The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Sunday 1 November 2020

David's heart

It would be a very good idea for us to mimic those who have travelled the thoroughfare of finding the will of God for their lives as a yardstick for our lives. David a man after God’s own heart, the question we need to ask ourselves, do we share his sentiment? When I wake up in the morning is the very first thought, Father God, make me more like Jesus. This is a very personal question that we will have to examine within our own closets. The questions I now find racing through my mind are these; am I driven for more than I already have been given? Do I believe He makes me lie down in green pastures beside the still waters or is anxiousness ruling the day? Is He the One who restores my soul? Do I realise that the trial of life is leading me into paths of righteousness? And if so, is it all because of His great name sake? When the pressure is on do I fear no evil? Have I realised that my Father’s rod and staff has been instituted for my benefit or is the “why” factor constantly gnawing away at me? Have I understood that discipline is crucial for my life and that it’s because of God’s great love for His children that chastisement is necessary? Do I understand the battle beyond the visible, does my faith drive me towards the hope that will be ours in Christ, that day will arrive, when we will attain our goal and receive a glorified body just like the Lord Jesus’ eternal body? Through it all, regardless of the hardships faced, do I only see goodness and mercy?


David was a man who processed all of these questions and understood what we all need to understand. He was clear of all doubt. A man after God’s own heart, how I long to mimic his example in every area of my life. And yet Father I have so far to travel, forgive me. But while we have breath we most certainly have hope, praise the mighty name of Jesus.


Help me Father be centred on your will for my life and make all my selfish wants dissipate into nothingness. This then is my prayer for today, may we all resolve to have a heart like David…


Signing off



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