The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Friday 23 October 2020


The investment banker looks at the fundamentals when looking to make an informed decision concerning any of his investments. His object, to get the biggest returns possible. However, regardless of the gathered information it remains speculation, even if it’s calculated. There are certain factors beyond our control and God has just proved that with the Corona virus.  It has crippled the economy of so many countries and the effects of it all is still in its embryo state, tough times are coming. There are so many factor beyond the control of all of God’s creation. The sooner we “let go and let God” the easier it will be to embrace His peace. We cannot control the wind or the weather, but God can! With God there is no speculation, whatever He wishes comes to pass. There are no ifs and buts! The Christian is well aware of the future, it’s not as if we speculate on a hunch, or a fabricated whim. NO! Thankful we have the Spirit of God and the penned WORD of God to guide us through the storm. We believe what has been penned as fact, and if we are still looking for wiggle room on certain truths, God is gracious and allows our minds to be transformed. He brings us around to certain truths, ever if it takes a lifetime. I am constantly reminded that transformation is a marathon and not a sprint. But the point we cannot miss, if God has willed it and revealed His intent, it will come to pass. Take great courage in this fact. Our Father has everything unfolding exactly as He has determined it. You, yes you, have a specific part to play in that equation. You are part of His production, and when was it scripted? Before the foundation of the worlds. I take amazing solace in that truth. How about you?    


Let’s use what the Bible refers to as “signs of the end of the age”. We know that deception will be rife, wars and rumours of wars will play their part, nations will rise up against one another, famines will be prevalent and earthquakes will intensify, which will be explained away as some scientific fabricated lie and swallowed up by the world. Instead of repentance and mankind crying out to God for salvation, they will remain oblivious to His mercy and the offer on hand that Jesus Christ His Son is the answer, the Messiah that has already died, was buried and then raised from the dead. Its around about this time that the original seed of Abrahams offspring will come to their senses and repentance will follow and they will embrace the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. However, the world, as a whole  will look to another, an antichrist, the deceiver’s day would have finally arrived and they will swallow his lies, hook, line and sinker. And through the process of this all, the true believers, the Christians will be singled out for a time of suffering and some will even be put to death. We will be hated by all nations for Christ’s name sake, praise God, and thank you Jesus for what you have done for me and if I am part of that affair, its seems but a microscopic role some will have to play in comparison to what you endured for our sakes. So long as we have you on our side, come what may, we will glorify your name and stand true; and then the Spirit of God reassures my heart; “for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”” (Hebrews 13:5) – Not only are our hearts reassured by the Holy Spirit but we also have the penned word of God and verses like the one above that excites me beyond comprehension. In spite of my weaknesses, my Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ is with me, praise His name. If God has saved you, regardless of your struggle, He will see you home. And the last page will read, “And they lived happily ever after”. Do you believe this? It is now time to dress for battle…   


Lawlessness will be the order of the day and the love of many will wax cold. But know this, "he who endures into the end, will be saved." Whether we will be part of this time in history or not, time will reveal all, however, we will not be caught off guard, why? Because God has declared it, we have been informed and whatever the great “I AM” declares, comes to pass! The beauty of the future at our fingertips and covered by the love of God; Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27) - This is the heart of our glorious Saviour.


Signing off



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