The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Thursday 22 March 2018


(Hebrews 11:1) Faith the substance of things hoped for…

Faith has substance attached to it, it should never only ever draw strength from the mystical. Although the origin on faith is unseen to the naked eye it has evidence that proves its existence and true God given faith will be irrefutable! When God speaks opposition gets out of His way. In fact in the beginning He created the heavens and the earth; God said, “let there be light” and light appeared and it was good. He then separated the light from the darkness, hence the night and days we experience without any thought for it. Day and night a reality for all and we do not need faith to embrace that, but we do need faith to clinch God as the creator of the heavens and the earth. There are many other voices that claim another theory but regardless of how they try gain traction, it’s a time in history, which outside of the realm of faith will never be understood. Where any of us there? No but God was! Therefore we believe and trust what He has given us, the Word of God, Period! The Holy Bible is the final authority and although it is by far the most confirmed book in the world by confirmed manuscripts; to prove if the Bible is true, we don't need to look far. Hundreds of documents from different sources have proved its authenticity as well as historical, scientific, and archaeological data which also supports the Bible's credibility. Here is a verse which drive home the point; The Earth is round, not flat as once believed (Isaiah 40: 22) 
The studies for these truths are called apologetics. However without God given faith it will leave you on the wrong side of God’s teachings. As accurate as it may be without spiritual birth we will remain blind to the greater scheme of things.  

Faith is the mechanism that God has chosen to drive His truths into the minds of the created. Adam and Eve never needed faith, they walked and talked with God. It changed once they were banished from the Garden of Eden. Abel, Adam’s son was to first to make an offering on the basis of faith; “By faith Abel offered to God a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, through which he was commended as righteous, God commending him by accepting his gifts…” (Hebrews 11:4)

Men and women alike will only ever call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ if they find enough faith to do so. On reflection of my life and the pitiful mistake that have found me out, through it all, I thank God with all my heart that He has given me the faith to focus on what really counts, God’s existence and the plan He has for creation. Our hearts will and must be tested, our faith will be tried to see what it is made of. If God has given us a measure of His faith we will get through whatever we have too, praise God for that! As it is a reflection of His brilliance. The gainsayer will be silenced.     

Now true faith is not so easily found, however there are enemies of the cross, “money preachers” that form alliances with other charlatans who mislead the simple; those who gets paid to stand-up out of their rented wheelchairs, or those claiming various healing without any real evidence. The blind leading the blind and both will eventually fall into the ditch. When God moves it is undeniable! Although God’s voice cannot be distinctly heard by our natural ears, when He speaks it is irrefutable. Creation is evidence of His existence and yet faith is needed to believe. If and when God decides to move it will be mammoth; the parting of the Red Sea, the plagues in Egypt, a young boy named David slaying the mighty giant Goliath with a slingshot, Samson killing a thousand men in a single battle with a donkeys jawbone. And then what of the Lord Jesus’ miracles as he walked the earth, healing the lame, restoring sight to the blind and so on.  

Without faith our relationship with God is dead, this is an imperative truth that is underplayed in many lives. We see the imposter posing as a Christian with so many fake claims as he beguiles the naïve and therefore so many, as a rule, shy away from faith. Thankfully God is in the Christians corner and therefore without some measure of faith in our lives we would be totally undone, and yet we press on, thank you Father! However, I believe there is much more we could be enjoying if we only believed with greater intent. It starts in our closets, and then it will naturally be evident to those we come into contact with, our lives will be living proof of God’s existence and it will be irrefutable. We will be scorned by many, so what! The Christian has a hope that is so real and tangible and it is driven by faith that has eternal benefits.

Choose this day whom you will serve, for I have made up my mind, as for me and my household we will serve the Lord Jesus Christ, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  

Signing off


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