The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Friday, 31 January 2020


“Life and then some” is a quote many of us understand, especially as we get older. The trial of life squeezes and shapes us into the people we become. Sadly billions have missed a trick and our beloved brother Paul looks to set us right, if only we would pay attention.

His life is the prime example of what we need to learn to embrace and it’s not the God given ability he had been given to teach that I seek but rather his ability to shut out the world and lock onto the prize, heaven and all it glory. To be precise, the will of the Father is all that matters, period!

It’s about learning not to be conformed but transformed. This is what I wish to explore; “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” (Romans 12:2)

We need to discover this verse in depth and so I wish to spend time here, but before I start I realise a truth needs to grip us if we have any chance of total commitment because without it we will never come to grips with the complexities of his statement. We will be left mollycoddling the heart of the instruction with kid gloves, which is, DO NOT be CONFORMED but TRANSFORMED.

Firstly we have to peel away the layer of the world’s conformity, we need to come to grips with it and then we can tackle the issue. Conform means to comply with…
It’s the arrangement we need to examine, let’s face it, it’s almost as if the pattern has been carbon copied across the globe and transversely every tribe, tongue and nation that has been colonized has education as a priority with money driving it. This is the core of our existence, when parents gloat, doesn’t it often cover education? But how often do we speak about our children growing up in the ways of the Lord like a Samuel. It’s all about money. Even sport accolades has a similar slant. Think about it, the way we judge ourselves and others. Money the catalyst behind it all. And we know that the love of money is the root of everything evil. Or at least the Christian should know that. On the news yesterday two daughter killed their mother, why? An insurance pay out, money behind a very evil deed indeed.  

With that though nagging away at our minds, let us then heed the instruction; do not be conformed but TRANSFORMED! We need to free up our minds and begin to arm it with new information, which is material that will aid me in appropriating a mind-set which will please my heavenly Father. The only way I have any chance of achieving this is if I pay careful attention to the previous verse; “present your bodies as a living sacrifice”. If that doesn’t resonate then forget it. Carry on with the routine of conformity. It’s not as if we have to go out of our way to put our bodies up for sacrifice. Each day is filled with choices we are called to make. It’s these picks that we need to examine carefully and then by the mercies of God to find grace to act differently. Remember transformed and not conformed.

I suppose I could begin to use examples to get my point across, but that would leave you a particular persuasion and that's not the point. It’s about our lives and God’s will, all I ask is that we stop lying to ourselves. God give us the grace to see ourselves for who we are and then were we need to act accordingly. Be merciful Father, it’s not as if we deserve it, but Christ most certainly does and your children are covered by His sacrifice. Help our love grow as the world begins to distort ripping away at itself.  

Signing off


Thursday, 23 January 2020


Being stranded at sea on a flimsy raft must be rather daunting, No matter where you gaze you see nothing but moving water. At the mercy of the currents, similarly to us and our lives, adrift and far from God, our creator. The damage is so server that our worlds are exclusively self-regulating, or so we would like to believe. Everyone opinionated on what they believe their perception to be for this life and the one to come. But only as long as we breathe oxygenated air and then we shall all see the truth for what it is, and sadly for many it will then it will be far too late. Death will have the final to say. 

Our souls (spirits) live on forever and the Father of Spirits is the same God who created us and this world we live in. It wasn’t a random Big Bang or some other fabricated concoction. We best be about His business and not only our sinful wants. Or at the very least somewhat aware of what is going on. Some are quick to pass their opinions on those around them as fact entrapping themselves and others. The Bible is the final authority and God has sanctioned it. If any persuasion twists the guidelines of what has been penned or comes with some new doctrine it has been designed to mislead, period! The enemy is fierce and we often are our own worst enemies. Everything that operates on a carnal level is toxic, why? It has been tainted by sin, passé! And the sooner we learn this lesson the better. It’s only the Spirit that is not subject to that influence. This is why we need to learn to walk in the Spirit. 

If we believe that sin may be accommodated as the norm, we are mistaken, there are many examples I could use to stress this truth. I heard someone say, “To hate is like drinking poison and expecting them to die”. It’s this type of mentality that ensnares us and we could use the logic across every walk of life. Same sex marriage, sexual immorality (decadence), woman usurping authority over men as a general rule, fits of anger, strife, jealousy, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness and the list is endless. Agape love is love of the highest order, God’s love could never accept sin as it is outside of His character, but His Son the Lord Jesus Christ did defeat it in human form. God Himself became a man and laid down His life for sinners like you and me. Reject His sacrifice at your own peril.  

The sooner we learn to “let go and let God” (The one who is in perfect control of even the future) it’s only at this place in our lives that the peace of God becomes a reality. Listen to the word of our beloved brother Paul; I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.” Can we echo his sentiment? To be totally at peace in every situation because we know who we have in our corner, praise the name of Jesus! There is no more hoping against hope, or willing a lie to be true, believing something for the sake of your existence because that somehow allows you to live with yourself. It’s an easy test to calibrate, but only if your believe "God to be true and every man a liar”.     

Why did God create mankind? He did it for himself; "this people have I formed for myself, they shall show forth my praise". Sadly how far is that from the truth? Save a handful of individuals along the way whom God chose to single out, all those who confronted fierce opposition from the enemy, all the hates of God. God had a purpose to create man so that they would bring Him praise, as a rule there is nothing further from the truth. There is chaos on every corner and as for the apparent church of God, there are many who are making a mockery of God’s reflection. The twisting of His Word the Bible to accommodate their lusts as if God has given them a pass. Sadly we all fail to some degree in this area of our lives, but only until God the Holy Spirit brings us to our senses. The One who leads us into all righteousness. We are continuously having to deal “with the sin that so easily besets”. But the fight must rage on if we are to please our Father. Victory at times, defeat and then repentance. Just don't excuse sin as the norm. We may never have victory in every area of our lives, but we must die trying to find the grace to overcome. The more I explore this thought the more I am floored, God’s goodness, His tolerance, such patience on display. Remembering that He has it in His power to destroy. And it’s not as if He spent months fabricating a weapon to achieve His objective, there is no need for that, He is the armament and a Word from Him is all it takes. He has that much power, and yet He allows mankind to mock, blaspheme and belittle His authority. Why, I know I obviously do not have that type of resolve? This will floor you if you see it for what it is… “For God so LOVED the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever would believe in Him would not perish but have eternal life.” It’s the Love of God that drives Him into action. Just like seasons have their time, so too will the window of the Love of God come to an end, today is the day of salvation, harden not your hearts but repent, call upon the name of Jesus and you shall be saved. Die without ever doing this and hell will be your final destination. Tar and feather me if you must, but there are so many lies out there and the truth must be declared. I could sit back in my corner and hold my tongue, with the attitude I’m ok so why endure the opposition from people who resist the gospel. The answer is an obvious one, God used someone to speak to me which in turn brought about my repentance. How then could I be so selfish to keep it to myself.   

God created mankind for a particular purpose, to bring him praise and Satan looks to overthrow the will of God. This is how it all started for us and how we ended up in this apparent calamity. I say “apparent” only because at the end of it all, the will of God will remain supreme and He will as always achieve His objective. The bride will be ready for the marriage feast of the Lamb, praise God!

Here is a verse that when digested will bring with it great comfort; “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

Christian we must not lose focus as we are so near to the end of our race, remember to look to Jesus and live.

Signing off


Wednesday, 15 January 2020

By design

There is a design characteristic that will never leave us until we make it to heaven. It’s part of the design that God has allowed to sift the wheat from the chaff. Not that sin is someone thing He is privy to, per say, however He has allowed it to work in our lives to teach us valuable lessons. The brilliance of God, who can know it?

Do not be fooled, the universe behaviours exactly as God intends. He is in perfect control, we must stop trying to humanize Him, and we make this mistake far too often. As if we have the ability to destroy something that He has created, without Him allowing it to happen. The world believes it’s up to us to determine what will happen to God’s creation and it’s this mind-set that will eventually bring it crashing down. Sure we are the keepers of what He has given us, but the majority of mankind exclude Him in any decision making. Who do we think we are? The blind leading the blind and both fall into the ditch. Our focus better be on the will of our Father if it is to ends well. The world is lost and it will do everything in its power to oppose God’s will, but they will fail. We must look to Jesus and live. The day of His return is soon approaching. Remember the parable of the ten virgins.
How does sin play it part in our lives to learn the lessons needed to bring glory to our God? Firstly we need to understand and see ourselves for who we are. If we miss this our persuasions will always be looking for justification. We will look to our natural abilities to find favour from God. Which then means we will be operating outside the realms of grace. We have been saved by grace through faith and this must anchor our understanding. This alleviates any form of boasting, praise God for that.

We have a carnal body which houses our spiritual bodies, the Christian has a responsibly to manage that. How? It’s all about walking in the Spirit, which is unnatural.

The theory needs to be applied in daily living; we must never be surprised by our thoughts as they have been tainted by sin, the lesson is to not allow them to become actions. We will not always find victory, hence the lessons of grace. However the objective must never change, which is to glorify our God in and through the trial.

For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do. (Galatians 5:17) – If we understand the principle of something it’s half the battle won,  we know what then needs to happen. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.(Galatians 5:18)

The lesson is to learn walk in the Spirit even though we are living in the flesh. A hidden gem that only the Christian is privy too.

So how am I able to measure my performance? It plain to see; “Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.(Galatians 5:19-21) – It’s time to look in the mirror and see clearly and then we will understand whether we are governed by our flesh or the Spirit.
When we are walking in the Spirit, this is what it will look like; “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-25)

The last question that needs to be answered is are we instep?

Give us strength Father to dress for battle.

Thank you my blessed Redeemer for your example, perfection personified! bless your name now and forever more, Amen!

Signing off


Thursday, 9 January 2020

To be sure...

There is a song sung amongst the Pentecostals that goes like this, “say will you be ready when Jesus comes, are you sure you born again and washed in Jesus blood?” The question they are asking and labouring to help the religious sectors throughout the land understand is a truth that has been overlooked, we all need to examine our birth certificates. Sunday church goers are being called out. And rightly so! It most certainly not enough to have a form of godliness and yet continuously live a life of denial. Hedging our bets, we know that there is a heaven and a hell, life after death is an obvious truth for many of us. But for those who aren’t sure, they privet religion as a tradition just in case. That old adage of wanting to have your cake and eat it. Sadly it is also no different for the born again Christian when we allow our flesh to dominate our behaviour. It’s all about dressing for battle, but what chance will we ever have if we never open the armoury door. 

The war is fierce, the attack is on all fronts and it comes in waves. A barrage of never ending filth looking to rob us of the joy of the Lord. Without that lightbulb moment, that born again experience, that memory to draw on, there will never be any true commitment and therefore you will never enter into the portals of heaven. Here is the proof of that, the Lord Jesus makes it very clear; Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. (John 3:5-6)

The only question that needs answering is do you believe what is penned in the Bible as fact, or is it just some man’s opinion? I know where I land on this, and those who know me understand what my mantra is. “Let God be true and every man a liar.” So then it is obvious that if you have been a church goer all your life within some religious sect it will never be enough, You need that “born again” moment, a personal moment that no one can ever take from you, a realisation of what it means to be truly be forgiven of our sin and a joy that will surpass all rational reasoning. To put it plainly, that greatest day of your life! Can you of a certainty claim that as your own? If not there will always be a question mark about your salvation. The consequences of getting it wrong will be eternal, so I implore you call upon the name of the Lord with the deepest sincerity you are capable of mustering and he will respond to that call. He has a heart to save the lost...

Surely enough efforts has come from you defending institutions, religious tradition is nothing more than a front. God is interested in the heart, the very core of who we are needs to be exposed and then we can seek forgiveness for who we are, instead of trying to find merit on who we think we are. The truth be told, “There is none righteous, not even one” and until you can say amen to that you will remain in darkness and be in danger of eternal damnation.

I leave you all with this encouragement, look to Jesus and live, there is no other way and remember to dress for battle. Simply put, what would Jesus do in any given circumstance? This is the benchmark of where our minds needs to find its direction. Obviously this may seem like an impossibility, sure if we look to our own abilities, but not if and when we walk in the Spirit. This is the key to it all; “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” (Galatians 5:16– Theory is easy to study and yet application to the concept quite another thing altogether. Let go and let God. My mind is at constant war with itself and I wouldn’t have it any other way, thank you Jesus. 

Whatever is of importance at any given time in a day, these are the times when we have the opportunities to bring glory to our God and Father or not. A day filled with so many opportunities and this is what we must learn, to see them for what they are and not self-gratification. Father I have so far to travel, fill me with your Spirit so that I may be about your will and not my wants.     

Signing off


Wednesday, 1 January 2020


Focus is something that is eluding me of late, my eyes are not as sharp as they once were. But focus is critical as we move into 2020, we need it more than ever, as if that would be possible. We have always relied on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith from inception through to the end, our complete dependence is on Him to get us home and through each day. However I can’t but help wanting to stand on the highest mountain to blow my trumpet. Every Christian has been given a measure of faith and with that comes gifting, spiritual gifting. That which we will all have to give an account of when God summons us into his presence, for the judgment of fire will reveal our faithfulness to the measure we have received. Fire will test our works; each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. (1Corinthians 3:13)

The rewards we receive here, we will carry with us into eternity, and my prayer is that I would become a lot more diligent in my application across the entire spectrum of obedience in my life. To have an ear fine tuned to the voice of my Fathers will. Please pray for me, the day is soon approaching when the trump of God shall sound, the rapture is coming and just as the sun rises each morning, complacency is setting in, just as the Word predicted. Whether that day arrives in our lifetime, it should have very little bearing on the way we all finish our race. It’s time to dig deep, resolve to please our God like never before and to find grace to achieve this goal.

Another year has closed in and a new one begins, the pyromaniacs have achieved their goals and the birds are starting to sing their songs, the sun isn’t quite ready to show itself, but it won’t be long now. Resolutions are intentions that never seem to actual blossom. But with God all things are possible, therefore let us remember to look to Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith in everything we do and may it always be to the glory of our heavenly Father’s will. God first and His righteousness and the rest will fall into place. Of this I am persuaded. 

May the peace of our God surpass each and every trial we may face this coming year, to Him be the glory now and forever more, Amen!

Signing off
