If and when we look for answers it is
always good to go back to the beginning. A regiment needed in order to find the
truth or any hidden clues we must start as far back as possible to be precise.
Now there are those whose look to go beyond, apparently speaking as authorities
about billions of years ago, really! Well be that as it may, for the Christian
it is not as complicated, it’s rather simple, and the clues have been penned.
The Bible is the final authority and we know it to be true. Today in most
countries the bible is freely available for all to explore. Let me rephrase
with the likes of the internet, all have access to the bible. Some cherish it
as I do whilst others disregard it completely, why? Well that is the answer I
need to search out and where better to start than in the beginning…
“In the
beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)
order for anyone to start their journey correctly they must begin on the
correct tile. Most have played monopoly, to do decide to join the game start on
a tile you have been eyeing out, which is forbidden, we all start on the tile
that says “start”! Miss the truth about “God the Creator” and you will
always be chasing the rabbit down the hole and remain in darkness. However,
because there was a time that we were blind doesn’t mean we won’t receive
sight. However, there is a particular process that needs following in order for
it to happen. Unless a person is “born again”, regardless of race, religion,
colour or creed they haven’t even begun the quest of eternal understanding.
Many may believe that they are on track but are sadly mistaken. It is never too
late to begin correctly, whilst we have breath we have hope. However some will
never yield to the voice of God, whilst still under their own sway or should I
rather say, under the sway of the devil. That’s really where we are, one or the
other, no in-betweens. That is what deception was designed to do, get people to
believe in lies as truth. A conman may sell you a fake Rolex and you buy it
believing it to be authentic. You believe the lie and remained conned into the
purchase. Miss the truth behind that it was God who created the heavens and the
earth and you will never arrive with any meaningful conjecture, it will always
be surrounded by deception. Give God His rightful place as the Creator or
beware, judgment is looming. Save as many dolphins or whales as you must but be
sure to acknowledge God as their Creator, and voice that very clearly within
the struggle. Leave no doubt behind, it’s time to stand up and be counted.
question I have for myself is why do I believe that with all my heart and
others do not? Why have I received revelation? It is obvious, the goodness of
God, there is nothing within me that somehow got God to sway His hand toward me
as if I had earned His favour. If anyone actually believes that, they must be
delusional. “It’s the goodness of God that leads a man towards repentance”.
Therefore the bible is a tool to help mankind get to a place of precise
understanding; God is the Creator of all things. I will say it again, question
this at your own peril.
if one is capable of saying Amen to that truth, without any but’s attached to
the equation, the game have begun and it is now time to roll the dice. However
the beauty of this game is that it is “finished”, Jesus has overcome. Faith now
drives us to believe God, regardless of the obstacles we face. It’s now our
chance to learn many valuable lessons along the way. The book Pilgrims Progress
is a wonderful illustration of a Christian’s journey from start to end. It
encapsulates the entire experience in one form or another, it is a far better
account that any fictional novel as it places you slap bang in the centre and
able to glean from his experience as our own, the journey is fierce and
although there are many treacherous scary creatures to overcome, we are the
ones who need conquering the most. It’s the “I” that needs to die.
have we been born and what is the sole purpose of mankind? Pay very careful
attention to my response; to learn to honour God and to pay Him due benevolence
as the Creator of all things, the final authority! The rest of our lives will
then be modelled slightly differently but will all have the same objective; to
be about the will of God, and this will take a lifetime to work out. Thank God
for His patience! All praise and honour belongs to Jesus Christ my Lord and
Saviour, bless His name now and forever more, Amen and Amen!
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