The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Thursday, 12 November 2020


I’ve always know this to be true but never realised the life-threatening power behind it until now; the renewing of the mind is an extremely powerful thing. In fact, it moulds our thinking without any efforts from our side. The mind receives the information and whilst processing, it shapes our perceptions on an array of topics. Ask yourselves have you changed your minds on anything that you were dead against in the past? You will soon realise the power behind the “renewing of the mind”. It’s not as if you woke up one day and your view has suddenly changed, it is a slow and steady process. The world, is fashioned by the greatest influencer of all, Hollywood reaches every corner of the globe. Do a study over the last century and it will soon become obvious how their voices have shaped the perceptions of the world. Do a study on gender preference in relation to power and relationships and see how their influence has affected the perceptions of individuals through time. Unswerving opposition to the voice of God. Sure, the internet and social media has played its part in forming the way we now think and make conscious decisions on. The Corona Virus hype started on news channels and social media. It was those visuals out of the east that prepared our minds, softened the blow if you like, that we too would soon be wearing masks. I say to the citizens of the world “do not be deceived” into thinking that your liberalism was sparked from your own genius. There are far greater forces at play…


As Christians we are also effected by those voices but we have an ace in the whole, praise the name of Jesus and we thank our Father for the written Word and the direction of the Holy Spirit in our lives, who always points us to the penned Word of God. Did you know that God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit are perfectly synced? It’s not as if they need to host a board meeting to decide what to do next, three persons but one God. Brilliance personified! I can’t wait to get to heaven when we will see the brilliance of our God and not through the "veil of the eyes of faith", what a day that will be and I’m telling you we are going to be blown away. But until that day arrives we need to keep fighting the good fight, bringing glory to our God.


Christian be encouraged - The Apostle Paul gives us insight on how we are to conduct ourselves; I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:1-2) – We must value what has been penned in the Bible as the final authority on every issue we face throughout our day, period! There can be no ifs and buts, and if you perception isn’t aligned to the voice of God then the voices of the world, has achieved their objective and influenced you. You don’t have to be gifted by God with a teaching ministry to understand blatant error, all you need is to be sealed by the Spirit of Promise. The Holy Spirit will guide you, always confirming the written Word. Nevertheless, thank God for His mercies and His patience with us, while we have breath we have hope, if we have erred from the truth we can once again realign our understanding as we feed on the WORD OF GOD. If and when anything in our understanding is not synced with the will of our Father, change is important. Do not be caught up with the hype of “it’s a different time” type of mentality, NO! God is the same yesterday, today and forever; Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.(Hebrews 13:8) - We must learn this lesson well.


To my beloved sisters across the globe, the same tactic Satan used in the garden is once again being used, “did God actually say” and by the grace of God, I will not stand by like Adam and allow you to be deceived as Eve was. If you have been called, born again and been sealed with the Spirit of God then we are connected. Even if I’ve never met you we share the love of God, one for another and I don’t mind taking a kick in the teeth if it will keep you safe. Do not be swayed by the influences of today’s pressures, read the Bible and if you see something that doesn’t quite gel with the voices of today, stand firm, hold your ground, I understand the immense pressures our sisters are under brethren, we need to fervently be praying for them.


Much love in Christ, “The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you. 


Signing off



Friday, 6 November 2020



Weaknesses are always seen as a negative trait when it comes to our personal abilities, but this is a misnomer when we view it through the eyes of faith. The apostle Paul gives us very clear indication on how we are to view our weaknesses. And may I remind you of whom this man was in the flesh; he was a Hebrew, an Israelite and a direct descendant of Abraham. He was a better servant of Christ, who had been tasked with the same office and with far greater labours. He was a man who faced great hardships, persecution, imprisonments, and countless beatings almost to the death. A man that received 39 lashes five times. Shipwrecked three times and a time when he was adrift at sea for a day and a night. Danger on every side and always being challenge with what he taught from without and within. He faced sleepless nights, without food, water and exposure to the cold. And on top of all of that he faced anxiety from all the churches. When I look at this man’s stamina in comparison to my volatility, there is none. And yet he is quick to point us to acknowledge our weakness as something we should value greatly as it forces us to rely on the grace of God to carry us over the hurdles of life. Without our weaknesses we would always look to achieve our objectives in our own strength. This was never the intent for the Christian; we must exclusively depend on the finished work of the cross. This is the lessons we need to learn well. There is nothing to be gained by boasting, this is his conclusion, save the boast of Christ’s achievements and the acknowledgment of his weaknesses so that the power of Christ may rest upon him. We too should share his sentiment. This is the point he drives home; For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”  (2corinthians 12:10) – Do we truly share his sentiment? Father God, please teach me this lesson well, is my prayer.


It’s time to armour up; the battle of all battles is just around the corner…


“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” 


Signing out



Monday, 2 November 2020

The magnified mirror


I’m not one to fuss too much when it comes to grooming, however now that I am in the “bush” up north visiting my beloved sister where they (husband and wife team) manage a game reserve and the room I am staying in has a portable mirror with one side magnified, which got me thinking… as Christians our default action automatically drives us away from certain practices, things like running with the crowd as we once did, for me it was wine, women and song. People are watching and they observe the change and in turn ask the question what has transpired? The answer is an obvious one, we walked into the path of Jesus Christ our Lord and therefore the change had to happen. He has altered our outlook on life, we now no longer run like we once did, that type of lifestyle does not interest us anymore. However, just like the mirror, once I flipped it over, the other side was a magnified, that’s what I now want to explore. The secret sins that so many of us keep alive must be addressed. The things we think we will get away with because it isn’t obvious to the outside world and therefore we hang onto them as if it isn’t a serious matter. But it is! I am well aware of my struggles and so are you, whatever the struggle. The issues of the heart must be tackled head on. Any thought that we act upon behind closed doors, when it opposes the will of God for our lives must no longer be allowed to gain traction. The question I ask, what about the secret sins in our lives? What will we do with that part of our lives? We must find the grace of God to deal with them appropriately. Unless we flip the magnified mirror into that part of our lives nothing will ever change.


We have not been called to a life of the undercover agents of the world, God sees all. Remember David even tried to hide his sin and we all know how that ended. For a time he was living without the peace of God in his life and his son died because of it. But thank God for His patience with us all. Once that was address he was freed to serve God with liberty. Let us therefore be true to ourselves and let us all pray to find the same freedom, but for that to happen we must be real about the issues of the heart. The Christians relationship with their God is personal, so stop trying to excuse that part of your life that is hampering your growth.

Here is how those thoughts need to be dealt with. Certain thoughts happen without too much planning, in other words the thoughts that pop into our brains which are contrary to our great Saviours character, happen from time to time, but it’s what we do with them that matters. Do we realise that when acted upon we are sinning against our Father, or do we view it as a very light matter? Do we use the grace of God in our lives as a blanket to cover them up as if it doesn’t really matter, it matters! This life is all about working out how we can live on earth as if we were already walking the streets of God in heaven; “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”, this thought must become our reality and a way of life. This is a reason why Christ paved the way for God’s children. Our carnal instinct will always drive us towards “let grace abound” and we should all know by now what Paul teaches on that subject; What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?  God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?(Romans 6:1-2)


So how are we to deal with those thoughts that “pop” into our heads? The obvious answer would be to find grace to put off the “old person”, just like a scorpion has a sting so does death and that sting is sin. Newness of life in Christ has an opposite effect, which is peace and life. Old things, old lifestyles must be eradicated from our existences. But the reality of it all, if given half the chance, sin will look to remain alive. We must look with intent to deal with all that robs us of the victory that is now ours in Christ. This is a process that we will war with until we take our last breath here on earth.


Let’s now look at the process we face on a daily basis; Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.  (James 1:13-15) – And yet in the same breath we must be tested in those areas of our lives, we will be lead to face them somewhere along the path. It’s the secret sins that we accommodate in our lives that we must now find grace to overcome. Let us all be aware of the reality we face and fall to our knees as we seek out God’s graces in our lives to overcome and nullify those thoughts, which in turn glorifies our heavenly Father. It’s all about His will for our lives and not our carnal selfish wants, those itches that need to be scratched must be ignored. Or rather dealt with in the right manner, we must stop making excuses for our weaknesses. Like the Italian man who has a temper and says “it’s not my fault I was born with a European temperament.” We all have our own crosses to bear. Remember the anguish the Lord went through and bring His experience to mind and that will help us call out for God’s grace to overcome. Did you know that it’s the grace of God in our lives that teaches our heart to fear…


Let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins. (James 5:20)  


Signing off



Sunday, 1 November 2020

David's heart

It would be a very good idea for us to mimic those who have travelled the thoroughfare of finding the will of God for their lives as a yardstick for our lives. David a man after God’s own heart, the question we need to ask ourselves, do we share his sentiment? When I wake up in the morning is the very first thought, Father God, make me more like Jesus. This is a very personal question that we will have to examine within our own closets. The questions I now find racing through my mind are these; am I driven for more than I already have been given? Do I believe He makes me lie down in green pastures beside the still waters or is anxiousness ruling the day? Is He the One who restores my soul? Do I realise that the trial of life is leading me into paths of righteousness? And if so, is it all because of His great name sake? When the pressure is on do I fear no evil? Have I realised that my Father’s rod and staff has been instituted for my benefit or is the “why” factor constantly gnawing away at me? Have I understood that discipline is crucial for my life and that it’s because of God’s great love for His children that chastisement is necessary? Do I understand the battle beyond the visible, does my faith drive me towards the hope that will be ours in Christ, that day will arrive, when we will attain our goal and receive a glorified body just like the Lord Jesus’ eternal body? Through it all, regardless of the hardships faced, do I only see goodness and mercy?


David was a man who processed all of these questions and understood what we all need to understand. He was clear of all doubt. A man after God’s own heart, how I long to mimic his example in every area of my life. And yet Father I have so far to travel, forgive me. But while we have breath we most certainly have hope, praise the mighty name of Jesus.


Help me Father be centred on your will for my life and make all my selfish wants dissipate into nothingness. This then is my prayer for today, may we all resolve to have a heart like David…


Signing off



Monday, 26 October 2020

Understanding the effectual call of God on your life...

Being saved under Arminian theology; I was taught that I chose God but on further study of the bible I realised that this type of reasoning is flawed. To believe that God, because of His foreknowledge, could look down the pipeline of my life and see the choices I would make somehow played its part in my salvation. In other words, to say that I frolicked my part in that equation is wrong. Why is this understanding so important? Instead at me looking at a loved one who remains on the fence or any other unbeliever that won’t believe in the finished work of the cross! Instead of me wrestling with them to wake themselves up, I realise, unless God wakes them up, it is an impossible quest. My attention now shifts, all because salvation has nothing to do with me and this understanding has now freed me from any form of boasting, all praise and honour now belongs to Him, period! When I address unsaved individuals and I share the gospel with them, I have nothing to boast about in myself, the thought that I am better than them, even if it remains a notion that lingers in the subconscious, it lives! My choice in choosing Jesus for salvation is now nullified.

 Here is an explanation on how it all works from John Piper…      


“How did God bring me to himself? How did he call you to himself? What happened in that sovereign act? It’s a question Pastor John addressed in a 2010 sermon on 

1 Corinthians 1:26–31.


Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. (1 Corinthians 1:22–24)

Call That Creates

When the called look at Christ crucified, they don’t see a stumbling block; they don’t see folly. They see power. So, there are three groups in those verses: (1) Jews, (2) Gentiles, (3) called. That’s not quite accurate, is it? Let me say it a little more carefully. There are: (1) Jews who are not called, (2) Gentiles who are not called, and (3) Jews and Gentiles who are called.

Those are the three groups. Are you with me? We’re considering our calling. We’re obeying 1 Corinthians 1:26. There are Jews not called, Gentiles not called, and Jews and Gentiles, some of whom are called. And then he describes the response of each to the cross.

1.     Jews: “Yeah, stumbling block. A crucified Messiah? Never heard of such a thing.”

2.     Gentiles: “Foolishness. A dying God? Silly — mythological.”

3.     Called: “Power — my God!”

What kind of call is that? I’ll tell you what kind of call it is: it’s the kind of call that creates what it commands. The call gives light. The call creates sight. The call raises the dead. “Lazarus, come forth” (see John 11:43). He didn’t decide to. The call raised him from the dead.

‘Wake Up!’

Let me give you an analogy that could be misleading. It helps me. Just to get your hand around it, because lots of you have never been taught about the call of God: the mighty, effectual, irresistible, powerful, saving, awakening, life-giving call of God that saved you. You’ve never been taught about this, so you need a little analogy to help you, instead of saying, “What is he talking about? I’ve never heard anything like this. I thought I just believed in Jesus.”

“If I need wisdom, Christ is my wisdom. If I need righteousness, he’s my righteousness.”

Suppose somebody is asleep, and you want to wake them up. What do you do? They’re sound asleep. You bend over them and you say, “Wake up!” And they bolt right upright. Now, what are the dynamics of that moment? They were sound asleep, and then they were awake. Did they hear the call and say, “I’ll think about that before I wake up, and then I’ll decide if I want to wake up”? That is a good analogy. When God issues a call to your dead heart and says, “Wake up!” you wake up. You did not make yourself a Christian. Just face it: you didn’t make yourself a Christian, which is why you should feel so incredibly loved.

In fact, if you need a text to say that, just go to Ephesians 2:4, where Paul says just as clearly as can be that, because of his “great love,” he made you alive when you were dead. It’s the only place he uses that phrase — “great love” — in all the New Testament. So, if you have any spiritual life in you at all, you have been greatly loved. It’s called regeneration; it’s called calling. You have been called, and you are greatly loved in this calling.

God Put You in Christ

God loved you by putting you in Christ. First Corinthians 1:30: “And because of him you are in Christ Jesus.” That’s pretty clear. In the original, very, very literally it would go, “From him are you in Christ Jesus,” or, “Of him are you in Christ Jesus.” “Because of him” is probably a pretty good translation: because of his doing, because of his work, you are in Christ Jesus.

So, he chose you “before the foundation of the world” (Ephesians 1:4). He, through Billy Graham, or a preacher, or your mom’s testimony, or reading the Bible, or hearing a worship song, or however he wanted to do it as far as human agency goes, he spoke the word, “Wake up!” or “Come!” or “Live!” And you suddenly stopped seeing the cross as folly. You stopped seeing the cross as boring. You stopped seeing the cross as mythological. You stopped seeing the cross as a stumbling block. Suddenly, it was what you needed, and true. And you embraced it. You embraced it. Because God woke you up, changed your heart. And in that, you were united to Christ.

When we were talking about the doctrine of regeneration or the new birth, I tried to explain how calling, regeneration, faith, and union with Christ are simultaneous. There are causal connections here, but there aren’t temporal gaps. In an instant — in an instant — he awakened you from the dead. Your eyes were opened, and what you saw was a glorious Christ. And in seeing him as glorious, you were a believer; you were. That’s what being a believer means: “He’s glorious. He’s Savior. He’s Lord. He is mine.” That’s what it is to see him for what he really is. And in that moment, you were united to Jesus, which means God loved you by making Christ your wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.

So, God awakened you, united you to Christ so that you have a vital union with Jesus. You’re connected with him — maybe like a vine and a branch?

All He Is, You Are

Look at verse 30 again:

And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption.

“The call gives light. The call creates sight. The call raises the dead.”

 So, when you unite with Christ, all that he is, now you are — without making you God. All the benefits that are in him, all the inheritance that is in him, all that he ever purchased, all the obedience he ever performed, all the forgiveness he ever purchased, you now have by virtue of union with him, which you feel by faith and which God worked sovereignly. He has become, through God’s loving you this way, everything for you.

If I need wisdom, he’s my wisdom. If I need righteousness, he’s my righteousness. If I need sanctification, redemption . . .

 You are loved, Bethlehem. You are loved sons and daughters of God because God chose you for himself. You are loved because he called you to himself. You are loved because he united you to Christ. And by making you one with Christ, Christ becomes everything you need.” (John Piper)


Signing out



Friday, 23 October 2020


The investment banker looks at the fundamentals when looking to make an informed decision concerning any of his investments. His object, to get the biggest returns possible. However, regardless of the gathered information it remains speculation, even if it’s calculated. There are certain factors beyond our control and God has just proved that with the Corona virus.  It has crippled the economy of so many countries and the effects of it all is still in its embryo state, tough times are coming. There are so many factor beyond the control of all of God’s creation. The sooner we “let go and let God” the easier it will be to embrace His peace. We cannot control the wind or the weather, but God can! With God there is no speculation, whatever He wishes comes to pass. There are no ifs and buts! The Christian is well aware of the future, it’s not as if we speculate on a hunch, or a fabricated whim. NO! Thankful we have the Spirit of God and the penned WORD of God to guide us through the storm. We believe what has been penned as fact, and if we are still looking for wiggle room on certain truths, God is gracious and allows our minds to be transformed. He brings us around to certain truths, ever if it takes a lifetime. I am constantly reminded that transformation is a marathon and not a sprint. But the point we cannot miss, if God has willed it and revealed His intent, it will come to pass. Take great courage in this fact. Our Father has everything unfolding exactly as He has determined it. You, yes you, have a specific part to play in that equation. You are part of His production, and when was it scripted? Before the foundation of the worlds. I take amazing solace in that truth. How about you?    


Let’s use what the Bible refers to as “signs of the end of the age”. We know that deception will be rife, wars and rumours of wars will play their part, nations will rise up against one another, famines will be prevalent and earthquakes will intensify, which will be explained away as some scientific fabricated lie and swallowed up by the world. Instead of repentance and mankind crying out to God for salvation, they will remain oblivious to His mercy and the offer on hand that Jesus Christ His Son is the answer, the Messiah that has already died, was buried and then raised from the dead. Its around about this time that the original seed of Abrahams offspring will come to their senses and repentance will follow and they will embrace the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. However, the world, as a whole  will look to another, an antichrist, the deceiver’s day would have finally arrived and they will swallow his lies, hook, line and sinker. And through the process of this all, the true believers, the Christians will be singled out for a time of suffering and some will even be put to death. We will be hated by all nations for Christ’s name sake, praise God, and thank you Jesus for what you have done for me and if I am part of that affair, its seems but a microscopic role some will have to play in comparison to what you endured for our sakes. So long as we have you on our side, come what may, we will glorify your name and stand true; and then the Spirit of God reassures my heart; “for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”” (Hebrews 13:5) – Not only are our hearts reassured by the Holy Spirit but we also have the penned word of God and verses like the one above that excites me beyond comprehension. In spite of my weaknesses, my Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ is with me, praise His name. If God has saved you, regardless of your struggle, He will see you home. And the last page will read, “And they lived happily ever after”. Do you believe this? It is now time to dress for battle…   


Lawlessness will be the order of the day and the love of many will wax cold. But know this, "he who endures into the end, will be saved." Whether we will be part of this time in history or not, time will reveal all, however, we will not be caught off guard, why? Because God has declared it, we have been informed and whatever the great “I AM” declares, comes to pass! The beauty of the future at our fingertips and covered by the love of God; Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27) - This is the heart of our glorious Saviour.


Signing off



Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Dreams, visions and prophecy


There has been some interesting chatter about, much to-do about a looming war that the enemy is in the process of instituting. I am certainly not one to venture down the road, where I open a door and allow my vain imaginations to run away with me as fact, if that’s all they are. I base what I know, understanding the direction I receive and then pass it on to others, using the written Word of God as the final authority. Prophecy can and will never displace the Word of God. It can and must only ever confirm it. This way I am able to follow instruction and test if it is of the truth. It is hard to test a vision or a dream and the interpretation of it, but not if we mirror it against the WORD OF GOD. Let’s say a young boy has a dream and we are told that through that dream the Lord will return on the 31st of October. What must the Christian do with that information? I have already mentioned it, we must mirror it against the Word of God, so let’s do that now; “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.”  

(Matthew 24:36)  

·        The warning is this, be careful of our carnalities looking to dominate what we like to refer to as spiritual intervention. Daniel interpreted dreams, but there were not many like him throughout scripture. Not only has that time past per se, but the very first warning the Lord Jesus gave was this; “And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray.””  (Matthew 24:4) 


This is what I have for you, use scripture to feed your intent…


·        Do not make the mistake of arming yourselves carnally for a battle that is spiritual.

·        Come what may, we must ensure that we are sitting at our Saviour’s feet and relying on His finished work to arm us for whatever lies ahead. This particular war, like most conflicts acts out in the physical realm and this is where entrapment lurks, looking to draw us into a web of deceit. Instinctively we fight fire with fire. We must tap into the Spirit to find victory in every area of our lives, including the Lord’s return.

·        The Christians call is for us to lay our lives down just like Christ laid His life down. WE ARE THE UNTOUCHABLES, they may take our lives but they will never take our freedom. Jesus Christ our LORD has sealed us by His finished work on Calvary, the Christian has been bought by the blood of the Lamb. Praise His name now and forever more, Amen! For all those who have their names penned in the Book of Life will rely on their GOD and not our natural instincts to defend ourselves…

Let’s unpack this thought and glean from scripture to land on my understanding, regarding the tough times ahead. The war is just over the horizon, how are we to behave? We must dress for battle… many are “bunkering up”, in other words stocking up for the hard times ahead. Which in itself is prudent, but do not lose focus on your intent. Those who remain carnally minded are in fact enemies of the cross; For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.  (Romans 8:5-8) – Every true Christian will look with intent to please God and to do that we must, which is to submit ourselves to His Spirit. 


We have been called to “endure suffering” and not to strike out. It’s the time of testing for the Christian. We are called to dress for battle and not to play into the hands of the devils schemes and this is what that looks like; Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,…” 

(Ephesians 6:11-18)


I thank all for their prayers, those who played their part in helping me find direction to the answers of the questions I had upon my heart pertaining to the favour of the month, so many people having so much to say regarding the end times and the soon return of our Lord and Saviour.


My conclusion then; we must find grace to live every day as if today would be the day of our Saviours return, and we will be amongst the five wise virgins with oil in their lamps to welcome His return.


Signing out

