The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Peace of God

(Philippians 4:7)  “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Firstly Let us understand what it means to “understand” and then shall we only move onto the meaning of how to exceed the concept of our understanding.

How often are things said and even received with a nonchalant emphasis placed on what is actually meant? Not enough circumspection is given too much of what should be processed as it is meant. We often listen without actually hearing. I know that I am guilty; you will have to come to your own conclusion on the subject.

“Understanding” has many facets to it; one could say I understand; meaning that although I have not grasp the totality of the subject, I now however have a better understanding than before. Or one could have all knowledge on a subject that nothing could be added as they have fully comprehended every facet on the subject… e.g. The Pythagorean Theorem: The sum of the areas of the two squares on the legs (a and b) equals the area of the square on the hypotenuse (c).” It is what it is and one either understands it or not, there is no in-between. This then is what I believe is meant in the quoted verse.

How then does one “surpass all understanding”? To surpass means;to go beyond what was expected or hoped for, usually by being bigger, better, or greater” To think that there is something greater than ones understanding in the realm of “understanding” is an implausible concept; how can something be greater than ones understanding? This is an illogical perception, it goes beyond reasoning.

How then is this awareness obtained? When we first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness we enter the realm of faith which goes beyond carnal reasoning; “Faith is the substance of things hope for the evidence of things not seen.” Although I am hard pressed and there seems to be very little sunlight in my day, I know that there is a day coming that will be full of absolute joy and that my final destination is heaven. Therefore regardless of the facts that surround me I am able to push beyond the realm of reality through faith, which in turn must “surpass all understanding’, which equips me to embrace this principle. It is not a state full of panic but rather a reassured reality that captivates my mind, body and soul. It then is “the peace of God that is able to surpass all understanding”; fascinating and yet a tangible reality. The peace of God is then something we should all strive for or rather we should seek out His grace as the need presents itself, helping us in reality, to enter this realm, the “peace which surpasses all understand.” For when we live in this glorious place it will guard our hearts and minds. Even the strength of our understanding as it deals with the reality of our surroundings will be no match for God’s provision, “the peace of God”.  

Signing off


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