The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Friday, 7 October 2011

Be Angry!

(Ephesians 4:26)Be angry and do not sin;”

It is as if I have a voice that talks to me when I sleep and as I wake. It is not an audible voice that filters through the air, but a graphic thought that forces me to consider certain truths about my life. It is often a challenge as it exposes the “true me” and not the “pretend me” and it varies from rebuke to encouragement. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we are new creatures in Christ and that we have a hope in Him and He will get us home. However there are also times when we need a strong rebuke, and this morning is such a day.

Even as Christians we become callous in certain areas of our lives and we tend to ignore certain sins as the norm. My life has been this way for a long time; I accept certain behavioral patterns but ignore others. I am thankful that when this begins to slip and becomes part of my daily routine it is God the Holy Spirit that admonishes me as well as all others who belong to Christ. If I am honest, I would have to deduce that I need a stronger hand then most, hence a body so full of scars. So before it gets to a place, where strong-arm tactics is used, let me give earnest heed to that small still voice.

I am truly grateful for having ears to hear, as it is the goodness of God that leads a man to repentance. This voice (a graphic thought) now challenges me to re-evaluate my position in Christ. It can never change in that sense as we either have His Spirit or we do not have it, we are either sons or we are bastards (a child whose birth lacks legal legitimacy). Nevertheless, as children we can walk disobediently before our Righteous Father. Obedience is better than sacrifice and yet we are still instructed to present our bodies as a living sacrifice. However, when we let certain habitual practices back into our daily routine we then sin and walk in disobedience.

Today is such a day and I have been challenged by that “small still voice”, call it the "conscience" if that sits better with you, either way, I now deliberate my life and my behavioral patterns and look to the Lord to find forgiveness and a change in practice.  

The Word of God is full of nourishment, but one must digest it to gain strength. It is not enough to look at it and admire it, it must be eaten! If not our Christian life will remain “pie in the sky”, and unfortunately many will enter through the broad gate. May God help us to be honest with ourselves and find repentance where and when it is needed.

We must be accurate with its instruction; I recall back in 1983 when I was on the rugby field and I was injured as I took a knock to my right leg. Internal bleeding in my right thigh was the finding. If only I knew what I knew now and I applied ice to the injury instead of “deep heat” (a muscle simulant), I would have recovered a lot sooner. Ice helps, as it brings down the swelling and it stops the bleeding only then should we get the blood flowing again to repair the area. Do it the wrong way round and we will suffer loss; in this case I was out for a number of weeks. I watched my team play from the sideline.

We must learn to apply sound doctrine to our lives to benefit from it. This then was my thought both last night and this morning when I woke; “Be angry and do not sin;” (Ephesians 4:26): - It is important to understand this instruction correctly, in the past, I have not had a clear understanding on its teaching! I often get angry with myself and my sin once I have already sinned. That is not the teaching! It specifically says, be angry before you sin, so that you do not sin. See the difference! Anger is acceptable, only if it is a help that fuels our minds and keeps us from sin. May God help us to administer this relief wisely! Grace is available for all who belong to Him as we have the right to approach God’s “throne of grace” with boldness.

Forgive me Father God, my great Jehovah as I have neglected this instruction for my life, I seek your forgiveness as I acknowledge my sin before you. Continue to teach me your ways and make me more like my great Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. Help all your children across the globe put on the mind of Christ and help us to appropriate sound doctrine to our lives and not to accept certain sins as the norm for our lives, whatever they may be.

Signing off


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