Justice Systems throughout the world are setup in such a way that before a
person is tried or a witness testifies they are ask under oath if what they are
about to declare “is the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God.”
With the intent of securing justice for all; as if the threats of an
unbelievers hand on a book, the Bible would somehow swing the person’s
conscience into action if they were determined to lie. The intent may be a
noble one but impossible to implement righteously. Court cases are manipulated,
twisted and defence attorneys do what they can to lighten their clients blow
whilst the state prosecutor goes for the jugular. The truth is often
manipulated by both parties in order to find a favourable outcome. If and when a
new piece of evidence comes to light by either party they will expose or
conceal the evidence depending on its merits for the case.
With regards to
our eternal predicaments righteousness demands the whole truth which must
includes the judgments of God or else we will only see one side of the account.
I feel it would be fitting to give both side of the truth if we are to be
jolted into gear of effective service. Much has been spoken on the forgiveness
of God but very little on the wrath which is to come. It is essential to bring
the truth of God’s judgement to light, not that it is something new as it were
but not often preached in today's day and age; it will not be attractive but is
will certainly bare the banner of truth without any hidden agenda and those who
have ears to hear will respond favourably, whilst the deaf may discard it as
dribble but I have hope that it may kindle a call on the believers of God to
repair their old “gearboxes of complacency” with their walks with the Lord.
Spark us into righteous action. I believe I have arrived at a place where the
truth needs to be told concerning a topic that is very seldom spoken about in
Christian circles and that is the pending judgments of God just over the
The ruling of
God is coming and it will be brought into fruition at His appointed time. If we
are even given a slither of understanding on what the Apostle John witnessed
when he observed what God permitted him to view penned throughout the book of
Revelation; peradventure we might just be a tad more serious with the subject.
It has been penned for our benefits and to warn those who may have strayed from
the path with the opportunity to find repentance in their lives. The churches
mentioned in Revelation had their commendation as well as their rebukes
highlighted and there are times in our lives when both sides need to be
travelled and today is the day where I am being led to consider God’s judgment
and some truths attached.
The notion that
God is love which He obviously is but to twist that thought to your own demise
as if there is no judgment in Him which is false and a lie; that perception
comes from the pit of hell. All of God’s love has been confined to one place
and outside of that sanctuary the wrath of God will be reveal with great
display. Understanding that it is in Christ alone where the love of God abides;
reject Him and you castoff the love of God and you will be subjected to His
wrath. I cannot put it any plainer than that. Scripture is clear on this and
any true expositor will agree with that statement.
As a kids I’m
sure you can recall playing “hiding go seek” where you would give the person
searching for the item clues as to how hot or cold they where in finding the
hidden article by calling out “hot” or “cold”. There is no middle road with
God’s love; it is all encapsulated in his beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ,
my beloved Saviour, praise His name and I am blow away by His consideration for
dying for a wretch like me. Whilst I was yet an enemy of God, oblivious to my
sinful lusts, with them dominating my life, not giving any thought to the will
of God, God still sent His Son to die in my stead. This is love personified!
However if and when we reject that offer the wrath of God will be our lot in
the life to come. There will also be those who witness His wrath here on earth
if their time falls within the parameters of His reckoning. Historically the
Jews have been subjected to those allotted times. But all must been seen under
the banner of God’s righteousness and His love if we are to benefit. It is easy
to love the loveable but not so easy to love the villain; “but God shows his
love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)
Reject His love offering at your own peril…
This is what is just over the horizon; “And he said
with a loud voice, "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come, and
worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of
water."” (Revelation 14:7) – His judgment will be explicit and anyone
whose name is not found written in the book of life will be privy to His
decrees. Hell will be your final destiny. With that truth voiced I must warn
against the pending findings that await those on the earth who reject His
Today is the day of salvation, the offer of God’s
grace is still on offer but I can assure you on the authority of the penned
Word of God that tough times are just over the horizon. There is much to be
said about this and so to be unbiased to the topic I have decided to break this
up over the upcoming weeks. God willing we will see the truths unfold and come
out on the other side with a clearer understanding fit for our Masters service; “The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he
will be my son.” (Revelation 21:7)
Signing off