And the war rages on… what is your weapon of war?
Do don’t be fooled the battle is fierce and you are in the
heat of that mêlée, slap bang in the middle of it, you are the centrepiece, the
king which the enemy needs conquered, we may all be pawns in the global game of
life, but certainly not in our own worlds, we are the king and everything
revolves around us. But through the haze of it all we must focus on the prize,
heaven and all it glory. Everyone plays here, no one is exempt, we didn’t chose
to play, but that is irrelevant, we are here and the game has begun. Our birth
made sure of that. Game on! The result can only ever have one of two outcomes,
fail and eternal damnation will be your end, win and an eternity of bliss in
the presence of God, but more than that you will be number amongst the sons of
God forever and ever. That is what I want more than anything this world has to
offer me. But like I said the battle is fierce…
We are our own worst enemies, and no one is exempt from the
equation. Time to look to the Word of God for the eye salve needed to focus on
the bigger picture…
Its all about the end game, but how the game is played will
determine our outcome. We learn this principal from a very young age, but it’s
where we place our attention that is critical. Sadly it’s all about the
natural, be the best of the best in whatever we do and all will end well,
WRONG! We must look to Jesus and not depend upon our ability. This is such an
unnatural phenomena that we need the Spirit’s intervention in our lives or else
it would be an impossible task. This must be done with a natural body, it’s
what we have. Everything around us is designed to entice us to walk in the
flesh, it’s only the unseen that will give us the direction that we need to
overcome. We must look through the eyes of faith, which in itself is a gift
from God. Plead for the gift of faith if your conviction wains, ask your
heavenly Father to supply all your need and He will be quick to come to your
aid, but ask you must.
Heaven and earth both dominated by two different underlying
realities, the spirit (the unseen) and the natural (everything we are privy
too). God has ordained that for us, first the natural and then the spiritual,
for the angels a different set of rules. That doesn’t concern us for now, it’s
about our game and not theirs, per say. It’s crucial that we get ours worked
out and then we need to commit. However there is so much “static” about, our
lives are filled with so much “noise” that we often loose our bearing, but only
for a time, when we come to our senses and we look to Jesus and the Word of God
our rudders are realigned and we can once again commit with zeal. So where are
you, what are you doing with your life and is your time spent committed to the
natural or are you walking in the spirit? These are the question that need
Here are some facts that need serious consideration…
I want us to look a little deeper than the surface, and it
will then become clear, ask The Holy Spirit to enlighten your understanding and
touch the areas in your lives that need to be addressed.
We have been tricked into believing that we can get ourselves
to heaven even if our mouths say something different. Sure there isn’t a
Christian alive that will not acclaim salvation to the Lord Jesus Christ. But
how many having begun in the Spirit now look to the flesh to earn their
salvation? All they really start doing is depending upon their natural
abilities once again. Whilst others look to excuse away the sin and use grace
as a licence to get away with it. Both will have disastrous outcomes. Why? They
are both driven by the natural. Anything driven by the natural will always look
to oppose the will of God because the core of it has been tainted by sin, which
is the enemy of God. You get it?
I realise I am only scraping the surface with this subject. I
could write a book on the topic and there would still be much left unexplored.
All I am looking to do is plant the seed, which God has planted in my
understanding so that it may germinate in your mind and then play out into your
game. Whether a managing director, widow, orphan, mother, father, school goer,
breadwinner or wherever you fit, the rules are the same for all, walk in the
Spirit and you will put to death the lust of the flesh; “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not
gratify the desires of the flesh.” (Galatians
If we do not learn to apply this
truth to our lives, we will suffer a world of hurt and if we never end up where
we should, this is to depressing to even consider, so I will leave it at that; “For
the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit
are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want
to do. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the
law. Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity,
sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger,
rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things
like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things
will not inherit the kingdom of God.” (Galatians
5:17-21) – Why will those not inherit the kingdom of God? They
haven’t learnt the importance of looking to Jesus and walking in the Spirit. If
and when we get this right, what bliss; “But
the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no
law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with
its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in
step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another,
envying one another.” (Galatians
If we call ourselves Christians we
then claim to LIVE BY THE SPIRIT we must also WALK IN THE SPIRIT.
Signing off