New beginnings… it is that time again,
the beginning of a New Year where New Year’s resolutions are high on the agendas
of most; regardless of how hard the past year has been there is great
anticipation even in my own mind, with hope leading the way in anticipation
that God will step in and help me with so many pressing areas of my life. A job
with steady income would be sincerely appreciated; time and resolve to serve with
a greater diligence; growing from strength to strength in sanctification; being
a beacon of light to a world that is ensnared by darkness; useful pliable clay
in my Master’s hands! These are just some of my expectations that I do not only
believe will come to fruition but am induced that by the grace of God they will
happen. Faith drives me to believe God for the arrival of His spiritual fruits
of salvation to become evident in my life and I see buds beginning to sprout.
Faith compels me to have hope in my God, praise His name now and forever more,
We must understand the need for separation
in our lives for this to become our reality. Let God our Heavenly Father teach
us His ways so that once we have perceived what must be done to achieve
obedience in our daily walks we can call upon His grace to follow His perfect
Let us consider; “in the beginning”,
God in His perfect brilliance created the heavens and the earth and right there
“in the beginning” He called forth light! Here then is the lesson; He would not
let light and darkness coexist, “God separated the light from the darkness”.
There was time allotment to both the light and the darkness; “God call the
light Day and the darkness he called Night”. There was distinct separation! It is
not as if we have day and night happening at the same time. Imagine standing in
your garden at midday and half your garden would be in direct sunlight and the
other half in total darkness with blotches of light and darkness for
twenty-four hours. It is not the way God chose to do it, why? Because He is
perfect in everything He does!
From the beginning He has taught us
that light and darkness are enemies, He is the Father of Lights and Satan is
the father of darkness. Light speaks of life whilst darkness depicts death,
lies, and everything that opposes God who is light! The same principle exists
for us at salvation, we do not experience “re-birth” but we are born again. We
were all born through water; our natural birth was of a carnal nature with seeds
full of sin bearing fruit engulfed in darkness. But for those who are born
again, our spiritual beginning was all new; the old man isn’t patched up, but
is reckoned dead. That is why we are “born again” in newness of life. Psychology
can only ever do patch work, because it can and will only ever be able to
operate in the natural realm. It is not so with God, because He is spiritual He
gives us a brand new beginning at salvation; “From now on,
therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once
regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in
Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has
come.” (2Corinthians
5:16-17) – We are now creatures of the light and we belong to the only
true God!
Therefore we must understand that we can no
longer have our feet in both the light and the darkness at the same time. Just
as God separated the light form the darkness we too must learn to follow suite.
People-pleasers and fence-sitters are not good examples of who God is and what
He has done for us. I am convinced that if we want God’s blessing in our lives
we must understand the realm in which he works and that is the separation of
light from darkness. Let us flee from the darkness, there is no such thing as a
white lie!
then is my prayer for our lives: that we will find His grace and resolve to
appropriate the separation of the light from the darkness with our daily
activities. Faith demands this of us; we must believe our God to work out His
blessing in our lives. Remember He is for us and not against us! Sometimes we
forget this truth; “For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by
the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved
by his life.” (Romans 5:10) – Let us learn
to trust our God and Father and all because of what Christ achieved on our
behalf, praise His name, Amen!