue, which is, life after death!

There is an enemy who is so determined to send his troops out into the world with messages of confusion and it is rife within our world today. When last did you take time out, sit down, settle yourself and considered the deeper meaning of life? Thankfully I have been afforded the opportunity by the grace of God to do that most mornings, but I must tell you it was never a given, it has taken discipline but I wouldn’t change it for the world. “Alone time” is where I can hear the voice of God whisper into my ear. It is not as if I hear an audible voice bellow from heaven. With God’s Word, the Bible open in front of me, He (God the Holy Spirit) speaks to me through it just as if a voice has hollered from heaven. At times He is bold and then a gentle whisper. Either way these are sweet times and I love them so, but how many declarations in today’s world instruct others to do the same? Why would they, Hollywood instructs us about the here and now and keeps us from thinking about lies which keeps us from the truth. Take the new movie Exodus, what a lot of bunkum! It was so inaccurate it will certainly leave the novice with a false evaluation on who God actually is.       

God on the other hand has continuously declared the same message, heaven or hell for eternity. Find forgiveness for your sin or pay the price for it.  It’s His way through Christ or destruction for perpetuity. There is no other option even though other voices cry out with additional possibilities, they are liars!

“So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.” (1John 4:16) – Reject the Lord Jesus’ sacrifice for your sin and you reject the love of God for your life, simple! However God has always been motivated by a love that is perfect. Consider what perfection teaches us, it means exactly what it says; to be perfect means there can be nothing added to something or someone to improve it or him. God is perfect! His love is perfect! Therefore if God has a perfect character, this means nothing could be added to Him to improve whatever He chooses to do and with that said: His love drove Him to crucify His only begotten Son on a cruel Roman cross so that sinners like you and me could go free; escaping the prominent judgment looming in the not too distant future. There will come a day where God will judge the living and the dead! All this simply means those who find His forgiveness for their sin in and through the spilt blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, understanding that it was God in the flesh that paid the penalty for sin and more specifically my sin and yours. If and when we find ourselves on our knees seeking out His forgiveness for our own sins, whatever they may be! There is no sin too great that God will not forgive, so long as you sincerely seek out His forgiveness, admitting that we understand that our actions through life have offended God and deserved His punishment. God hates sin this is why He destroyed the world with water in the days of Noah, because sin ruled men’s hearts. Sin dictates and rules the lives of so many; we must see it for what it is. If we do not recognize ourselves as sinners we will never seek out God’s forgiveness. No differently to a sick person who understands their need for medical assistance and this is why the Lord Jesus coined this phrase; “And Jesus answered them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance."(Luke 5:31-32) 

Only when this genuineness is realized will the penny drop and then our eyes will be opened to the magnitude of God’s love in our lives. This is when the phrase that so many coin, being “born again” is understood in its rightful context. Without that action in our lives we will continue to clutch at straws and cling to so many differing voices seeking out their guidance, but they will only ever amount in leading the rebellious to “death” and the “perfect judgment” which is just over the vista leaving them all being cast into outer darkness. A treacherous thought but I can assure you on the authority of God’s Word that this will happen, I lie not!

His love is perfect! But so is His wrath! There will be no wiggle room for the one who rejects the gospel of Jesus Christ, reject God’s provision on His terms and you will certainly face the consequences of that for all eternity. Nothing we do within our own capabilities outside of God’s provision in and through the Lord Jesus Christ will save us from certain destruction. Every other voice is a lie and leads us down the wrong road, repent, turn to Jesus, confess your sins to Him and you shall be saved from the wrath to come. And this I declare on record for all the ages to come and I stand by my witness.

Signing off


Saturday, 16 May 2015

The faithlessness of some

(Romans 3:3) “What if some were unfaithful? Does their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God?”

This is a very important question to consider, if we are unfaithful to the call of God upon our lives does that nullify the faithfulness of God? To even think like that would be somewhat ridiculous. Regardless of any opposition to the will of God, it will not sway Him into any erroneousness. This is why it is important to understand His character. Doesn’t life itself teach you to understand certain facets of life through experience? How will one actually understand unless they embrace whatever needs understanding? It would be difficult to describe an apple’s taste if never eaten. We all are part of God’s creation and we all witness His brilliance each and every day of our lives just by breathing the air He has provided for us to survive.  

All have been afforded a chance to search Him out through the witness of creation; it proves His existence and His power. Creation informs me of His existence but the Lord Jesus Christ introduces me to Him. He is the One who has bridged the gap through His very own sacrifice. The Lord Jesus Christ died in the place of sinners, and because my sins, (past, present and future sins) have been forgiven I have been allowed to enter into a relationship with the only true living God. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who goes by the name of the great “I AM”. This invitation is open to all and without reservation of colour or creed to all who will look to Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins; “because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. For the Scripture says, "Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame." (Romans 10:9-11)

Let’s face it, we will only ever understand what He decides to reveal to us. What has He revealed? All of us witness creation and we see God’s ability with all the intricacies of creation. Mankind witness’s creation every day of our lives and so we are all without excuse. What about those who decry His existence? “For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. (Romans 1:19-20) - There are many other claims made about how creation has come about. But it is clear from this portion of scripture that God will have nothing to do with it, He will not excuse any who entertain some other notion about His creation and He has chosen to reveal part of His awesome character through creation; we see and witness His power every day of our lives.

Now for those who continue to beat a drum that has very little rhythm if any at all, with lyrics that repeatedly oppose God’s involvement in creation, they are very foolish and yet claim to be amongst the wise. The bible speaks about such people; “For it is written, "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart." Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe.” (1Corinthians 1:19-21) – let us reason together and break this down, we have a choice, do we believe someone’s opinion about creation on some evidential facts which they believe proves their theory about creation although they speak about something they never witnessed? Where were they thousands of years ago or do we believe the claims of someone who claims to have been there when it all happened? In a court of law who will be more reliable, an eye witness or someone who uses theory to arrive at his conclusion? Easy to call!      

In the beginning God created mankind and gave them (Adam and Eve) commands, they were given liberty under His authority, freedom to enjoy creation as they chose, except for one mandate, they were forbidden to eat from a certain tree. Understanding the beauty we see in creation which has been tainted by sin, which helps me understand that it is not as beautiful as it once was;And to Adam he said, "Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, 'You shall not eat of it,' cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field.” (Genesis 3:17-18) - I can only imagine what beauty must have surrounded that couple. 

My love for nature and the time spent in many game reserves helps me get a clearer picture of how beautiful that place must have been. Utopia personified! If somehow given the chance I would without question want to visit it. When I gaze up into the skies and see the vastness of creation I am often left speechless, ogling the beauty of the night skies as dancing stars flicker within their orbits.

God will never share His glory with another and why should He? If you were Picasso would you allow someone else to sign you painting? Many fake paintings are sold off as originals to the untrained eye; it’s no different when it comes to those looking to defraud God of His creation.

Look to the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and your eyes shall be opened to a deeper understanding off all truth.

Signing off



Monday, 11 May 2015


Relationships come and go and it is easy to prove this as a reality if one just looks at some of the stats on file. On reflection what once appeared to be a rock solid relationship often falls apart due to varying reasons. However when we get to the root of the problem, if honest we will see that selfishness has played its part in most breakups. “I didn’t get it my way”, or “I lost that warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach”. Instead of looking for the positives, there comes a time when looking for justification in the breakup becomes the order of the day. A reason for why I no longer need to be bound to my commitment. It frustrates me that as a Christian I have failed dismally in this area of my life. But for me to sweep it under the mat per say and not look to learn from my mistakes would be equally as foolish.

It is imperative as Christians to find the will of God for our lives. This is the call for all. Many make catastrophic mistakes along the way and sadly I am amongst that number. However my God is full of grace, full of mercy and He is patient with even the most unruly of His children, praise His name! God does not neglect His commitment in any relationship and how I love Him for that. I am reminded this morning of my impulsiveness but at the same time His commitment overshadows all of my weaknesses, hallelujah!

To witness my Heavenly Father begin to restore what the cankerworm has eaten from my life is very refreshing and I am able to echo these words; Jesus looked at them and said, "With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God." (Mark 10:27) – To blotch what we had once been given and then to fall to ones knees in repentance seeking out God’s graces is the greatest destination known to me. Some create bucket lists for their time here on earth, “why shoot so low” I ask myself? God’s forgiveness is just a cry away; bless His abundant ability to even consider forgiving a reprobate like me. And yet Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour has died knowing the beginning from the end, this blows my mind! He initially forgave me for my sin way back in 1987 knowing very well that I wound make so many mistakes along the way and yet He was still willing to enter into a relationship with me, now that is love personified! There is no volatility with God He sticks true to His commitment and I am so thankful to Him for His overarching love, it causes me to cry no more folly my God and by your grace I will love you in return with all my heart.

My encouragement this morning is to those who haven’t quite cut the mustard as Christians, be encouraged and repent of your idiocy and cry out to a faithful God and Father who is quick to forgive. Having said that, sin is the enemy, give it no place in your life, as it will always look to rule. The purpose of Christ dying such a cruel death was to break the shackles of sin and He has shattered its power. It is now up to us as individuals to seek out God driven graces to overcome the obstacles that keep us from our intimate relationship with Him.

To be tricked into believing that God will tolerate our sin because we are weak is exactly that, a bogus thought from sins deception. We must look for His ongoing sanctification in our lives and when this becomes our resolve from day to day, restoration will take place in your lives and of that I am persuaded. How far can we fall? Read psalm 51 and it will soon become evident that God is quick to forgive just so long as we are devastated by our own sin.

How I long my great God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to nourish our relationship with greater intent, I am now yours, I belong to you and not my selfish wants; thank you Father God for your immense commitment in this relationship even when mine nose-dived. Thank you Jesus my great Shepherd, thank you God the Holy Spirit for your role in exposing my sin and causing me to acknowledge it by driving me to seek out God’s forgiveness.

I will leave you with these encouraging word from a brother who I have never met but look forward to our encounter in heaven one day for he has been of great encouragement to me through the toughest of times…

“I am with you alway.”
- Mat_28:20
It is well there is One who is ever the same, and who is ever with us. It is well there is one stable rock amidst the billows of the sea of life. O my soul, set not thine affections upon rusting, moth-eaten, decaying treasures, but set thine heart upon him who abides for ever faithful to thee. Build not thine house upon the moving quicksands of a deceitful world, but found thy hopes upon this rock, which, amid descending rain and roaring floods, shall stand immovably secure. My soul, I charge thee, lay up thy treasure in the only secure cabinet; store thy jewels where thou canst never lose them. Put thine all in Christ; set all thine affections on his person, all thy hope in his merit, all thy trust in his efficacious blood, all thy joy in his presence, and so thou mayest laugh at loss, and defy destruction. Remember that all the flowers in the world’s garden fade by turns, and the day cometh when nothing will be left but the black, cold earth. Death’s black extinguisher must soon put out thy candle. Oh! how sweet to have sunlight when the candle is gone! The dark flood must soon roll between thee and all thou hast; then wed thine heart to him who will never leave thee; trust thyself with him who will go with thee through the black and surging current of death’s stream, and who will land thee safely on the celestial shore, and make thee sit with him in heavenly places for ever. Go, sorrowing son of affliction, tell thy secrets to the Friend who sticketh closer than a brother. Trust all thy concerns with him who never can be taken from thee, who will never leave thee, and who will never let thee leave him, even “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever.” “Lo, I am with you alway,” is enough for my soul to live upon, let who will forsake me.” (Charles Spurgeon)

Signing off



Sunday, 10 May 2015


To have been given a voice is a very special; to be able to articulate our thoughts is phenomenal. We speak and then others respond or act in accordance to what has just been voiced. Animals articulate with sounds and actions to be understood. That in itself is phenomenal and those in the know study differing species to further understand their characteristics. Some even spent their lifetimes dedicated to that plight with many unanswered questions and yet God spoke them into being, completely rounded in their own class of differing species, Wow! Adam was then created from the dust of the ground, wonderfully formed as a man, an intelligent being and from the outset with capabilities to converse with his God. It’s not as if he garbled a word or two like infants do, it was Adam who gave names to all the animals. God has it in His power to create what and when He chooses by simply speaking it into being; now that is beyond human comprehension. This is the God I serve, praise His name! Some choose to serve angels, make believe gods and the like, but why would one shoot so low when God has offered Himself to us all? Angels have been created, just like Adam was created. Why would we choose to serve an invention when the inventor has called us to serve Him? The answer is obvious; we have been blinded by sin. But for those of us who have now been set free from the power of sins deceitful trickery and been given eyes to see the wood from the trees, praise God! And that happened when we called on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us for our own sin. If that has not happened in your life then I can say with assurance on the backing of God’s Word that you are still blind and you cannot see.     

The power of words carries great substance in molding our characters. Hence the Word of God became flesh and dwelt amongst us. It was the spoken Word which created all we see, God spoke the entire universe into being, and it did not appear from an accidental bang! It was precise and very deliberate. God formed the universe with careful intent and when He had finished with creation, He sat back and concluded that it was “very good”. Do you know why the sea stops where it does? God’s voice has so ordered it. God spoke and it happened! He then created man is His own image, male and female He created them, with the ability to communicate in an audible fashion. God converses with us through the WORD, we have the bible. It is vital to study it to hear His voice or at the very least to sit under the ministry of those who study it. Now it would be difficult to speak as one who witnessed creation as I was not there at the time. But what I can say with assurance is what God has allowed men to pen about His involvement in creation. And for those who continue to make idiotic statements like, “the bible was written by men”, who should have penned the words found in the bible? Dogs or Angels! How would the scrolls through time have been validated? Moses was not yet conceived when, creation took place nevertheless God took him up on a mountain top and there they conversed. He got the information first hand; it wasn’t as if the broken telephone method was used! Someone heard someone say something somewhere… As for the New Testament most of the disciples witnessed personally what they have penned. They walked with Jesus and captured what they saw. Paul and John have seen heaven, have you? So on what authority do “some” make statements as if they are in the know? Satan questioned God’s Word, and so did Eve and look at what state the world is in. So let’s not be quick to blame God when in fact it was our great grandmother’s decision to disobey His Word that has caused such heartache throughout the world. Yes a man did write the book of Genesis and His name was Moses. Where did He get the information from? From God Himself! Sin has robbed some of the simple ability to logically make even the meekest of deductions. Nevertheless our God is greater than any obstacle, Jesus shed His blood to set us free, praise His name! Call upon the name of the Lord and you shall be set free.

We all have a voice and we all make certain assumptions, everyone looks to be heard. I know that what I have penned may be my opinion but of one thing I am sure that what I have declared is of the truth because I have used the source of truth to validate what has been said. It may only be part of the big picture, but it certainly will be enough to set someone on the right path if taken seriously. Look to Jesus and be set free…
Signing off


Thursday, 7 May 2015

Great Reward

(Hebrews 10:35) “Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.”

Let’s face it, who in their right mind does not enjoy receiving a reward? Life is all about rewards and a treat is away comforting when we have accomplish something important. Many work throughout the year and take a holiday at the end of it. My mother rewarded me with a car when I passed matric. However there was a condition attached, pass matric and you can have the Ford. Although I was a student motivated by sport and not education per say, the practicality of my mid-year results had left me well on my way to failure. I was going to fail if I didn’t do something about it. As an unsaved youth my head was all over the place and it was locked into partying and sport. I obviously realized to some degree the severity of my predicament, but I didn’t really take it that seriously and nothing really change until my mother said, “pass matric and you can have the Ford Escort”. It was now game on; there was a reward on the table worth pursuing. To the surprise of many, I ended up with the car keys in my hand. That and my father believing in me when everyone else had written me off as a candidate for failure is all it took to motivate me to get serious.

We must all arrive at a place in our own understanding on whatever we decide is worth fighting for. The Lord Jesus fought to keep sin at bay and He is now seated at the right hand of the Father, His obedience has been rewarded. Let us never underestimate the importance of the reward. It feeds our hope! One day we shall see Him as He is and we shall be like Him, sensational! This will be our ultimate reward; the Christian will eventually receive that eternal gift. However, it’s the rewards we receive along the way that I wish to deliberate and hopefully motivate other to do the same.

Hopefully you’ve lived enough to understand sins destruction, and if not you will eventually see it for what it is; deceitful lies about promises that are filled with disappointment. On the other hand the rewards of God when realized are full of nourishment that satisfies the soul. God does reward those who diligently seek Him, praise His name, Amen and Amen!

“And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6) - How are those who diligently seek Him rewarded?

“He must believe that God is, and that he is what he is, what he has revealed himself to be in the scripture, a Being of infinite perfections, subsisting in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Observe, the practical belief of the existence of God, as revealed in the word, would be a powerful awe - band upon our souls, a bridle of restraint to keep us from sin, and a spur of constraint to put us upon all manner of gospel obedience. (2.) That he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him. Here observe, [1.] By the fall we have lost God; we have lost the divine light, life, love, likeness, and communion. [2.] God is again to be found of us through Christ, the second Adam. [3.] God has prescribed means and ways wherein he may be found; to with, a strict attention to his oracles, attendance on his ordinances, and ministers duly discharging their office and associating with his people, observing his providential guidance, and in all things humbly waiting his gracious presence. [4.] Those who would find God in these ways of his must seek him diligently; they must seek early, earnestly, and perseveringly. Then shall they seek him, and find him, if they seek him with all their heart; and when once they have found him, as their reconciled God, they will never repent the pains they have spent in seeking after him.(Matthew Henry)

Simply put, we are to embrace all of God’s commands for our lives understanding that He will reward us for our obedience. Not that we will get great wealth and the like, that is the misinterpreted false gospel that some propagate. With “food and raiment” we must find contentment; “But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.” (1Timothy 6:8) - Nevertheless we will be rewarded with the “fruits of the Spirit”, God will reward us with these wonderful fruits if and when we seek out His will for our lives, and of this I am persuaded.

Life may throw many curve balls at us but it will all work together for our good so long as we have the will of God in our crosshairs. Keep focused with that as our priority, just one day at a time and it will be well with our souls. What are these rewards that God attracts us with? They are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. To experience these rewards we must seek out grace driven tractability to crucify the lusts of our flesh. God help us in our resolve to be about His will and not our selfish wants.

In conclusion, we must not be fooled into believing that worldliness will bring about relief for our lives, it is filled with an empty promise of disappointment;There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.” (Proverbs 14:12) – If we have been miraculously saved by the grace of God we will eventually learn to cherish this verse and change the way we begin to live and God will reward those who diligently seek Him! Through the toughest of trials we can have the joy of the Lord causing us to praise our God and give hope to others who cannot see the wood from the trees.

Signing off


Tuesday, 5 May 2015


Whilst stirring this morning under the cover of the duvet, my mind raced as it normally does and yet with clear direction. I thoroughly enjoy mornings like these as I wait in anticipation for an enlightening encounter with my God and Father. I know that today is a day that I will learn more of His character as God the Holy Spirit reveals just a little more, deepening my love for my Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.

To understand the will of God is the pressing question. Who can actually fathom the depths of God’s Brilliance? Does the clay have understanding over the potter or does it have any power to manipulate its outcome? It would be useful to understand God’s character, to make every effort to study Him in order to understand His will for our lives. Without snippets of that knowledge it will always be about our selfish wants even when we say that we seek out Gods will for our lives. We needn’t understand all the instruction we receive at the time, that is where God manifests His brilliance, this is where He often silences the gainsayer and His reasoning will become apparent oven time. Hardships will receive their desired outcome, they will teach us the will of God over time and the sooner we arrive at this conclusion the happier we will be. The joy of the Lord will be our portion on any given day. It is when we view hardships with the eyes of our old sin-filled natures that we lose sight of God’s will. Be gone old wicked man, and fill my eyes my God with a vision of the cross.

God has given us many guarantees as His children certifying His commitment; When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. (John 16:13-14)   

We have His Spirit and He guides us into all truth, so long as we look to Him for guidance and even when we don’t He exposes the sin in our lives causing us to desperately seek out God’s forgiveness. When we are dull of hearing, some may even be handed over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh so that others may fear. Either way they all have the same intended purpose to conform us into the image of His darling Son, our glorious and gracious Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Although we may not see Him face to face as some did, it is our faith that drives us into an intermit relationship with Him; we have the written Word as our reference; we must take every opportunity to study it as it teaches us about God’s character. We have everything we need to find the will of God for our lives for any given situation.

Understanding God in His perfection is a daunting task that we will only ever see in part. But we will certainly see enough to understand that He is the potter and we are the clay and that although He could have discarded us as useless matter because of our sin and our rebellion He rather chose to have mercy on us. When this is realized we will understand that we now belong to Him, we are no longer entitled to our selfish wants when they oppose God’s will for our lives. Our ongoing sanctification must drive us towards His glory.

Here is an example that will help us understand…

Joseph, Jacob’s son was in type an example of the Lord Jesus, he too suffered many things for God’s glory, but his suffering brought great relief to the children of promise. Although Joseph’s brothers’ hate caused them to do an unspeakable thing, by selling him into slavery and bringing a false report to their father, saying that he had been killed by a wild beast, it was all part of God’s will; their intention was obviously evil, but God is far greater than the evilest intention people muster. Never forget that truth! God is Sovereign and He will always determine the final outcome and we must learn to rest in that truth. Although Joseph suffered many wrongful accusations, he learnt to understand God’s will along the way. He was imprisoned under a false accusation but it was there that God really began to bless him. Go figure, in prison and finding the will of God, you better believe it! At the end of a great famine it was Joseph that brought rescue to those who set out to destroy him; God used him to save his family from starvation and this was his conclusion on all that he supposedly wrongfully faced; “But Joseph said to them, "Do not fear, for am I in the place of God? As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” (Genesis 50:19-20)

There are many other examples that teach us the same valuable lesson; Job and Satan’s interaction, Daniel and the lion’s den but to mention a couple. God is in perfect control of all things and we must learn to rest in His Sovereign will, come what may, because if God is for us who can be against us…

Signing off


Monday, 4 May 2015

Perfect love casts out all fear

(Psalms 130:4) “But with you there is forgiveness, that you may be feared.”

From this Psalm of Ascents we learn many valuable lessons if cherished correctly. Misappropriation of the Word of God leaves us latching onto a false hope. Now there could be many reasons for that, however when summed up we can be confident with the Apostle John’s summation on how we are lured into chasing empty “rabbit holes” when in fact there is food in abundance on our table. If the Word of God is twisted to suit our own selfish wants then we will continue to chase our tails going nowhere fast. Sin is the catalyst that drives our independence; “For all that is in the world--the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions--is not from the Father but is from the world. (1John 2:16)  
This opening verse gives us an accurate indication on how we at times misinterpret the volume of the text. We are taught that to fear God is the beginning of wisdom. Without reverent fear there will be no change in our characters, we must understand who we are dealing with and coined phrases like the “man upstairs” proves that we have very little understanding. HE IS THE GREAT I AM! And true forgiveness helps us arrive at that supposition, anything less than that proves our lack of understanding. There is nothing flippant about God; He is a deliberate God with great precision with all His commitments. HE IS PERFECT!

What is the mark of a righteous man? I am not looking for supposition on the opinions of “Tom, Dick and Harry” but rather the Word of God’s take; “There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job, and that man was blameless and upright, one who feared God and turned away from evil.” Even Satan, God’s arch enemy made this comment; “Then Satan answered the LORD and said, "Does Job fear God for no reason?” (Job 1:9) – Respectful fear must accompany a believer’s life in what he does and says. Thank God that He is merciful and for many of us we need to learn this lesson the hard way, I am forever thankful for the mercies of God in my life. Praise Jesus Christ my Lord and King from before time and forever more, Amen!

The understanding of forgiveness for our own sin must teach us to fear God as it opens our eyes to our sinful state before a holy God and our condition if we do not find His forgiveness. Woe to the man who does not repent! This then now leads us into Psalm 51; David’s cry for forgiveness after he blotched it with Bathsheba.

Reading through the Psalm it struck me between the eyeballs that David understood how he had offended God. Our sin must leave our understanding in a similar place before God. Until then we will nonchalantly carry on as if all is well when in fact it is not. Once we understand the offence of our sin before God, which is only the half of it, we then need to find His forgiveness for it. Forgiveness and cheap grace does not feature favourably in God’s character, He took our sin very seriously and this is why He sent the darling of Heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ to pay the price for our sin. The Lord Jesus, laid down His heavenly Godliness and became a man and through obedience to God the Father paid the price for the sins of mankind.  

We may offend many throughout our lifetimes, but it is only God who has it in His power to forgive us from eternal consequences, miss that and hell will be our final destiny! We must seek out forgiveness from those we offend, but that is a very small thing in contrast to finding God’s forgiveness for our sin and David teaches us this very clearly. Remembering that he slept with another man’s wife and he had her husband killed; “Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin! For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment.” (Psalm 51:2-4)

We focus far too much on earthly things when in fact eternity is just around the corner. God help us to understand this reality to the extent of radically changing our lives bringing glory to God. Our daily existence must be cemented on the Lord Jesus Christ with faith towards God driving every decision. This then is now my prayer for all who confess Jesus Christ as Lord.

It is only once we find true forgiveness for our sin that I believe we can truly understand what the Apostle John teaches us; “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.” (1John 4:18) – Only once we have understood to fear God and to earnestly find his forgiveness for our sins will we be able to walk in His perfect love which casts out all types of fear. David teaches us this very clearly in his Psalm; “For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it; you will not be pleased with a burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. Do good to Zion in your good pleasure; build up the walls of Jerusalem; then will you delight in right sacrifices, in burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings; then bulls will be offered on your altar.” (Psalm 51:16-19) – We must do things in the right order...

In conclusion, firstly we must acknowledge our sin before a holy God petrified of His judgement, seeking out His forgiveness and only once we truly find it will we realise the volume of His mercy in our lives, without God’s forgiveness we shall all be doomed! However, God so loved the world that He sent His Son into the world to pay the price for our sin, let us not take that lightly, let us value that as our greatest treasure. Only then will we have eyes to understand the love of God which casts out all fear, Amen!

Signing off


Sunday, 3 May 2015

The shackles of sin

(2Corithians 2:11) “So that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs.”

Sin ensnares us to a life of overpowering disappointment but Christ frees us from sin and He alone equips us with power to serve the living God with a clear conscience. This is such a liberating reality that is causing my soul to sing. The joy of the Lord endures forever! But we must tick a few boxes before this becomes our veracity. There are so many different ways in which we can study this liberating subject, but we must all arrive at the right conclusion. Get it wrong and it will leave us clutching at straws or as a man beating his chest with a big booming voice, a clanging symbol with no melody. Our words must complement our lifestyles; there must be an echo of descant from our mouths.   

So where does that leave me, a man who has blotched so badly in life and in so many different areas that it hurts my head just to think on some of the foolish mistakes that I have repeatedly been lured into hoping for a different outcome. Sin is the great destroyer and it always achieves its objective if allowed free reign. There must come a time of clear understanding of sins authenticity in a person’s life before they are capable of seeking out God’s graces to seriously find forgiveness for their actions.    

Sin has one objective, sure it may be coated with many differing disguises but it has one intention and that is to keep you from God and more aptly put, from the will of God. Who is the Father of sin? Adam was the first man to succumb to it but Satan is the conductor! Keep a man enslaved in his sin and you will keep him from the will of God, a simple but profound objective that has stood the test of time. No differently to a member of an orchestra, on cue, summoned to play their part; a scary thought but overpoweringly accurate.

We must ask God to reveal the sin in our lives because our hearts are desperately wicked and it tricks us into believing we are okay when in fact we are not. God the Holy Spirit is the One who will expose the rot in our lives and I pray that God gives us the eye-balm to see our sin for what it is. If not we will continue as we did the day before and have very little effect on those around us. We are the salt of the earth and it is the sin in our lives that erodes away at it being useful when sitting at a table to eat. This is Satan’s objective to keep us feeding our sin, making us pathetic and useless as Christian soldiers. We are at war and the combat is about to heat up like never before, well not in our lifetimes anyway; are we willing to take this matter seriously?      

Even the psychologist understands that unless we address certain hurts in our past acknowledging them as your own reality it cannot be dealt with efficiently. If it remains buried it will always hinder our progress. What they do not tell you is that sin cannot be defeated by any of man’s efforts; that would be impossible. It took one man, Jesus Christ to conquer that beast and every effort prior to his victory came up short. Where we may make our mistake is that we do not live in His victory but rather excuse our sin as the norm, sweeping it under the mat and pretending that all is ok! When in fact we have been rendered powerless! Let us not be fooled into thinking that we are the masters of our own destiny, sin has taken care of that and until you are freed from its power we will be its puppet. We all must come to this realisation if we are to be freed from its entrapment.

Does the Christian fall privy its power? We shouldn’t, but many sadly do. I know I have. But there must come a time in a believer’s life when we stand up as men and cry, no more! We need to understand what that looks like and the Apostle Paul has gone to great lengths to break that down for us. With one objective, to free us from its power; Christ alone has achieved that but until that becomes our reality we will sadly remain privy to the power of sin. Spend time in the book of Romans it will bring about change in our lives when understood; take your time and ponder the meaty portions of God’s truth looking to Him the author and the finisher of our faith, which will liberate us to serve Him with a clear conscience.

David has helped me understand that no matter how we have blundered as Christians if we find God’s forgiveness it will be well with our souls, but until then we will be of very little use to anybody, let alone God’s will for our lives.     
Read Psalm 51…

Until tomorrow then we will look to unpacking that psalm and hopefully it will be liberating and set some of us free to serve the living God with a deeper understanding.

Signing off
