Whilst stirring this morning under the
cover of the duvet, my mind raced as it normally does and yet with clear
direction. I thoroughly enjoy mornings like these as I wait in anticipation for
an enlightening encounter with my God and Father. I know that today is a day
that I will learn more of His character as God the Holy Spirit reveals just a
little more, deepening my love for my Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.
To understand the will of God is the
pressing question. Who can actually fathom the depths of God’s Brilliance? Does
the clay have understanding over the potter or does it have any power to
manipulate its outcome? It would be useful to understand God’s character, to
make every effort to study Him in order to understand His will for our lives.
Without snippets of that knowledge it will always be about our selfish wants
even when we say that we seek out Gods will for our lives. We needn’t
understand all the instruction we receive at the time, that is where God
manifests His brilliance, this is where He often silences the gainsayer and His
reasoning will become apparent oven time. Hardships will receive their desired
outcome, they will teach us the will of God over time and the sooner we arrive
at this conclusion the happier we will be. The joy of the Lord will be our
portion on any given day. It is when we view hardships with the eyes of our old
sin-filled natures that we lose sight of God’s will. Be gone old wicked man,
and fill my eyes my God with a vision of the cross.
God has given us many guarantees as His
children certifying His commitment; “When the Spirit
of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on
his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to
you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to
you.” (John
We have His Spirit and He guides us
into all truth, so long as we look to Him for guidance and even when we don’t
He exposes the sin in our lives causing us to desperately seek out God’s
forgiveness. When we are dull of hearing, some may even be handed over to Satan
for the destruction of the flesh so that others may fear. Either way they all
have the same intended purpose to conform us into the image of His darling Son,
our glorious and gracious Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Although we may not
see Him face to face as some did, it is our faith that drives us into an
intermit relationship with Him; we have the written Word as our reference; we
must take every opportunity to study it as it teaches us about God’s character.
We have everything we need to find the will of God for our lives for any given
Understanding God in His perfection is
a daunting task that we will only ever see in part. But we will certainly see
enough to understand that He is the potter and we are the clay and that
although He could have discarded us as useless matter because of our sin and
our rebellion He rather chose to have mercy on us. When this is realized we
will understand that we now belong to Him, we are no longer entitled to our
selfish wants when they oppose God’s will for our lives. Our ongoing
sanctification must drive us towards His glory.
Here is an example that will help us
Joseph, Jacob’s son was in type an
example of the Lord Jesus, he too suffered many things for God’s glory, but his
suffering brought great relief to the children of promise. Although Joseph’s
brothers’ hate caused them to do an unspeakable thing, by selling him into
slavery and bringing a false report to their father, saying that he had been
killed by a wild beast, it was all part of God’s will; their intention was
obviously evil, but God is far greater than the evilest intention people
muster. Never forget that truth! God is Sovereign and He will always determine
the final outcome and we must learn to rest in that truth. Although Joseph
suffered many wrongful accusations, he learnt to understand God’s will along
the way. He was imprisoned under a false accusation but it was there that God
really began to bless him. Go figure, in prison and finding the will of God,
you better believe it! At the end of a great famine it was Joseph that brought
rescue to those who set out to destroy him; God used him to save his family
from starvation and this was his conclusion on all that he supposedly
wrongfully faced; “But Joseph said to them, "Do not fear, for am
I in the place of God? As
for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it
about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” (Genesis
There are many other examples that teach us the
same valuable lesson; Job and Satan’s interaction, Daniel and the lion’s den
but to mention a couple. God is in perfect control of all things and we must
learn to rest in His Sovereign will, come what may, because if God is for us
who can be against us…
Signing off