The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Friday 6 May 2016


(Revelation 7:10) …"Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!"

Salvation (redemption, deliverance, rescue, escape) belongs to our God alone and no one else. The masses throughout history have always conjured up some new thing that people have gravitated towards just so long as it was fashionable. And as time has gone on with the Digital Age in full flight, marketing has never been easier. But every fad runs its course, except for the Word of God which never changes; it has stood the test of time, with the only true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the One who sits upon His throne and the Lamb seated to His right has secured the rescue for all who call upon Him. Both Jew and Gentile will of a certainty find their rescue in Him, so long as they call out unto Him, the only true Messiah, praise His name, Jesus Christ the Lord who is, was and lives forever more, Amen! Miss this truth and devastation awaits the gainsayer, your days are numbered.

This morning my thoughts are with all those who have found deliverance in Christ; the Lamb of God who has given them His mind and not allowed them to be swayed by the voices they needed to navigate though history; nevertheless they live with victory as their monumental banner to life. Every one of these individuals has had their own trials that they needed to face. Trials are tailor made, one size does not fit all, praise the name of Jesus. However the beauty of God’s provision and His rescue has always resulted in them having the final say. Will you be amongst that number? Will I? As long as I have breath and I am covered by the good graces of my Lord and Saviour I can with a certainty cry, Amen!

When I consider the greats of faith, Job, Noah and Daniel but to name a few. It is beautiful to see how their journeys ended. We serve a great God, even though the trial of life looks to suffocate us at times it will ultimately be well with our souls when we have learnt our lessons in and through it all, we must all find a tenacity to press through the probationary periods of these times in our lives for it will be worth it all; eternity will be filled with unspeakable blessing for God’s faithful.

Today I stand amazed when I consider the fortitude God provides the struggling saint, the ones who has failed dismally and yet God has not cut them off, wow! The one who is initially dull of hearing with a little more nurturing needed than most; they can be compared to a struggling tree in a farmers field  but with a little foster when that particular tree eventually brings forth its fruit in its season, how sweet the fruit! I was certainly amongst the number of what I would call a “slow learner”, never oblivious to the love of God through it all but hoodwinked by my sin as I looked to twist it and skirt as close to the borders of the Promised Land. Thankfully by the good graces of my God, those days are behind me. It is time to march on with perseverance and face the new challenges that God has for me as I hope to bring Him glory through it all. I cannot claim to have conquered like our beloved brother Paul, in fact my testimony has been diabolical in comparison, of which, I at times was almost cast to the wolves and yet by the grace of God I am still able to testify that "Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!" He has remained faithful even whilst I was ensnared by so many traps along life’s journey. My Christian exploits have been somewhat extreme, with amazing highs and destructive lows attached to my excursion. At times I lost my way but Jesus my beloved Saviour permitted those times in my life to play out for me to learn many vital lessons; sin in any form promises the world but it all ends in the same way with destruction and devastation running riot.

Sin in any form will never be tolerated as the norm. It is beyond the reach of God’s character, HE IS RIGHTEOUS! If you believe that God will tolerate your sin as the norm you have been deceived. Sadly and yet thankfully some of us have to learn the hard way with destruction apart of our lives in order to find deliverance. I thank God for His mercy! If we have strayed from the Shepherds green pastures just a fraction, we will all need to arrive at the place of repentance and just like the prodigal son come to our senses if we are to be welcomed into our Fathers loving arms without to much discipline attached. He is merciful and patient with all His children. Having come to that realisation and having that play out in my life is too marvellous for me to express with words and the appreciation which He has ignited in my soul. I suppose the best way I can describe the way I feel is to quote a verse of scripture that in principle I understand; “Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven--for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little." – Father God I do not take lightly the forgiveness that you have bestowed upon me, thank you! And for all those times in my life were I took you forgiveness for granted and made light of it I am truly sorrow.   

Youthful lusts and passions most certainly war against the soul and it is those passions that bring with them a wave of havoc into a believer’s life. Paul warns against such passions; So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will. (2Timothy 2:22-26)  

I thank God for His forgiveness and I will always be indebted to him for His love. I am humbled by the mistakes I have encountered along the path of life, but forever thankful. My testimony has not been above reproach, but God who is rich in mercy has restored that which the canker-worm has devoured and I am in the processes of God now restoring a right spirit in me. Who else would offer such mercy? We could look across the universe and beyond and never find such kindness. I love you Father God because you first loved me; you sent you’re only begotten Son the Lord Jesus to die for me, even with the foreknowledge of all my blunders, and yet you have been willing to discipline me along the way for me to learn your precepts, thank you my God and King; the love of God who can fathom the depths of it?   

God is able to save from the uttermost to the utmost, trust and believe in Him and it will be well with your soul.

Peace and grace to all abroad who call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen!

Signing off


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