Every trade has its authorities; the artisan trade has the coded welded; those men and women who are qualified to get their teeth stuck into the difficult jobs; the medical profession has the specialist or surgeon and so on; a specific qualification that meets certain criteria…
If we consider the greatest man in all varying fields we must arrive at one conclusion; the Lord Jesus Christ is His name.
We or those closest to us instinctively seek out the best service when we have a serious need. I remember back in the year 2001, I was close to death, my immune system was nonexistent and the HIV Virus had almost run its course ending up the victor. Some of my family members made it their business to seek out the best HIV Specialists and ensured that they examined me. We want the best, we will not settle for second if our need it that serious. Unless of course we have no means to seek out the best. But where possible, we will plough all our efforts into our survival.
How great is our God? Consider the Lord Jesus, was He not the greatest Physician? We know He was and in fact, is (present tense). David Copperfield the greatest illusionist of our time; was not our great Saviour the greatest miracle worker of all time? When He turned water into wine it was not only seen by the eye but enjoyed by those at the wedding through taste. No illusion but rather a reality. What of the ten lepers or the blind man and the woman with the issue of blood? The Bible has this to say about this man, the Lord Jesus… “Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.” (John 21:25)
The world has kings but there is only one King of kings, the world has lords but there is only one Lord or lords. Even at the London Olympics they called a swimming event the “I am” but there is only One great I Am. The Greek alphabet has the symbols alpha and omega; they are independent constants but the Lord Jesus is both the Alpha and the Omega. There are many religions with many niceties attached but there is only one true Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Let me then move onto my point; regardless of where we find ourselves this morning, whether we are seated amongst kings or in a hut on the outskirts of town, one thing is for certain, the Lord Jesus has been there. If it is wisdom we seek out, who is the wiser? If we as are weak and sickly, who is the greatest physician? If the concern of the day is financial and we almost beg bread does not the Bible teach a certain order? It most certainly does; “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33) – Which are what? What will be added? Clothing, food and shelter will be added to one’s life, and anxiety will dissipate.
This then is the assurance from scripture but we must walk in faith to appropriate these truths into our lives. That is where God begins with his children, repentance and faith towards God. Any other opinionated advice outside of repentance and faith is hot air and will lack any power. It is no good to pursue the one without the other. Many chemicals remain ineffective if they stand alone, but mix the right two together and we see something entirely different; “Pratley’s Putty” a case in point; once mixed the putty turns into a steel adhesive.
Whatever our need, whatever the question, it must always begin with the Lord Jesus and it must then end with Him. That is the lesson we must all learn, if not we will learn how to walk in circles but that is all we will ever achieve…
Signing off