The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Wednesday 16 September 2020

History is repeating itself...


(Proverbs 16:25) There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. 

My beloved siblings in Christ, today is a day that I know I will collect opposition, but as long as you see my heart in the matter and that what I have to say is received in the essence of someone looking out for you, someone who has your back, it will be well with my soul. This message is specifically for all my beloved sisters in Christ. And yes if what I am led to pen speaks to your hearts, you will also have your part to play in getting this message out.

From the outset that old platitude of "history always repeats itself", rings true. Have you ever wondered why? Mankind has fallen,because we have been tainted by sin. Simply put, no matter how hard one tries to do the right thing we will always come up short. Our intents may often seem genuine and at times we may even truly believe that we will change. This is where the power of the lie lives and gains momentum. It’s the partial change in our lives that tricks us into believing the lie, in part and at times we do see an adjustment, but never more than that. We can never rid ourselves of our default actions, which will always be tainted by our sinful natures. We will always put our welfare before others. The sooner we understand this the freer we will be to serve our God with a clear continuous.

This is why our Lord and Saviour had to die in our place, He had to open a new beginning for the sinner who through repentance becomes a true believer. Salvation is not patch work, like the worlds and its system propagates, we don’t go to a shrink to dig up the past so that we can confront it and then somehow find the resolve to talk about it and then be set free. NO! Christianity and our “born again” experience gives us a completely fresh start, but not in the old person, we don’t start again by going back into our mother’s womb. We are “born again” in the spirit. This unseen part to us lives that we now know is present, even if no one else can see it. However, they will certainly see a change in our lifestyles. Who truly knows that they have been born again and that they belong to Jehovah God? Without question, you know this to be true… If that is your experience, its God the Holy Spirit, who has quicken your spirit through repentance and by believing on the complete work of the cross you have receives eyes to see into the spirit world through the eyes of faith. A completely different form of communication become part of our lives. It’s as if we receive another sense and instead of 5 senses we now have 6; our faith and the ability to communicate with the Creator of the universe, in and through the person of Jesus Christ our Lord, and it is as real as any of our other senses. Thank you Father God for your intervention in so many lives.

We must be aware of this fact; the flesh or our carnality (our human natures) remains independent from our spirits. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. (John 3:6)  - And yet there is a bridge between the two, OUR MINDS process the thoughts pertaining to both the flesh and the spirit. This then is where traps to our Christian experience are laid by the enemy. Satan and his soldiers always looks to change and challenge the voice of God with what we see and hear. It’s at this point we are forced to process the information with our minds and this is where entrapment finds traction. Depending on what we use as our baseline to arrive at a conclusion. Emotion or logic is always triggered by the flesh, spiritual wisdom always comes when we apply God’s voice to our reasoning even if we don’t understand the reason behind his instruction. Even to that dilemma, God will give you understanding  in due season. Just as a soldier is put through their paces to qualify for a specific division, so too are we tested by God to see where we will stand on a particular subject.   

So how has history repeated itself? The voice of the enemy is asking the very same question as he did in the Garden of Eden. “Has God actually said”? If we allow our carnal minds to process the information that is out there, we will come up short and we will be playing into the enemy’s hands, just like Eve did in the Garden. However if we trust the Word of God and appropriate the “feminist movement” of today through the eyes of faith with the Word of God as our rudder it will be well with our souls.

We must learn, through testing to work out what is that good, acceptable and the perfect will of God for our lives and that process is worked out in and through our minds. It’s obviously the Spirit that feed us the correct information which will always challenge the voices of the world, always! But it’s up to us to then process the information.

The Apostle Paul, the same man that God chose to  influence  the gentile’s lives, in other words everyone who was not born Jewish. The very same man that was caught up into heaven where he saw things that he is not permitted to share with us. He received his revelation directly from heaven and it would be beneficially for all to listen to what he has to say…

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2)

Who is challenging God’s order, where is that message gaining traction and where is the source of that message coming from?

To my beloved sisters in Christ, I am praying for all of you, that your faith will come out the other side tried and tested to the glory and praises of our God and king.

There is a lot more to explore on this subject and if any of you have any questions please send them on, let us stand together in the finished work of the cross and know this, just as our Saviour has our backs, I too will have yours.


Signing off



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