The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

A sobering thought

How beautiful is a word in season that is brought to one’s recollection. To be reminded that regardless of where you find yourself, “if there is breath there is hope”. Today is another funeral, someone I knew well, someone I shared the gospel with, a man aged 48, dead with no more “breath” feeding his carnal organs. He has moved on and now he will stand trial and await his judgement. Oxygen no longer needed to survive, with his soul alive and his awareness of it as if he never died. The eternal phase of his existence has been realised and no more questioning of it, it is as real to him as me sipping on my espresso as it will be for each and everyone when we breath our last regardless of our take on life after death. We have no say in the matter as we are the created and we exist because of God’s will and purpose. He is the director of His production and it’s up to us to be the best we can be within our specified roles. But it is critical that we find Christ and call out to him so that we may be forgiven for our sins, so that when we move on to chapter two of our lives we will escape God’s judgement and only because Christ has already taken the punishment for it. That is if we have fallen to our knees and cried out to Him with an urgency of desperation acknowledging our sin before a holy God, in order to find His forgives and escape the ultimate eternal sentence, the Lake of Fire! But this can only ever be achieved in this phase of our existences.     

Regardless of who you are or where you fit in, you are just a cry away from the saving and healing hand of the Lord Jesus Christ. It rather remarkable, how often God is willing to come to the rescue of his children. Then again is it, or do I just feel like that because I reason with the mind of a man? If God is for his children, who can actually come against them? To catch glimpses of God’s brilliance as he allows certain weakness to play themselves out in my life is rather incredible. It is all about the lessons of life. Sadly many are driven by a different barometer, power, wealth or success which in turn brings about different results, paraphernalia for this life and not much more. Whereas those who are driven by the Fathers will, even if the attempt is pathetic at times is all about a perfect treasure that will last for eternity. It’s God’s goodness that leads an individual to the bridge of repentance and yet it’s up to the individual to act out in faith in order to cross that void. Yes, yes and yes; it’s God who gives us all a differing measure of faith. He is the one who hands out the portions, but faith remains dead without works. Sadly faith so often seems to be surrounded by delusional reasoning or even worse by the pretender.

We all only get one crack at this and then the opportunity is dead. Just like Quinton died at 48, his time ran out before it possibly should have, nevertheless none of us know when we will frantically gasp for our last breath, assumption could be catastrophically detrimental to our eternities.

Today is the day of salvation, make it count…

Signing off


Tuesday, 17 April 2018


On reflection I have realised how my drive has pushed me in certain directions to achieve different objectives through the differing stages of my life. However as life has ticked by those goalpost have shifted. When one thought died or had been ticked off my bucket list a new awareness would spring to life depending on my situation and state of mind. I surmise that we can all be tarred with the same brush as we are all made from the same matter and driven by the will to survive at the core of our being. No-one purposefully goes out of their way looking for death and yet we will all face death in one form or another, bar a few in the days of the rapture.

I often catch myself saying “I love you Lord” but of late I am questioning the severity of that statement, it is obvious that I love the Lord, or is it? I have realised that I need to prove that statement by my actions. Here is the ultimate tester; “Not everyone who says to me, ‘LordLord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 7:21) - True love is full of evidence...
Society and all those taken by her teachers us a certain way, it cries education and stashing money for old age. I must confess it is rather an appealing lure. It is the safe bet, the trap the majority are taken by. A rather large distraction that keeps us busy and away from what really counts, fearing God and keeping His commandments. Why should we realign our mental rudders? The truth off it all is that God will judge the world and all its citizens, so instead of being so caught up with our own selfish wants, whatever that may be. We need to understand and accept King Solomon’s truth and wisdom, if not we will bear the brunt of our own actions, period! Mistakes are normally habit forming and the longer they are left to run riot the more a formidable opponent they become. Sin needs to be dealt with at its core, and for this reason Christ Jesus died on behalf of the sinner, the work it complete and nothing can be added to it. You are either covered by His blood or not and there is no in-between. But what I will add, is something that I struggled with for many years, in fact for most of them and it is this; we (the Christian) have all been called to put off the old and put on the new, the areas of our lives where we have struggles must be braved head on. We must not continue to lie to ourselves about those regions that keep us from walking in the light. We are so naturally drawn to reflex reactions that we believe so many of them to be acceptable and yet so few of them are suitable to our great God. We have been called to mimic our Saviours reflection. This is the call for the Christian and that type of mind-set must never be stripped from our reckoning. If and when we err in this area of our lives, do not be fooled, we are lying to ourselves and correction or chastisement may be just around the corner.

Examine your lives and then ask yourselves, can I with a clear conscience bring every area of my life into the open for all to see. If not those then are the areas that need to be confronted and we need to seek out God’s grace to overcome? However we must not make the mistake of shelving those areas of our lives. We can never grow up into our blessed Saviours image if those rough corners of our lives are not ironed out, or rather eradicated and plundered to death. Righteous anger is a requirement that is vital for the Christian to have in their armoury.        

God wants us to realise that we have need of Him far more than we are willing to admit or allow, life’s journey must bring us to places that reminds us that it’s in our weakness that God strengthens our sense of what He is doing in our lives. Firstly our dependency on Him must be evident in our own minds and then become evident to those around us. Whilst our enemies do their utmost to slow down the process. But if God is for me who can be against me? If He is in my corner I may lose some fights, so that I may learn some very valuable lessons along the way, but never the ultimate battle, praise His glorious name.

All hail king Jesus! He is the Lord of Lords and the Lord of my life! Thank you Father God for raising Him from the dead, which in turn has brought about new life for so many and to be numbered with the believers, those who have the ability to cry Abba Father, I am truly privileged and words will never copiously illustrate my gratitude. But it is words that God has chosen to equip individuals with, so that through confession a soul may be saved. Do you believe that God raised the man Jesus from the dead? If so, then cry out that you believe that Jesus is Lord, that he is the only way to God and that there is no other way whereby a person may and must be saved.

There is no confusion with the Gospel message, it is rather a simple choice, but choose you must.

Signing off


Thursday, 5 April 2018


It is good to view scripture on face value but even better to have it confirmed by other confirmations throughout scripture.

What do I mean by this?

Let’s look at a point that is very close to my heart, salvation! God making allowances for sinners to be saved. There is much which covers this particular topic, but it is the simple instruction that I want to travel around;For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”” (Romans 10:13)

Let’s explore the meaning of “who calls on”; to make a plea to someone who has it in their power to change a particular outcome. Imagine you are fast asleep but suddenly awakened to a thick fog of unbreathable smoke and due to the increasing power failures throughout the land you then remember the gas lantern you left burning in the lounge. Oh no! is the cry, as the obvious must have happened and you conclude that the light must have been blown over by a gust of wind. In the confusion admitting how careless you had been, the flames in the lounge begin to gain momentum and then you realise that the only way out of the house from your bedroom is through the front door, which is via the lounge, you try your best to make your way towards the door, but to no avail, the fire is far to fierce. What to do flashing through the mind’s eye as panic begins to work its magic and before long you find yourself huddled in the furthest corner with your wet duvet cover which you managed to soak under the shower as a shield, somewhat like religion trying to appease our consciences before a holy God. Sadly you soon realise that your valid attempt is no match for the blazing inferno with death looming and with no escape.

Having exhausted every possibility your mind was able to conjure up under extreme pressure, you eventually hit a wall and you are done, the inevitable now ogling you in the face, death by fire! It’s at this point that you hear a voice on the opposite side of the inferno, “call out”, it’s a fireman, a trained professional capable of handling extreme conditions. You have been thrown a lifeline. What do you do? You obviously do not remain silent hoping to be found, nor do you put up your hand hoping to be seen through the dense smoke, how about a courteous diplomatic whisper in the hope of being heard, never! You cry out on the top of your voice, “SAVE ME!” You call out to the fireman, the person with the power to save.

In like manner you need to cry out to the Lord Jesus Christ in order to be saved. However until you realise that your life is doomed for destruction and that you are a sinner who needs saving, the absolute urgency will elude you. As a rule even those on their death bed do not find a resolve to call out unto the Lord to be saved from their looming judgment. Miss it along life’s journey, that time when you were confronted with this exact question and the probability of calling out on your death bed is highly unlikely. However if death looms for you even now you are just a call away and I will remind you; “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

We have establish that a cry depicts urgency of ultimate proportion. It’s not a whisper, or a hedging of ones bet just in case, it’s all in or nothing. That is what it means to call upon the Lord Jesus Christ for help and to be saved, period!

We have seen how I understand taking a verse on face value, believing it for what is taught and yet when we peal back its layers we get a deeper understanding of the author’s intent. Explore the pages of scriptures they are marvellous.

Now to find another verse that confirms and builds upon my initial thought. The objective for us is to be saved, right! So, what else will help me achieve my objective? Here is another thought needed to help me arrive;And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him…” (Hebrew 5:9) – Now that I have been saved there is a responsibility placed upon me to OBEY HIM. We now are called to work it out, but work it out with God’s help we must. This verse also addresses salvation. Without obedience we will never arrive. Do not be fooled, and believe that you can live a life is in opposition to the Bibles teachings, rebellious disobedience. In other words we must conclude that rank defiance equals an exclusion to the salvation of God. Therefore this verse must be taken very seriously, if we are to arrive in heaven one day as the sons of God.

Let me leave you with these verse that we may all consider our lives seriously; “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’’ (Matthew 7:21-23) 

I trust we understand the urgency to call out unto the Lord so that we may be saved… it is imperative not to be amongst the many! Praise the name of Jesus Christ now and forever more, Amen and Amen!

Signing off


Friday, 30 March 2018

Cryptic Clues

It takes time to wake up from our slumber in many areas of lives, but we should be climbing the cliffs of understanding the older we get, however we are often dull of hearing or maybe just rank rebellious. Needless to say it’s up to us as individuals to evaluate our own hearts and seek out God’s grace for true change. It is all about arrival in as many areas of our lives that we find honest reflection. There is a time for all things; a time to eat, sleep, live, die and then the judgement and as Solomon teaches judgement is coming and that the sole purpose of man is to fear God and keep His commandments. How many view this gem of wisdom as insightful enough as to live by it, or at the very least to endeavour to be consciously aware of our plight. Is it a priority?  

With any good spy thriller the author/ producers spends time on the hidden detail to bring their books or movies to life, so too with multipliers of brilliance behind it all, God has given us His book, the Bible. He is the director and everything will pan out in accordance with His will, in other words life as it unfolds is all part of the script. Sure, most of us would say we could do with less evil in this world, however the harder the struggle the sweeter the victory, it’s a principle we can all relate too. This brilliant tome, the Bible is filled with hidden truths, or clues if you like that open the gateway to eternity with some irony thrown in as we are reminded of the brilliance of an unseen God who is behind it all, whilst reminding us that He is in control.

Here is a verse that sprung to life for me many years ago; “For it is written, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart.” (1Corinthians 1:19) – The world and its wisdom asserts so many claims with its spokesmen and God laughs at much of it. How often have you heard this expression; “hindsight is the perfect science”. To know the beginning from the end is easy but to know the end from the beginning is impossible, but not for God, that is His domain and it’s well within his grasp. The question that needs answering is do we believe this to be true or not? And if so will we respond to His overarching instruction, which is to repent and believe on Him, period! Once that has happened for you, things will start falling into place.   

·         We once believed that the earth was flat, it is round (Isaiah 40:22) penned approximately 800 years before the birth of Christ
·         Atmospheric circulation (Ecclesiastes 1:6).
·         Field of Gravity (Job 26: 7)
·         Blood to life and its biological importance (mentioned in the law in the book of Leviticus)
·         Confirmation of dinosaurs (Job 40:15)

And so on…

All clues aiding to help us believe. The Bible is filled with warnings and yet we are often given insight through varying penned indications to be alert and on the lookout. Such a clue is just over the horizon and it is nearing that blast of a trumpet. It would be foolish of us not to pay special attention to the voice of our Lord. I don’t think there are too many people alive today that have not heard about the second coming of our great Lord, it is common knowledge, even if it is laugh at by most. Then there are the Apostles, men like you and me in makeup, ordinary men who have a lot to teach us, if we would only be attentive to their voices. Paul has much to say and an abundance of what he teaches is tried and tested, prior to the instruction. These instructions are priceless. To be able to make a comment like this and with a clear conscience to unload it is remarkable but liberating; “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.” (Philippians 4:11) - It is one thing to accept our positions in life but quite another to be content or at peace with our position at any given time. This is the lesson and the sooner we resist that the freer in Christ we will be. Then Peter teaches us this very valuable lesson; “Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.” (1Peter 2:11) – Here we see Peter bringing our natural default button into question, and the need to keep it in check as it is our enemy and not our friend. And yet he further reminds us that God has designed it as such so that we may learn many valuable lessons and eventually bring Him glory by silencing the gainsayer. What about the elephant in the room, the flavour on the decade which is in complete contradiction to Paul teachings. Men claiming woman’s roles and women claiming men’s roles. Women leading and men following; “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.” (1Timothy 2:12) – Why would he make such a statement? Read the rest of the text in your own time and it will soon be obvious. I realise that this is a very hard pill for most to swallow, but that does not mean once it has been swallowed that it would not achieve the required results. We all have our own cross to bear, but accept it we must! If not it will most certainly be to our own detriment. Of that truth I am completely convince. It’s to find the grace and the strength to push through it all with smiles on our faces.     
These are just three of the many examples we must learn to embrace as our lives do depend upon it.

God help us to endure as we learn along the way, bless His name now and forever more, Amen and Amen!

Signing off


Thursday, 22 March 2018


(Hebrews 11:1) Faith the substance of things hoped for…

Faith has substance attached to it, it should never only ever draw strength from the mystical. Although the origin on faith is unseen to the naked eye it has evidence that proves its existence and true God given faith will be irrefutable! When God speaks opposition gets out of His way. In fact in the beginning He created the heavens and the earth; God said, “let there be light” and light appeared and it was good. He then separated the light from the darkness, hence the night and days we experience without any thought for it. Day and night a reality for all and we do not need faith to embrace that, but we do need faith to clinch God as the creator of the heavens and the earth. There are many other voices that claim another theory but regardless of how they try gain traction, it’s a time in history, which outside of the realm of faith will never be understood. Where any of us there? No but God was! Therefore we believe and trust what He has given us, the Word of God, Period! The Holy Bible is the final authority and although it is by far the most confirmed book in the world by confirmed manuscripts; to prove if the Bible is true, we don't need to look far. Hundreds of documents from different sources have proved its authenticity as well as historical, scientific, and archaeological data which also supports the Bible's credibility. Here is a verse which drive home the point; The Earth is round, not flat as once believed (Isaiah 40: 22) 
The studies for these truths are called apologetics. However without God given faith it will leave you on the wrong side of God’s teachings. As accurate as it may be without spiritual birth we will remain blind to the greater scheme of things.  

Faith is the mechanism that God has chosen to drive His truths into the minds of the created. Adam and Eve never needed faith, they walked and talked with God. It changed once they were banished from the Garden of Eden. Abel, Adam’s son was to first to make an offering on the basis of faith; “By faith Abel offered to God a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, through which he was commended as righteous, God commending him by accepting his gifts…” (Hebrews 11:4)

Men and women alike will only ever call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ if they find enough faith to do so. On reflection of my life and the pitiful mistake that have found me out, through it all, I thank God with all my heart that He has given me the faith to focus on what really counts, God’s existence and the plan He has for creation. Our hearts will and must be tested, our faith will be tried to see what it is made of. If God has given us a measure of His faith we will get through whatever we have too, praise God for that! As it is a reflection of His brilliance. The gainsayer will be silenced.     

Now true faith is not so easily found, however there are enemies of the cross, “money preachers” that form alliances with other charlatans who mislead the simple; those who gets paid to stand-up out of their rented wheelchairs, or those claiming various healing without any real evidence. The blind leading the blind and both will eventually fall into the ditch. When God moves it is undeniable! Although God’s voice cannot be distinctly heard by our natural ears, when He speaks it is irrefutable. Creation is evidence of His existence and yet faith is needed to believe. If and when God decides to move it will be mammoth; the parting of the Red Sea, the plagues in Egypt, a young boy named David slaying the mighty giant Goliath with a slingshot, Samson killing a thousand men in a single battle with a donkeys jawbone. And then what of the Lord Jesus’ miracles as he walked the earth, healing the lame, restoring sight to the blind and so on.  

Without faith our relationship with God is dead, this is an imperative truth that is underplayed in many lives. We see the imposter posing as a Christian with so many fake claims as he beguiles the naïve and therefore so many, as a rule, shy away from faith. Thankfully God is in the Christians corner and therefore without some measure of faith in our lives we would be totally undone, and yet we press on, thank you Father! However, I believe there is much more we could be enjoying if we only believed with greater intent. It starts in our closets, and then it will naturally be evident to those we come into contact with, our lives will be living proof of God’s existence and it will be irrefutable. We will be scorned by many, so what! The Christian has a hope that is so real and tangible and it is driven by faith that has eternal benefits.

Choose this day whom you will serve, for I have made up my mind, as for me and my household we will serve the Lord Jesus Christ, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  

Signing off


Monday, 12 March 2018

The cogwheel of grace

Common grace is a marvellous reality for all those who have been covered by it, the entire world’s population. Believer or unbeliever alike both have been covered by God’s common graces. Both the righteous and the sinner breathe the same air, live under the same sun and are governed by the same calendar. We all benefit from these types of common blessings. It is a truth that should drive everybody to apply this principle to their lives; because we have freely received we should also make giving to those in need a common practice. But do we? Sadly as a rule the opposite is true. We are originally all cut from the same cloth. It’s not as if a particular individual is born in a palace and another in a shack that will make any difference, we all come from the textile called “sin”, and we all have the same blood pumping through our veins, period! We all arrive in a similar place, "the land of self-reflection" as we eventually understanding our weaknesses and then we have to combat our own sin, whatever that may be. Hence the reason for the law. Have you ever heard or seen of a town or country that is governed without any laws? Why? My point exactly! It’s all about taking responsibility for our part in the chaos we find ourselves in, but do not be fooled, although the voices of society cry “save the planet”, there is a far more pressing issue and that is that we all call upon the name of Jesus to save ourselves. This planet as we know it will be folded up like a garment but our spirit or soul will live or die on eternally. How we respond to the information I now give you will effect that conclusion.

Thankfully there are those that find the strength to repent and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ somewhere on their journey and this now moves those individual into what I would call “specific grace”, they find special favour with God and move from being viewed as a sinner into the camp of sainthood and it’s not because they now earn their own place in that regiment, known as the “called of God”, its most certainly not because we become better in ourselves and many make this mistake, thinking that is they apply resolutions to their lives God will except them. But when we find the fortitude to acknowledge our state before a holy God, owning up to our sin and crying out unto Jesus and seeking out his forgiveness. It’s at this time in a person’s life that we are “born again”, our brains now have another door opened within our understanding as God mercifully unlocks that part of our minds and everything about the unseen now becomes visible, even if we are only looking through a tinted window. This is the time in an individual’s life where we cry out, “I CAN SEE!” It is the most beautiful event in a person life. I can vouch for that. To understand the meaning of life, or rather to be awakened to the BIGGER PICTURE! The sight of heaven just over the horizon at times may become somewhat blurry as the fog of life sets in and yet it will only last for its season, Jesus is coming to fetch his bride and his second coming is just over the vista. Some may ask, why the delay? It may just be for you, as God mercifully delays that day. Once he shuts that door it will be shut for eternity. While there is still time, will you cry out unto Him as you ask Him to open your eyes so that you may see?

Signing off


Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Have you been born again?

(John 3-7) "Ye must be born again."

“Regeneration is a subject which lies at the very basis of salvation, and we should be very diligent to take heed that we really are "born again," for there are many who fancy they are, who are not. Be assured that the name of a Christian is not the nature of a Christian; and that being born in a Christian land, and being recognized as professing the Christian religion is of no avail whatever, unless there be something more added to it-the being "born again," is a matter so mysterious, that human words cannot describe it. "The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit." Nevertheless, it is a change which is known and felt: known by works of holiness, and felt by a gracious experience. This great work is supernatural. It is not an operation which a man performs for himself: a new principle is infused, which works in the heart, renews the soul, and affects the entire man. It is not a change of my name, but a renewal of my nature, so that I am not the man I used to be, but a new man in Christ Jesus. To wash and dress a corpse is a far different thing from making it alive: man can do the one, God alone can do the other. If you have then, been "born again," your acknowledgment will be, "O Lord Jesus, the everlasting Father, thou art my spiritual Parent; unless thy Spirit had breathed into me the breath of a new, holy, and spiritual life, I had been to this day 'dead in trespasses and sins.' My heavenly life is wholly derived from thee, to thee I ascribe it. 'My life is hid with Christ in God.' It is no longer I who live, but Christ who liveth in me." May the Lord enable us to be well assured on this vital point, for to be unregenerate is to be unsaved, unpardoned, without God, and without hope.” (Charles Spurgeon)

How does the gospel gain momentum? Well, obviously due to the fact that God decides to drive it as He is the One in control, He decided to save; and yet He has chosen to use individuals as instruments for that exact purpose. Gods could appear and declare that HE is unequivocally the One who created the Universe, without any questions being asked but has chosen through the "foolishness of preaching" to save the sinner; to give sight to those who realise their need for HIM. It is not the self-righteous who find favour with God but the repenting sinner will be justified by the blood of the Lamb. The thrust of the Gospel message is this that Christ bled and died so that sinners might find repentance and call upon Him, relying on His finished work to fuel their existence. This is the ultimate strategy we all need to partake in and for those who have been called we have our part to play and this is what I would like to consider today.

How should we contribute with such responsibility place upon us, what are the rules, how can we get the best mileage out of our life here on earth and finally how is this achieved? We will all have to come to our own conclusions on these points, but they are questions that need to be asked.      

The call of God on a person’s life is often underplayed and once God flips the swift in our mind to understand that He is alive and the creator of the universe, that we are His subjects and that we must take care not to squander this very high calling as there can be no higher calling; the creator of the universe singling out an individual and introducing Himself to them. When this is realised it tosses a person on their head and the unsaved onlookers cry, “Jesus freak” or something derogatory; praise God for these types of transformations it is exactly Spurgeons point. Look at John Newton a slave trader that live in the 1700’s, he sold Africans off into slavery, snuffing out a person’s freedom, why? Because they had the power to do it. Could there be any crime worse than that? Well at the very least it is certainly up there with the worst of them. But it is with these types of radical transformations that God’s voice reverberates the loudest; he was unmistakably “born again”, God singled him out, and Newton became a new man in Christ. Picture him before and after; a man filled with very little compassion to a man that penned the words to one of the greatest recorded hymns of our times “Amazing Grace”, WOW! God is truly wonderful! But even within this hymn it is clear to see the difference between Spurgeons point and that is how many sing it because they are of Christian decent, traditionally that is. Especially at funerals, when it is obvious at times that a “dead man has been dressed”.  

I suppose this is why there is so little within this world of ours that motivates me, so much of it opposes the will of God. It’s rather scary how easily parents point their children in a direction that when stripped to its core is a road that promises hope when in fact it is no more than another decoy which keeps them from God. How many of you have concluded with Solomon that all is but vanity and that the sole purpose of mankind is to fear God and to keep His commandments? How many has made this their priority to instil as a truth into their children’s awareness?

There is much more to be said on this topic, but I have gone on long enough, to those who have been born of the Spirit be sure to stand out from the crowd, we have a hope that the dead dressed man could never truly understand.

Thank you Father God for saving so many of us, for your abundant mercy, grace, love and please continue to transform our minds to work out what it is we should be doing to bring you glory. For this can be extremely confusing at times. We all will have to give an account to God with what we have done with the measure of faith He has given us.

Signing off


Saturday, 3 March 2018


Considering the brilliance of God

How would one explain the brilliance of God and get their point across. The Bible does it best, however I would like to throw out a considerations that when captured will blow our minds into orbit.

Think about prayer; a person praying to God, a Spirit conversing with an individual, no big deal, regardless of one’s faith or roots especially, just so long as they believe in a higher power. But now begin to keep adding to that equation at the same time, ten people across the globe praying simultaneously and then twenty and so on until we have millions all confronting God at the same time bearing their hearts to Him. It’s not like the classroom where Johnny asks a question and George tries to be heard over him, with the teachers scolding him and telling him to wait his turn. No God the almighty has the capacity to absorb every persons request at the same time with undivided detail attached to it, WOW! It’s this God who has a tender affection for His children, the only true one God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” (John 17:3)  
Why do I get excited about such things, well it should be obvious, “if God is for me who can be against me?” This does not mean that I will not have opposition. On the contrary, however my enemies are no match for my God, period! He is the undisputed heavy-weight champion of the universe. However, for me to have any assertion with this truth, I must be walking in the light, God’s light and not some other man made light or the counterfeit light that the devil and his workers present to the masses. Simply put I must apply God’s Word as best I can to mould me into a reflection of His beloved Son, Christ Jesus my Lord. I must believe His Word and then trust it, for our eternal lives most certainly depend upon it. Do not be swayed by those who claim Christianity but twist the Word to accommodate their own sin.

A good way to examine our hearts is to take the difficult instructions from scripture and see how we stack up against its direction. This is where the rubber hits the tar, but thank God it is truly liberating when we our hearts are exposed. Thank you Father!   

The war is raging and the battles are fierce and only those who do not treasure the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God as their most valuable asset will see their hope dwindle. We must use it as a benchmark to examine the declarations out there. If this becomes our practice and with the help of God the Holy Spirit it will become easy to identify the false voices out there. However we must start with our own hearts, men and women alike and then to understand the differing roles we have been called to preform, to act out under God's direction, for His names sake.

Once we have examine our own hearts against some of the tougher parts of scripture pertaining to us on an individual level and as soon as we recognising our weakness, its only then that we will find the stamina to cry out to Jesus with true purpose as we look to mirror his image. It doesn’t help when we lie to ourselves. Sex outside of marriage, same sex marriages, double-dealing, woman looking to be men and men imitating women, explaining scripture away under a historical banner and therefore imply that it is no longer relevant for today. All this type of mentality does, is it looks to accommodate our sin in some shape or form and all these types of passes will eventually catch up with us.

Our Father which art in heaven give your children eyes to see what needs to be seen in our lives, so that we may confess and repent where needed, so that we can bring you glory and eventually be part of rescuing some of the lost sheep that now find themselves without a shepherd.

We are our brother’s keepers…

Signing off


Sunday, 25 February 2018

A lesson learnt

The brain is like a sponge they both absorb whatever they encounter. A simple task like cleaning my stove top after a messy cook illustrates my point rather nicely.

Every morning I habitually make espresso and the pot I use has seen better days and because the seals are not what they once were, the overflow can be rather messy; black coffee spill out on a chrome oven top. If I then decide to instantly wipe it down, it is a simple task, but if I leave it to dry then more effort is require to remove the spillage. Similarly our brains are like sponges, the newer the turpitude, the easier it is to clean it out. However ignore sin like coffee on an oven top and before long steel wool is needed to work it free.

When the disciples and the Lord Jesus travelled the countryside their feet gathered dust and therefore needed cleaning, traditionally on arrival their host would present them with a bowl filled with water to remove the dust and the grime they had gathered on their journey. No water no relief!

Please don’t miss the lesson, God first and then appropriate action can be applied. Even the Lord Jesus washed his disciple’s feet, the danger we often face within ourselves because of our makeups is this; “Peter said to him, “You shall never wash my feet.” Jesus answered him, “If I do not wash you, you have no share with me.”” Therapy outside of prayer or contact with the Lord Jesus is not the answer; that will only ever continue to mislead an individual away from God and not toward him. It is obvious that we cannot converse with Jesus the way Peter did on a physical level that sense is unavailable to us and yet my relationship on a spiritual level with my Saviour at times feels complete, as if all my senses have been engaged at once, such peace! Without that kind of relationship, we are no more that banging cymbals that clatter without any rhythmic beat. When that penny drops, when God opens our eyes to this particular truth, it is marvellously refreshing and this will be our response; “Simon Peter said to him, “Lord, not my feet only but also my hands and my head!”” (John 13:9) – At salvation we, or at least I was filled with zeal without a great amount of knowledge, but through the trial of life comes awareness and many scars, which sadly at times attacks our zeal. All that is needed is a slight tweak to our understanding and we will by God’s grace find ourselves with washed feet or a clean oven top. No repentance no relief! Ignore the lessons of life no matter how mundane they may appear at your own peril, God speaks to us in the details with the WORD (Bible) as the anchor to it all. This is where I have been afforded a glance into His brilliance. God’s genius blows my mind.

How serious are we? Will we wrestle with sin so that our relationship with God may flourish or will we turn a blind eye to the detail that is obviously before us, whatever that may be?

I thank God for his answers to prayer, sin continuous looks to trip up the Christian, the battle may be fierce, but must never be ignore. It is rather daunting how far apart we are from who God is and obviously without His intervention I (we) would never give these types of thoughts much attention.           

The Bible and its authors have great insight not only for the scholar but for all and they often pose questions that need to be answered by all; here is such a question; The Apostle Paul concludes in this statement that he has learn through the trial of his life to be content with his current predicament; "I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith to be content." (Philippians 4:11) – The obvious retort should be, “and so have I.” But how often can we truly say amen to similar lessons throughout scripture? This is a typical principle that can be applied to life, although this particular point is mainly about money, it’s the thrust behind it that I seek out, contentment with God and who He is and where I find myself within that equation, continuing to grow in the good graces and knowledge of the only true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This is the ultimate lesson for all to work out.

Paul categorically states that he has learnt to be content, complete peace with no hidden agenda, devoid of pride and yet a simple statement pointing the Christian toward the road of peace. I want that type of harmony, complete trust in God my Father as I absolutely relinquish all that keeps me from that type of application in my life. 

I pray for fortitude in these areas of our lives Father God, help us all be more like our great Redeemer, your beloved Son, Christ Jesus our Lord.

Signing off


Thursday, 15 February 2018


Hope has the potential to drive an individual to heights beyond belief. It when hope nose-dives that an individual begins to wither away with the depletion of his motivation disdainfully diminishing. When hope is alive and thriving it allows us to find the fortitude to press on, through the trial of life, come what may, why? Because the hope we have far outweighs whatever struggle we face. Heaven is my home, I believe it and therefore press toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus my Lord and therefore find myself calling out to my Saviour when the pressure is on.

How should we nurture the hope we have be afforded. The measure will vary for all, no differently to the measure of faith we receive, but the application is the same for all and sadly as the rule of thumb we have got this so wrong. The world and our lives is all about control, we plan every aspect of our lives as if we own the destiny to our own futures. However when a curve ball is introduced into the mix, the loss of a child, loss of our job, terminal illness and the like, what then? How do we handle the initial intrusion? Anger, self-pity, resentment to mention but a few emotion that would rage. We are easily derailed, even if only for a time. HOPE gives us the wherewithal to push through any given circumstance, as long as the hope we cherish outweighs the affliction we face.

How do we stay above the curve of the trial of life, ONE DAY AT A TIME!
This is key to our struggle if we want to please our heavenly Father and keep fueling our hope; “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:34) – We obviously cannot insert any verse into our lives out of context, this is where so many professing Christians err. However here the Lord Jesus has already addressed the masses and concludes by singling out their worries. This chapter starts by addressing the need to have a giving heart, to help the needy. It then goes into the Lord’s Prayer, it addresses fasting and how we should go about applying ourselves correctly to that discipline. It then moves onto our drive which feeds our hope, money or heaven, is singled out and we are called to choose one or the other, but never both or we will become lopsided. Then finally once we have got to grips with the Lords teachings on this chapter, we are told not to be anxious because God is in our corner and it concludes with facing one day at a time.

It only when we handle chunks of our lives at a time that it then become unbearable. Small portions is the key, one day at a time and as the song goes;

”one day at a time sweet Jesus. is all
I’m asking of you, show
me the way just for today,
One day at a time.”

This is how we will keep our hope alive and it gives us the best chance to remain focused on that which truly counts, God’s will for our lives without having to endure too much unnecessary pain along the way. Obviously we need God’s grace to get through each day and therefore we need to daily dress for battle. Whatever the concern for the day, cry out to Jesus, He is in the Christians corner. Praise God now and forever more, Amen! Even so come quickly Lord Jesus and take us home.

