The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Sunday 9 August 2020

Life's Journey

(Philippians 4:7) “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” – is this your reality?


The journey of life, when does it begin, at conception or when we breach our mother’s womb? Regardless of where you land on this, the truth of the matter is we exist and therefore get to an age where we have to start making informed decisions for ourselves. We all have a story to tell and at the end of the day we all have to work it out. Life can be confusing at times, the pressure this generation faces is immense and growing up in this digital age can be harsh. Online bullying and the like, but God has made a way for you to escape the onslaught.


The message of salvation is timeless and on offer to all who cry out to Him. The brilliance of God on display in and through the finished work of the cross. Has the Lord Jesus Christ touched your life in a way that no one can rob you of the experience or is the concept of His redeeming work just pie in the sky? Do you have a form of godliness but deny the power of it all? In other words do you claim to be a Christian but you live no differently to everyone else. Do I? I am not exempt from the very same question. What about the “peace of God that surpasses all understanding?” If not, today may just be your day, for me it happened what seems a lifetime ago, I was 22 years old when God brought me to a place of understanding. Understanding what? Well, I understood that I had been lied to for so many years, 22 to be exact! Adults don’t give teenagers of today enough credit to reason correctly, but I say, we all have the ability to aim from a very young age when it comes to our understanding of the deeper meanings of life. I can remember asking myself the question what is the meaning of life and demands like what about heaven and hell. A dearth, a spiritual blindness for 22 years and then it happen, God opened my eyes and then I knew, all my questions found answers. God gave me the eyes of faith to see into the unseen. Every con I had been lured into prior to this event I could now see the way they had been set up for entrapment; wine, women and song had driven me into the person I had become. Enough was the cry! I had come face to face with Jesus Christ, the One who died for me. He had saved me from a path of destruction, I could see! Everything had now fallen into place and I understood. That moment I will never forget and I treasure it deep within the clevises of my heart. Thank you Jesus for opening my eyes and saving my soul. Do you know what I am speaking about, have you had a similar experience? Let me leave you with this thought, it’s not enough to believe in God, even the demons believe and tremble, they know the power He wields. Has our relationship with the Lord Jesus brought about a change in the way we live our lives and is it obvious to all?


Signing off



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