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Wednesday 25 May 2011

Learning to be Sensitive!

(1Corinthians 6:12) "All things are lawful for me," but not all things are helpful.”

I am thankful as I ponder the past, reflecting on the many bad choices throughout life. Not that I should ever gloat in disobedience that would simply be madness and yet, those mistake have so much to teach, for this I am thankful. Last night was a night full of lessons learnt. We must always remember to learn to think on our feet, to tune into the surrounding frequency... all things are lawful… But! "All things are lawful for me," but not all things are helpful. "All things are lawful for me," but I will not be enslaved by anything. (1Corinthians 6:12) – Why should this lesson become so important for us to learn to apply in our lives? The simple retort is this; for the sake of those who have not yet found salvation. Let me use last night to explain what Paul wants to teach us, or at least get us to understand in principle.

Nothing we could ever say or do will ever change this fact that Jesus Christ the Lord, the only true God was born a baby through a virgin woman, who then grew into a man. The only man who ever lived a life of sinless perfection; He never once broke the law of God. Nevertheless He was accused of many things; they address Him as a friend of harlots, a wine bidder and the like, but all these charges were false in God’s eyes. We know this to be true as God received His sacrifice on Calvary as an innocent lamb led to the slaughter. It was upon the hill of Golgotha that Jesus Christ made a way for sinners to find repentance. Without His perfect sacrifice all of mankind would have been doomed to hell for eternity. This is a fact and the simple message of the gospel! It proves that nothing we could do or say will ever change this truth, as Jesus Christ the Lord was the One to overcome hell death and the grave; God confirmed the acceptance of His Son’s sacrifice by raising Him from the dead. Once we grasp the truth of this reality, we should also then understand that we will not find acceptance from God outside of His Son’s perfect work. Everything we do without the covering of Christ’s finished work is but smoking flax and will eventually amount to nothing when viewed under the light. It was and will only ever be Christ’s sacrifice that enables us to find forgiveness and acceptance before a Holy God.

However having said that Paul then teaches us that there are those who look on, looking for reasons to reject His message, which has now become our message as we have found life in and through Him, Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

If a Christian was to drink a glass of wine or drink a beer, would that then be a sin? Absolutely not! But if a Christian was to get drunk it would now become sin. Here now comes the lesson; although a couple of beers would be perfectly acceptable and lawful, if people looking on were looking for an excuse to disqualify our message, which is God’s message, that the only way to be saved is in and through the Lord Jesus. When they look to undermine the truth of the gospel we must learn to read the signs and be sensitive to those around us for the sake of the Gospel. Although I only had a few beers with supper  last night, I saw how those around honed in on it to try and disqualify the message I now continually endeavour to put out there, that without finding repentance in and through the Lord Jesus they will be doomed to a Godless eternity and hell will be their destination. Although a beer is now lawful it is now no longer helpful! If I continued to drink in their presence it will excuse their conscience not to earnestly seek out repentance. Not that I will get them to find salvation through my abstinence, but it will alleviate an objection, it is only the goodness of God that can turn a man from the error of his ways and open his eyes to life. Nevertheless from today I have now resolved never to drink alcohol in their presence, for their sakes!

This is Matthew Henry’s take on this verse…

“Even in lawful things, he would not be subject to the impositions of a usurped authority: so far was he from apprehending that in the things of God it was lawful for any power on earth to impose its own sentiments. Note, There is a liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, in which we must stand fast. But surely he would never carry this liberty so far as to put himself into the power of any bodily appetite. Though all meats were supposed lawful, he would not become a glutton nor a drunkard. And much less would he abuse the maxim of lawful liberty to countenance the sin of fornication, which, though it might be allowed by the Corinthian laws, was a trespass upon the law of nature, and utterly unbecoming a Christian. He would not abuse this maxim about eating and drinking to encourage any intemperance, nor indulge a carnal appetite:” (Matthew Henry)

Last night has brought home the truth of this principle with a fresh and new perspective. Everything in life is there to teach us to be on guard and to help us stand and be helpful to those who perish. I am thankful to the greatest of all teachers, God the Holy Spirit who illuminates the Word of God and quickens understanding into our lives.

Signing off


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