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Tuesday 18 October 2011

The importance of prayer!

(1Peter 3:12) “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer.”

I wonder sometimes how the coincidences in life have their part to play in our lives, is this what we believe and do we think that at times that some events were just a coincident? I do not believe in chance as everything has been mapped out, in details beyond our own comprehension and yet we are totally responsible for everything we do.

The reason I mention this train of thought is I got an email from a friend and brother on prayer and its importance for our ongoing sanctification and then this morning I decided to let another speak through my blog; I went to Charles Spurgeon’s daily devotion and this is what he has to say…

“Thy paths drop fatness.”

- Psa_65:11

Many are “the paths of the Lord” which “drop fatness,” but an especial one is the path of prayer. No believer, who is much in the closet, will have need to cry, “My leanness, my leanness; woe unto me.” Starving souls live at a distance from the mercy- seat, and become like the parched fields in times of drought. Prevalence with God in wrestling prayer is sure to make the believer strong-if not happy. The nearest place to the gate of heaven is the throne of the heavenly grace. Much alone, and you will have much assurance; little alone with Jesus, your religion will be shallow, polluted with many doubts and fears, and not sparkling with the joy of the Lord. Since the soul-enriching path of prayer is open to the very weakest saint; since no high attainments are required; since you are not bidden to come because you are an advanced saint, but freely invited if you be a saint at all; see to it, dear reader, that you are often in the way of private devotion. Be much on your knees, for so Elijah drew the rain upon famished Israel’s fields.

There is another especial path dropping with fatness to those who walk therein, it is the secret walk of communion. Oh! the delights of fellowship with Jesus! Earth hath no words which can set forth the holy calm of a soul leaning on Jesus’ bosom. Few Christians understand it, they live in the lowlands and seldom climb to the top of Nebo: they live in the outer court, they enter not the holy place, they take not up the privilege of priesthood. At a distance they see the sacrifice, but they sit not down with the priest to eat thereof, and to enjoy the fat of the burnt offering. But, reader, sit thou ever under the shadow of Jesus; come up to that palm tree, and take hold of the branches thereof; let thy beloved be unto thee as the apple-tree among the trees of the wood, and thou shalt be satisfied as with marrow and fatness. O Jesus, visit us with thy salvation! (C.H.Spurgeon)

This then a typical example of the how God the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth, as He will always lead us to Jesus and no one else. Yet we get confirmation from different sources pointing us in a certain direction and it would be good to pay attention to it, when confirmed by the Word of God.

But I would also remind us that the devil also understands this and will use lures getting us to believe what we think is the voice of God but in fact is not! Always consider the fruit from our actions, are the fruits of the spirit clearly evident; less of self and more of Christ, then we are confident that we walk the right road, but as soon as it become more of self and less of Christ, it then becomes a path we have chosen to detour through, and who knows what is out there waiting to meet us? God Knows!

If it is a sign you are after, this is all I have to say about it; ““An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah." So he left them and departed.” (Matthew 16:4): - What then was the sign of Jonah? He was in the belly of a whale for three day and then spat out on a beach where he then preached to a city that repented and found life. It speaks about Christ’s resurrection; if we have been born again and we understand that God raised Him from the dead that then is the sign, no other sign is needed. If it is any other signs you choose, beware!

But where we are led to certain truths in scripture that pertains to keeping us focused on Christ, do not take it lightly, it is a means to get us to sit up and pay attention and if we heed what we see in the scriptures it will nourish our souls.

Let me now role-play this morning prior to this post; I opened an email and I quote, “Please read this. I have battled with prayer my whole Christian life and I believe it is a type of missing link in my sanctification.” Now my mind could settle with this thought, fair enough that is where my brother is and it is where he lacks in his sanctification process and leave it at that or I could look at my own life in that regard. However when I am looking for a thought to spark my daily blog, I was immediately led to Spurgeon’s daily devotion, and I do not always start there. If and when it tackles the exact same topic, I better take note, if not I will then suffer loss.

This is the voice (sign) we should be on the lookout for and not the heretical Prosperity Gospel and the like. These are the signs that will feed our souls with fatness. The small still voice of God by means of the Holy Spirit, who leads us and guides us to Christ and not some figment of our imaginations. It is amazing how so many years ago I was exposed to that demonic teaching of the “signs of angels”, if one saw a feather and it was white something good would happen but if it was black, one should be on the lookout for trouble on the horizon. Although I have settled on this as a trap and not a help as the Word of God gives us no teaching on feathers and it is only the Word of God that we must and can use as a point of reference for all truth. It nevertheless still plagues my mind and when I see a feather I have to resist where it looks to take my thoughts. Ridiculous I know, nevertheless part of what I personally need to combat. Some bad choice so many years ago still trying to latch on. Now I am sure there are many areas in your life where you will see a similar pattern, and if not then praise God!

My prayer life needs strengthening, that then is what has been said today, and will I have ears to here?

Signing off


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