The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Saturday 5 January 2019


(1 Corinthians 2:14) “The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.” 

It’s a new day, a new year and the call of God remains the same for all, repent and be saved. Why does the call repentance elude so many? To most it is foolish behaviour and the truth of Spiritual things elude them. Simple put they cannot understand what they cannot see. But for the Christian we see and understand through the eyes of faith, which is a gift of God and we are never to forget that. Be patient with family and friends but never buckle on the message of repentance. Pre adventure God may just give them sight.

Although the voices out there are doing their best to try and accommodate tolerance as the Christian thing to do, which it is, so long as acceptance does not become a reason to excuse our sin? The expression behind the wave is driving mankind into a lull of false security, with a flag hoisted high, which clearly reads “acceptance for all”. However the small print is overlooked by so many. How many of you actually read the terms and conditions of any given contract from start to finish? But even if your intention was to uncover any trickery it would be impossible, as the ink use here is invisible, unseen to the naked eye and foolishness to believe we are being duped. The singlehanded way to uncover the trickery, is to put on the “mind of Christ”. The only way to have access to the “mind of Christ” is to cry out to Jesus Christ the Lord and ask Him to save you from the looming destruction that is just over the horizon.

Once you are forgiven and that spiritual miracle takes place, you are then given spiritual eyes, all this simple means is that the unknown which was once in the dark is now quicken and the mind is able to make sense of certain unseen truths. It is a phenomenal gift from God. And as in any walk of life, there will always be someone in our path to make life difficult. Nevertheless take joy in this truth, as Christians we have more for us than against us. God will always be victorious. Ask yourself this question, will God have the final say? Which is an obvious conclusion, why do so many shirk His call to repentance, outside of it appearing foolish? Although it would be impossible to separate deception and foolishness as they are interlinked. Stay here a while, mull it over, explore the depths of it all and you will arrive at my conclusion, trickery rules the way. However deception with a feel good persona energizing it all, quite brilliant in fact. But then again did you know that Satan was created by God full of wisdom? Mankind is no match for him, but Jesus defeated Him on Calvary, that is why we need the “mind of Christ”. I trust I have made sense and you are able to understand the urgency of it all. We must make a conscious decision in the mornings to put given time aside and to do whatever it takes to find the grace of God to put on the “mind of Christ”. Just one day at a time. This is what we have been called to do. Without time spent in the Word of God sitting at the feet of Jesus, we begin to wither away, no differently to people marooned on a desert island trying to live off the bare provisions of the land; we have all see those TV episodes and in just a short time people lose astronomical amounts of weight. Christian discipline is crucial for our growth in the Spirit.

As Christian we will fall and fail, one the reasons for this is to remind us that we have been saved by grace, which is a gift of God and without failure in our lives we would certainly become puffed up with pride. However this will never excuse our sin as acceptable, forgiveness we will find, when we fall to our knees seeking out God’s mercy. We have been called to a life of holiness, wow! How far I have yet to travel. While we have breath we have hope, and each morning as we wake let us make it our priority to “put on the mind of Christ”. Christians all have the mind of Christ; “For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 2:16) – It needs to be triggered, switched on if you like, and activated by prayer and the Word of God. And what better time to do this with the rising of the sun, not the end of the day, we don’t write an exam and then study for it afterwards.

Signing off

Survival, the art of war or outwitting the nemesis we come against is surely what life is about.

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