The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Friday 31 January 2020


“Life and then some” is a quote many of us understand, especially as we get older. The trial of life squeezes and shapes us into the people we become. Sadly billions have missed a trick and our beloved brother Paul looks to set us right, if only we would pay attention.

His life is the prime example of what we need to learn to embrace and it’s not the God given ability he had been given to teach that I seek but rather his ability to shut out the world and lock onto the prize, heaven and all it glory. To be precise, the will of the Father is all that matters, period!

It’s about learning not to be conformed but transformed. This is what I wish to explore; “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” (Romans 12:2)

We need to discover this verse in depth and so I wish to spend time here, but before I start I realise a truth needs to grip us if we have any chance of total commitment because without it we will never come to grips with the complexities of his statement. We will be left mollycoddling the heart of the instruction with kid gloves, which is, DO NOT be CONFORMED but TRANSFORMED.

Firstly we have to peel away the layer of the world’s conformity, we need to come to grips with it and then we can tackle the issue. Conform means to comply with…
It’s the arrangement we need to examine, let’s face it, it’s almost as if the pattern has been carbon copied across the globe and transversely every tribe, tongue and nation that has been colonized has education as a priority with money driving it. This is the core of our existence, when parents gloat, doesn’t it often cover education? But how often do we speak about our children growing up in the ways of the Lord like a Samuel. It’s all about money. Even sport accolades has a similar slant. Think about it, the way we judge ourselves and others. Money the catalyst behind it all. And we know that the love of money is the root of everything evil. Or at least the Christian should know that. On the news yesterday two daughter killed their mother, why? An insurance pay out, money behind a very evil deed indeed.  

With that though nagging away at our minds, let us then heed the instruction; do not be conformed but TRANSFORMED! We need to free up our minds and begin to arm it with new information, which is material that will aid me in appropriating a mind-set which will please my heavenly Father. The only way I have any chance of achieving this is if I pay careful attention to the previous verse; “present your bodies as a living sacrifice”. If that doesn’t resonate then forget it. Carry on with the routine of conformity. It’s not as if we have to go out of our way to put our bodies up for sacrifice. Each day is filled with choices we are called to make. It’s these picks that we need to examine carefully and then by the mercies of God to find grace to act differently. Remember transformed and not conformed.

I suppose I could begin to use examples to get my point across, but that would leave you a particular persuasion and that's not the point. It’s about our lives and God’s will, all I ask is that we stop lying to ourselves. God give us the grace to see ourselves for who we are and then were we need to act accordingly. Be merciful Father, it’s not as if we deserve it, but Christ most certainly does and your children are covered by His sacrifice. Help our love grow as the world begins to distort ripping away at itself.  

Signing off


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