The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Thursday 9 January 2020

To be sure...

There is a song sung amongst the Pentecostals that goes like this, “say will you be ready when Jesus comes, are you sure you born again and washed in Jesus blood?” The question they are asking and labouring to help the religious sectors throughout the land understand is a truth that has been overlooked, we all need to examine our birth certificates. Sunday church goers are being called out. And rightly so! It most certainly not enough to have a form of godliness and yet continuously live a life of denial. Hedging our bets, we know that there is a heaven and a hell, life after death is an obvious truth for many of us. But for those who aren’t sure, they privet religion as a tradition just in case. That old adage of wanting to have your cake and eat it. Sadly it is also no different for the born again Christian when we allow our flesh to dominate our behaviour. It’s all about dressing for battle, but what chance will we ever have if we never open the armoury door. 

The war is fierce, the attack is on all fronts and it comes in waves. A barrage of never ending filth looking to rob us of the joy of the Lord. Without that lightbulb moment, that born again experience, that memory to draw on, there will never be any true commitment and therefore you will never enter into the portals of heaven. Here is the proof of that, the Lord Jesus makes it very clear; Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. (John 3:5-6)

The only question that needs answering is do you believe what is penned in the Bible as fact, or is it just some man’s opinion? I know where I land on this, and those who know me understand what my mantra is. “Let God be true and every man a liar.” So then it is obvious that if you have been a church goer all your life within some religious sect it will never be enough, You need that “born again” moment, a personal moment that no one can ever take from you, a realisation of what it means to be truly be forgiven of our sin and a joy that will surpass all rational reasoning. To put it plainly, that greatest day of your life! Can you of a certainty claim that as your own? If not there will always be a question mark about your salvation. The consequences of getting it wrong will be eternal, so I implore you call upon the name of the Lord with the deepest sincerity you are capable of mustering and he will respond to that call. He has a heart to save the lost...

Surely enough efforts has come from you defending institutions, religious tradition is nothing more than a front. God is interested in the heart, the very core of who we are needs to be exposed and then we can seek forgiveness for who we are, instead of trying to find merit on who we think we are. The truth be told, “There is none righteous, not even one” and until you can say amen to that you will remain in darkness and be in danger of eternal damnation.

I leave you all with this encouragement, look to Jesus and live, there is no other way and remember to dress for battle. Simply put, what would Jesus do in any given circumstance? This is the benchmark of where our minds needs to find its direction. Obviously this may seem like an impossibility, sure if we look to our own abilities, but not if and when we walk in the Spirit. This is the key to it all; “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” (Galatians 5:16– Theory is easy to study and yet application to the concept quite another thing altogether. Let go and let God. My mind is at constant war with itself and I wouldn’t have it any other way, thank you Jesus. 

Whatever is of importance at any given time in a day, these are the times when we have the opportunities to bring glory to our God and Father or not. A day filled with so many opportunities and this is what we must learn, to see them for what they are and not self-gratification. Father I have so far to travel, fill me with your Spirit so that I may be about your will and not my wants.     

Signing off


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