The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Sunday 4 February 2018

Dear Father

Time to regroup and focus on what really counts…

Seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, forgive me Father for the muddy waters in my life around this truth. The cares of this life are real and it would be dishonest of me if I did not confess that at times they wear me down. Faith demands loyalty, help me with my unbelief and forgive me for my sin.

We are all driven, dissect it and it will soon be obvious to all that we are determined individuals, even the sloth is driven to be lazy. Although some drives are detrimental to the end game, this does not equate to us being driver-less. In fact the opposite must be concluded, we are driven in another or opposite direction. The Christian has a new goal, “the kingdom of God and His righteousness”, period! We have been called "to put on the mind of Christ".

A beggar will do whatever he must to fill his stomach, but once it is full, no more need to rummage through the trash and such is the cycle of life irrespective of our differing arenas. This is my point as Christians we can no longer hang onto the trivia of this life and yet we find ourselves captivated by it. It’s for this type of mind-set that I pray for forgiveness. To be driven by complacency is unacceptable, especially when the majority of world is doomed for hell. Reignite a zeal that the canker-worm has feasted upon. I pray for even just a slither of the zeal that captivated my soul way back in 1987, be merciful Father, not because I deserve it but rather because you have it in your power to be merciful.

The more I analyse my predicament, the heavier I become, the cares of this life are real and yet they gain momentum outside the realm of faith. Unbelief is their playground. One of the greatest examples of faith playing out would have been Moses and the Red Sea. The enemy was bearing down with one thought in mind, to slaughter and yet Moses looked up towards the heavens and cried out to His God and the sea parted, walls of water defining the laws of gravity. Who would have believed it, Moses did! He understood and then he cried out to his God who intervened, praise God! This is the mentality we have been called to implement into our lives, anything short of it, is unbelief. Father God, Please forgive me for my unbelief!

God does not need our help in that sense but we must certainly learn to depend upon His. "Obedience is better than sacrifice". This is the objective of our existence. This is the lesson every Christian must learn if it is to be well with our souls.

Signing off


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