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Sunday 10 January 2021

Everlasting Covenant


History has recorded the finished work of the cross, throughout the ages many have suffered death by crucifixion, this is not the work I draw your attention too. The event I apogee is God in the flesh dying on a cruel Roman cross, paying a debt he was guiltless of, then buried in a tomb and on the third day, after that rock had been sealed and guarded by roman soldiers, He rose again from the dead with his glorified body and eventually seen by all the apostles who testified to that truth. They were so persuaded by what they had learnt and seen that all save John were eventually martyred for their faith. For two thousand years the gospel continues to permeate throughout the lands and we now have our part to play. Whilst we have breath we have hope, but more than that, we can impart hope to others. So let us be vigilant until the day  we take our last breath and move from the carnal into the spiritual world of eternity. 

Without a hope people perish, what would be the point of suffering for the sake of righteousness if there was no reward. Believer we have a crown specifically designed for our heads, it will fit no other, whoever endures to the end shall be saved. Let me encourage you with these words…


"Yet he hath made with me an everlasting covenant." 2Sa_23:5

““This covenant is divine in its origin.” HE hath made with me an everlasting covenant." Oh that great word HE! Stop, my soul. God, the everlasting Father, has positively made a covenant with thee; yes, that God who spake the world into existence by a word; he, stooping from his majesty, takes hold of thy hand and makes a covenant with thee. Is it not a deed, the stupendous condescension of which might ravish our hearts for ever if we could really understand it? "HE hath made with me a covenant." A king has not made a covenant with me-that were somewhat; but the Prince of the kings of the earth, Shaddai, the Lord All-sufficient, the Jehovah of ages, the everlasting Elohim, "He hath made with me an everlasting covenant." But notice, it is particular in its application. "Yet hath he made with ME an everlasting covenant." Here lies the sweetness of it to each believer. It is nought for me that he made peace for the world; I want to know whether he made peace for me! It is little that he hath made a covenant, I want to know whether he has made a covenant with me. Blessed is the assurance that he hath made a covenant with me! If God the Holy Ghost gives me assurance of this, then his salvation is mine, his heart is mine, he himself is mine-he is my God.

This covenant is everlasting in its duration. An everlasting covenant means a covenant which had no beginning, and which shall never, never end. How sweet amidst all the uncertainties of life, to know that "the foundation of the Lord standeth sure," and to have God's own promise, "My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips." Like dying David, I will sing of this, even though my house be not so with God as my heart desireth.”” (C.H.Spurgeon)


Signing off




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