The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Saturday, 3 March 2018


Considering the brilliance of God

How would one explain the brilliance of God and get their point across. The Bible does it best, however I would like to throw out a considerations that when captured will blow our minds into orbit.

Think about prayer; a person praying to God, a Spirit conversing with an individual, no big deal, regardless of one’s faith or roots especially, just so long as they believe in a higher power. But now begin to keep adding to that equation at the same time, ten people across the globe praying simultaneously and then twenty and so on until we have millions all confronting God at the same time bearing their hearts to Him. It’s not like the classroom where Johnny asks a question and George tries to be heard over him, with the teachers scolding him and telling him to wait his turn. No God the almighty has the capacity to absorb every persons request at the same time with undivided detail attached to it, WOW! It’s this God who has a tender affection for His children, the only true one God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” (John 17:3)  
Why do I get excited about such things, well it should be obvious, “if God is for me who can be against me?” This does not mean that I will not have opposition. On the contrary, however my enemies are no match for my God, period! He is the undisputed heavy-weight champion of the universe. However, for me to have any assertion with this truth, I must be walking in the light, God’s light and not some other man made light or the counterfeit light that the devil and his workers present to the masses. Simply put I must apply God’s Word as best I can to mould me into a reflection of His beloved Son, Christ Jesus my Lord. I must believe His Word and then trust it, for our eternal lives most certainly depend upon it. Do not be swayed by those who claim Christianity but twist the Word to accommodate their own sin.

A good way to examine our hearts is to take the difficult instructions from scripture and see how we stack up against its direction. This is where the rubber hits the tar, but thank God it is truly liberating when we our hearts are exposed. Thank you Father!   

The war is raging and the battles are fierce and only those who do not treasure the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God as their most valuable asset will see their hope dwindle. We must use it as a benchmark to examine the declarations out there. If this becomes our practice and with the help of God the Holy Spirit it will become easy to identify the false voices out there. However we must start with our own hearts, men and women alike and then to understand the differing roles we have been called to preform, to act out under God's direction, for His names sake.

Once we have examine our own hearts against some of the tougher parts of scripture pertaining to us on an individual level and as soon as we recognising our weakness, its only then that we will find the stamina to cry out to Jesus with true purpose as we look to mirror his image. It doesn’t help when we lie to ourselves. Sex outside of marriage, same sex marriages, double-dealing, woman looking to be men and men imitating women, explaining scripture away under a historical banner and therefore imply that it is no longer relevant for today. All this type of mentality does, is it looks to accommodate our sin in some shape or form and all these types of passes will eventually catch up with us.

Our Father which art in heaven give your children eyes to see what needs to be seen in our lives, so that we may confess and repent where needed, so that we can bring you glory and eventually be part of rescuing some of the lost sheep that now find themselves without a shepherd.

We are our brother’s keepers…

Signing off


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