The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Monday 12 February 2018

Words come easily

Words come so easily, it rolls off the tongue without any conscious thought and it’s only when we challenge ourselves that we are taken deeper. “Sincerely” is word I often use but questionable when the layers of my actions are stripped away. Our prayers all filled with intent and yet how often are they supported by our actions?

I believe we need compassion. It must be a priority, however this does not imply that we glibly pass our sin by as acceptable, it does not give us license to accept blatant sin as conventional due to our differing makeups, we are all sinners and we all need to find repentance and there is no exception to that rule, save the Lord Jesus Christ. Society would love us to believe that we should be less ridged in our thinking, which must never take root as okay, nevertheless we must learn to be as gentle as doves and as wise as serpents; “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” (Proverbs 15:1) 

The Apostle James seemed to be a harsh man, but I see him as a man of action and nothing more, he proved his words by his actions. He directed his council to professing Christians, he was on their side and wanted to correct their error. Never forget the purpose of God’s Word, it provides light to a dark and rebellious world, it gives the Christian direction and always points to true north. Are we men of action? We all apply ourselves to our own level of comfort as we see fit and it is often conditional. James obviously learnt to channel his considerations when it opposed the will of God, so that his thoughts would not be acted upon when they tested God’s will. We have been instructed to follow his example; to walk in the spirit so that we will put to death the deeds of the flesh and there is no exception to that truth, no sin that will get a pass. 

Now this is a topic that has been so badly tainted in our day and age; in the mind’s eye of many professing Christians, as long as it walks and looks like a duck it must then be a duck type of mentality can often be more damaging than obvious sin. How do I know this to be true? Jesus himself proves it by singling out the religion leaders of the times, those leading the flock, whom he calls workers of the devil. It is far more dangerous to see yourselves as a righteous person than allowing the word of God to expose your sin so that repentance may follow. I am convinced that God seeks out those who have heart conversations with Him. A private unspoken conversation that is constantly ongoing, a reverent banter between God and ourselves with no hidden agenda. We are human and therefore tainted by sin so we will always to some degree be looking out for ourselves, however as we grow in grace and the longer we sit at the feet of Jesus the better off we will become in so many area of our lives.

I heard someone say that our eventful lives leads us towards defining moments. The struggle, failure and heartache is all intertwined to get us to a point where we have the ability to act in accordance with the will of God. It mind blowing, the brilliance of God! He has the aptitude to take a disastrous situation and turn it into absolute beauty. However it’s about getting us to a place where we will be a blessing to others. It’s like a polished arrow of the archer, in his quiver he hides it away, until that moment arrives.  

The Lord Jesus found himself in the Garden of Gethsemane, an event pre-orchestrated from before the foundation of the world by God. It was a trial of mammoth proportion and it had obviously been discussed, nevertheless because of the Lord Jesus’ humanity he found himself looking for an alternative. This was his prayer, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” (Matthew 26:39). Without this event happening, we would all be doomed for hell, wow! That is hard to swallow and yet accurate. We must understand this!

How blind is blind, I find myself pondering, it is a thought that nags away at me. The deception of today’s day and age is cloaked with such refinements that all, male and female alike are gobbling it up. It is a topic that we dare not uncover less we be tarred with the brush of bigotry and for the Christian to expose their views on it would be like casting pearls before swine. All I will say on the matter is trust the WORD OF GOD and do not be swayed by the voices of today. God is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow and no opinionated ideas will sway who He is and what he stands for. Boycotts and the like against the Word of God ultimately will never. He is Righteous and will never bend to any whim contrary to His character. GOD is the creator of all things and every knee will bend to the Lord Jesus Christ and confess Him as Lord. Whether that be willingly or with a rod of iron, and again I will remind all that day will arrive.

Signing off


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