(Revelation 2:11) “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches. He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.”
How our mindset changes as we get older, it happens or should happen as we mature and become more responsible in life, whatever that may look like for you, it should happen that we all mature with the choices we make in life as we get older. The body ages and theirs cells begin to die as old age begins to wear us down until it finally claims our last breathe. The process of life for all, nobody will escape the first death, unless the rapture claims your body prior to death, but that is another topic for another day. Besides that, we must all die the first death, but did you know there is a second death that many will be a part of and there are also yet many that will escape the “Second Death”, I wonder which camp you will be in? I am persuaded that I will not face the second death, because I have been given sight to see, I have found repentance in and through the only One who has the power to exempt all He has chosen, excusing them from facing death for a second time. The thought of dying once should be enough for all of us. Look at how we live lives and how every single one of us looks to prolong the inevitable, death! We buy face creams that are absorbedly priced to keep the wrinkles away from our eyes as we look to keep the elasticity of a youthful skin for as long as possible. We buy vitamin supplement that will keep us young or so the marketers in the advertising industry tells us. We need complements that boast our self-worth, complements like, “he looks great for his age”, or “I want to look like that when I am seventy”, the list goes on, but the long and the short of it, is we will all die and we all know it. Deep down absolutely no one, regardless of how foolish their outlook on life maybe, everyone acknowledges that death must confront us all. That is why we all look for answers in some times very strange places, horoscopes are popular, in fact they are such a hit that newspapers, magazines and even applications for facebook and the like carry horoscope predictions. We want gratification now and yet we still look to cover our bases after death, we take out Life Cover for our wives, children and loved ones, but our minds constantly tick over in our subconscious as we keep asking ourselves, what after death? There are many voices out there but their can only be one truth, do not make the mistake that so many will make; their philosophy that there are many roads that lead to China, that may be true about life and the everyday choices we are permitted to make, however there is only one road to heaven and that is through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is only God (Jesus Christ) who in the flesh dwelt amongst people on earth and then He went to the cross to die for the sins of mankind, no one else has paid that price and as we are all sinners we will end up in hell; for the penalty of sin is death in hell! If you are without sin then you are safe, you needn’t worried, I on the other hand have many sins that I need to find forgiveness for, for if I do not find forgiveness I will certainly end up in hell, I deserve hell as sin has lead me astray and far from God. I thank God for His beloved Son, Jesus Christ the Lord, my Lord as I have found forgiveness through Him. The call has gone out to all, “whosoever will to the Lord may come He will not turn one away, Jesus, Jesus He’ll not turn one away.” A song I still sing, I sing it even now in anticipation that someone somewhere across the ocean may call out to Jesus and find life and escape the second death.
I do not often make comparisons like this but with this ideology spreading like wildfire; even atheists will eventually grasp some form of the “New Age” movement and find solace there.
God is an impersonal force. | God is personal. He is our Heavenly Father who loves us. |
God is all and all is God. He is part of creation, as are all of us. | God is the Almighty Creator of the universe and all within it. Man is finite, and one of God’s creations. |
There is no sin, only misunderstanding of truth. | Rebellion from God is sin. All have sinned, and all must be saved to escape the “second death”. |
Man saves himself. | Jesus Christ paid the penalty for our sins. Only through faith in Him may man be saved. |
Heaven and Hell do not exist. They are states of mind. | The Bible clearly teachers that there is a literal Heaven, and a literal Hell. |
Jesus is a man who exemplified “Christ Consciousness, and the divinity that is man. | Jesus is the Son of God, and is part of the triune nature of God. |
Sourced from Contender Ministries, with some of my own thoughts added into the chart.
What then is the “second death” and where can we find reference made to it?
“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches. He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.” (Revelation 2:11)
With the second death will come "hurt", how a person can feel pain if there is no life in them is beyond our reasoning, stab a dead man as see if he cries out in pain, he obviously won’t! This death then speaks about death that has feelings attached to it.
“Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: over these the second death hath no power; but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.” (Revelation 20:6)
Here we see that whoever is part of the first resurrection will not be harmed by the second death. In other words all who repent and find forgiveness in and through the Lord Jesus Christ will escape the power of the second death.
And death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death, even the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:14)
All who end up in hell will ultimately end up as partakers of the second death, which is a place of torment, a conscious awareness of pain as those that find themselves in the lake of fire will wail and gnash their teeth in anguish.
But for the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, their part shall be in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone; which is the second death. (Revelation 21:8)
It is clear that all sinners, even those who have ever lied only once and have not found forgiveness, repenting in and through the person, the Lord Jesus Christ will end up in this lake that burns with fire and brimstone.
The bible has spoken and that is what it has to say about the second death, do you believe what it says or will you ignore its warning?
Signing off