The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Thursday 21 December 2017


Understanding the significance of washing throughout biblical history is very relevant for us today and there is much we can glean from when examining it a little closer. Washing of old dealt with various aspect and deeper underlying principles in the lives of the elect.

From the very beginning of time travelers would be afforded small amounts of water set aside to wash their feet. A spiritual analogy we can draw from; the closer we are to the dirt as we move across the plains of life, the dusty environment, the dirtier our feet become and a greater work is needed to renew our minds with the will of God for our lives. The tighter we cling to God’s direction in our lives the fuller we will be with the peace of God as it overshadows our aura. This is why so many outside of the will of God need to be helped by "shrinks" no wonder they can charge exceptional rates and still have people flocking to their doors. Everything that does not have roots in the equation of eternity, particularly to our roles in fulfilling the will of God as we use the BIBLE, HIS WORD and nothing else as our barometers will leave us wanting.

In order for us to understand the deeper meanings of life we must lay the correct foundation to our understanding, obviously we need eyes wide open and not wide shut to apprehend and this will only ever happen if God grants us the ability to see into His realm, the spiritual world. However the application remains true for all, which is this, we must understand the correlation between the world of carnality and that of the spirit and how they should both drive us towards a position of correction as we travel through life. King Solomon, David son, teaches us much with regard to trying to gratify our flesh as a means to an end. He sums it up like this; “and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher; all is vanity.” (Ecclesiastes 12:7-8) – In other words, no matter what you strive for in this life if you miss the call of God it will be catastrophic.

Water and the use of it is a great clue to get us there.

Water and the Word of God correlates with one another, dirty feet need to be washed to remove the filth from them, studying the Word of God aligns our minds with Gods will for our lives and in turn renews our minds and equips us to put on the mind of Christ. Therefore, let us all be diligent when it comes to this area of our lives, for it will then result with great benefit and prepare us for the life to come which obviously has eternal concerns.

My prayer is this, Father God give us all the fortitude to be far more diligent in this area of our lives, Amen and Amen!

Signing off


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