6:15) “And, as shoes for
your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.”
When I
initially think about a battle, my thoughts instinctively go to what weapons do
I have at my disposal? But give it some thought and one will quickly realise
how important shoes are! Today normally worn as an outer covering for the foot,
usually made of leather, fabric, or plastic but back then “shoes, or
greaves of brass, or the like, were formerly part of the military armour (1Sa_17:6): the use of them was to defend
the feet against the gall-traps, and sharp sticks, which were wont to be laid
privily in the way, to obstruct the marching of the enemy, those who fell upon
them being unfit to march. The preparation of the gospel of peace signifies
a prepared and resolved frame of heart, to adhere to the gospel and abide by
it, which will enable us to walk with a steady pace in the way of religion,
notwithstanding the difficulties and dangers that may be in it. It is styled the
gospel of peace because it brings all sorts of peace, peace with God, with
ourselves, and with one another. It may also be meant of that which prepares
for the entertainment of the gospel, namely, repentance. With this our feet
must be shod: for by living a life of repentance we are armed against
temptations to sin, and the designs of our great enemy. Dr. Whitby thinks this
may be the sense of the words: “That you may be ready for the combat, be shod
with the gospel of peace, endeavour after that peaceable and quiet mind which
the gospel calls for. Be not easily provoked, nor prone to quarrel: but show
all gentleness and all long-suffering to all men, and this will certainly
preserve you from many great temptations and persecutions, as did those shoes
of brass the soldiers from those galltraps,” etc.” (Matthew
Once we declare
to others that we belong to the Lord Jesus Christ and that we have been bought
by a very costly price, the death of God’s own son! We then put it out there
and we will be watched by the enemy waiting for us to trip up. Sadly most along
the way will stumble and fall, there will be accusation thrown at the believer
and often forlornly with just cause. We all have our own particular path we
need to travel! “For we all stumble in many ways...” (James
3:2) Nevertheless
when we share the gospel with others it not only enlightens them to the truth
but it also has the potential to free someone that is lost; and it most
certainly equips us, it reminds us that we are in God’s army and that we are surely
at war. It prompts us of the task at hand, our ultimate goal, heaven and all
its glory!
As Christians
we often find ourselves so self-absorbed with our faults that we often tend to
overlook Christ’s wonderful achievement; - life to all who would believe!
Think on this infallible
fact; - the victory has already been won; whilst the Lord Jesus hung
upon the cross of Calvary, with a thorn crowned brow, a gaping hole in His side
while He gasped for air with death looming, He cried “it is finished!”
Even though we struggle with the issues of life, the truth has already been
establish regardless of our short comings; here is a verse that once we make it
our own it will be like a vitamin B injection; “And those whom he predestined
he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he
justified he also glorified. What then shall we say to these things? If
God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:30-31)
Whilst sharing
this wonderful Gospel message, a life-line to the lost, all those who are dead in
their trespasses and sins; we must however learn to be gentle and yet firm with
what God has given us. On the one hand it is far too easy to excuse ourselves while
judging others and on the other hand extremely too easy to excuse our sin as if
it isn’t a serious concern. It is because of sin, this the sole reason why our
Saviour had to die on Calvary’s hill! His message is a message of hope and
while we have breath we must proclaim this wonderful message…“If anyone hears
my words and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to
judge the world but to save the world.” (John
Shoes then are
an imperative part of God’s amour! Let us dress for battle, let us seek out
God’s graces readily in season, sharing this wonderful message of hope to all
who would lend an ear.
Signing off