The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Wednesday 14 November 2018

David's example

Understanding the basic fundamentals of our existences is imperative if we are to grow as Christians. One of the greatest examples that demonstrate this is King David. Psalm 51 is filled with disappointment, heartache and yet a clarity that surpasses the understanding of so many Christians of our day. Even within the tragedy of David’s sin he understood what needed to be done. I Pray God the Holy Spirit gives us eyes to see and then the ability to action us into bringing honour to our God, Father and blessed redeemer. He is so worthy, praise His glorious name.

Psalm 51 is full of treasure ready for gleaning…

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions.

I suppose without the failure of sin in our lives, or at least the acknowledgment of it we will never see ourselves for who we really are; sinful beings to our very core. It's only when our eyes are opened to this truth that we cry out “have mercy on me o God”. Until then we are always trying to hide our sin, keeping our truth away from others and always playing the “comparison card” when the pressure is on. Tricking our own consciences into believe so many lies about who we actually are. When David’s sin was expose he sprang into action, fell to his knees and approached the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the only true God with an urgent plea help. He understood what was needed to please his God, do we? Let us learn from him, and then we just may hear a whisper across the heavens, “there is a mam after my own heart”.

We do not have the power to have mercy upon ourselves, God has the power to unleash His mercy upon whom He chooses. It’s imperative that we get in line seeking out His provision. Crying out unto Him is the only way we will ever receive a portion of that mercy. Forget trying to forge you own works to earn His mercy, Isaiah puts this type of mentality into this harsh reality; We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.” (Isaiah 64:6) - Without the mercy of God wafting into our lives we will be conquered by our sin, it will have the final say. David understood this very clearly, do we? If not it is time to ask God to shows us who we are outside of Christ. It one thing to nod our heads and say we understand, but do we really understand? David did and I want really to be taken deeper with my understanding, for I know I will find release in the mercy of God. This must be our mantra; “ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open unto you.” It’s only God who knows how to give great gifts unto His children. These gifts have nothing to do with the carnal but rather the spirit. This is what I passionately seek out; the resolve to please my heavenly Father. The only way for me to achieve this is to have the mind and the understanding of King David.

Christ has blotted out the Christians transgression, praise His glorious name. However it is imperative to be reminded of His sacrifice and to see how merciful God has been on his elect, those who have fallen to their knees, confessing their sin and crying out for God’s mercy.

Continue to nurture my heart sweet Father and Holy Spirit help me feed my mind will King David’s attitude, Amen and Amen!

Signing off


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