(Exodus 20:12) "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.”
This is a simple example of a clear instruction to children, if they are to find favour from God and live a long life. The world has now instituted a law where a child may sue his parents. Whose instruction will we follow? The laws of democracy or the Word of God!
The Word of God is intuitive and full of valuable instructions. People have often made reference to the Bible as a book open to interpretation, but normally those who make these kinds of comments know very little about the Bible. It is more of a comment excusing them from any form of responsibility, yet it is another lie and all those who hold to this view will bear the consequences.
It is now becoming extremely evident that society has a different set of laws; democracy seems to be high on their agenda. And on the surface we would all agree that democracy with its principles is a respectful way to treat other human beings. Democracy means the right to a form of government in which power is invested in the people as a whole, usually exercised on their behalf by elected representatives. The problem with this lifestyle and enforcing government is that their laws now begin to breech the laws of God. In other words they are now declaring war on the only true righteous living God. What are their chances? What are our chances if we side with them over the Word of God? If we say we will stand with a particular democratic alliance and vote for them but they are in opposition to the Word of God, then how will that be to our benefit. We may end up with better sanitation, but how will that help us in the Day of Judgment? We have had such a shift with our reasoning that everything we do is designed to feed that part of the brain which will not and does not naturally seek out righteousness through God’s Word. We may on the other hand use our consciences to determine right from wrong, but if our conscience overrules the Word of God, then we are in trouble! Why? It should be obvious, God cannot lie and as much as He has loved the world by sending His Son to die for all those who would find repentance, He has also promise that those who oppose Him will face judgment and ultimately the Lake of Fire, which will be an eternal punishment.
Look at a country Like the United States of America, they have 52 states and they are governed independently. Who has the right to determine what is right and wrong, well when we use fallen mans reasoning, we will be left wanting. It is clear to see that most if not all the governments in the world are driven by greed. Although the world is full of corrupt leaders we must understand that God is righteous. He was neither created nor born as an infant as if He had to have to learn the lessons of life. He was and He is. He is the great I AM! His work is perfect and all His ways are just. Perfection means that nothing can be added to the equation to enhance it. Absolutely nothing! For if by adding something it would improve the outcome, it was never perfect to begin with.
Therefore if God is perfect, which He is, then His way alone will lead us to the place of perfection. However if we exalt ourselves above His Word then we are in grave danger of His wrath. How do we know that? The Word has warned us! We can only ever be in one of two camps; those who cleave to the Word as if their lives depend upon it and it does! Or those who are proud enough to think they know better that the Perfect One and chose to ignore God’s Word. If we say we are believers but we will only accept portions of scripture but reject what seems a little extreme, then I will say it will be to our own detriment. We have now moved from finding the mind of Christ to knowing better. Beware of this type of reasoning. We are not perfect, yes we are covered by the blood of the Lamb and we are righteous in the eyes of God, only because of His Son’s sacrifice. However we live within a body that is fallen and it wars against that which is perfect, we have a constant enemy that would want to rob us of finding life and it come from within. The Apostle John gives us this insight; “For all that is in the world--the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions--is not from the Father but is from the world.” (1John 2:16) - In other words that does not come from the place of perfection but from that which has fallen and tainted by sin. It is impossible for us to institute perfect righteousness as we are not perfect in ourselves. We therefore must seek instruction from our perfect Father, regardless of any opposition; we now know that He can only ever be right and if we oppose Him we will only ever be wrong. That may be an obvious deduction to most, but examine your life against His Word and see how much of our lives actually oppose God’s instruction.
What constitutes a good Bible teacher? A doctorate, years of study and examples of loving other as they love themselves? All of the above may have their part to play, but they will not complete the teacher. A great teacher will always point us to the Word of God, even if everything seems to be against it. The giants of life will not influence the teacher’s instruction, as they know that God has promise the Promised Land to all who endure unto the end. It may even cost them their lives but one thing that they would have understood is this; “By no means! Let God be true though every one were a liar, as it is written, "That you may be justified in your words, and prevail when you are judged." (Romans 3:4) – Why is this imperative? Because God is perfect and man is fallen! Regardless of opinions, he (teacher) will always value sound doctrine about all else. God has opened his eyes to this truth; “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” (Matthew 24:35)
Therefore if we want to find ourselves founded upon the Rock when the storm comes, and it will come, we must cling to the perfect Word of God as our lives do depend upon it. If I was to breathe my last breath tomorrow, this is the message I would leave us with. Obviously understanding that the Lord Jesus is the Word! He is the rock of our salvation.
Signing off